struct hdr_tfrc

inline static hdr_tfrc* access(Packet* p)
inline static int& offset()
static int offset_
offset for this header
int psize
packet size
double rate
sender's current rate
int round_id
round id.
double rtt
RTT estimate of sender
int seqno
data sequence number
double timestamp
time this message was sent
double tzero
RTO in Umass eqn
int UrgentFlag
Urgent Flag


int seqno
data sequence number

double rate
sender's current rate

double rtt
RTT estimate of sender

double tzero
RTO in Umass eqn

double timestamp
time this message was sent

int psize
packet size

int UrgentFlag
Urgent Flag

int round_id
round id.

static int offset_
offset for this header

inline static int& offset()

inline static hdr_tfrc* access(Packet* p)

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling