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Re: terminological nit


thank you for your remarks and comments.

>Is the notion of "server" somehow relevant to the problem,
>as INRIA sees it?

The server was cited as an example. It should'nt in any case
restrict the solution to a client-server model. It was chosen
as an example to motivate the use of unidirectional "links" to 
deliver high bandwidth to the "home" clients.
It shouldn't have an impact on the symmetry of the solution.

Walid Dabbous

INRIA U.R. de Sophia Antipolis      | Email : dabbous@sophia.inria.fr  
2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93      | Phone : +33 93 65 77 18
06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France | Fax   : +33 93 65 77 65