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Draft Agenda for UDLR meeting

Dear all,

Here follows action points from previous meeting
and then a draft agenda for next Monday's meeting.
If you have other items you would like to discuss,
or if you would like to have a short presentation
please indicate that in order to post the final agenda
before Friday.


Actions points from previous meeting

Action 1
> Edit "issues" ID (should have it by Apr 97 according to charter)

No work has been done to edit this ID. we should
discuss whether we still need to do it.

Action 2
> Edit a common ID on a single agreed tunnelling solution
> Cross-post this common ID to other lists

The common ID is not edited yet. 
The agreed plan was
	general presentation/terminology
	short description of proposals
	detailed description of solution (agreed details, open issues)

We should work on the content next week.

Action 3
> post all proposed IDs before end of May 

Concerning these proposed IDs (1->6)

1) VIPRE -- Virtual Internet Packet Relay
An Encapsulation Architecture for Unidirectional Links
by James Stepanek (The Aerospace Corporation)
and Stephen Schwab (Twin Sun Inc). February 1997.

2) An IP tunneling approach for Uni-directional Link routing
by Hidetaka Izumiyama, Akihiro Tosaka and Akira Kato 
(WIDE project). July 1997.

3) Dynamic Tunneling Path Configuration for Uni-directional 
Link Routing
by Hidetaka Izumiyama and Akihiro Tosaka (WIDE project). 
July 1997.

all 3 are available from ftp://zenon.inria.fr/rodeo/udlr/archive.txt 


Handling of unidirectional links with RIP E. Duros, C. Huitema
Handling of unidirectional links with OSPF E. Duros
Handling of unidirectional links with DVMRP E. Duros, W. Dabbous

Authors of these I-Ds are invited to bring the recommended modifications
to their documents, (i.e. to make sure that they don't look like results; 
add 1pp boilerplate that indicates proposalness. This pp will be provided 
by the group editor) in order to label them as I-Ds as agreed in last meeting.

If you have any comments on these drafts please send them
on the mailing list or during the meeting

Action 4

>INRIA may be able to demonstrate UDLR multicast over the Eutelsat
>satellite to show either the UDLR IETF session or the SIGCOMM '97 
>keynote or both.

This will not be possible for IETF. We are working hard to
do it for the SIGCOMM'97 keynote speach.


Draft Agenda for UDLR WG

Monday, August 11th From 19h30 to 22h00 
(Congress C)

1)  Finalize discussion on terminology

2)  Discussion tunneling issues
	a) Encapsulation (GRE or IP-in-IP)
	b) Support of MAC addresses
	c) Dynamic Configuration Protocol

3) short presentations on experiment results 
	b) WIDE (?)

Walid Dabbous
INRIA U.R. de Sophia Antipolis      | Email : dabbous@sophia.inria.fr  
2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93      | Phone : +33 4 93 65 77 18
06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France | Fax   : +33 4 93 65 77 65