class <Snoop> Snoop : public NsObject


Public Methods

void handle(Event *)
inline int next(int i)
inline int prev(int i)
void recv(Packet *, Handler *)
int snoop_rxmit(Packet *)
inline int wl_next(int i)
inline int wl_prev(int i)

Protected Fields

short bufhead_
next pkt goes here
short buftail_
first unack'd pkt
Handler* callback_
short expDupacks_
expected number of dup acks
int expNextAck_
expected next ack after dup sequence
u_short fstate_
state of connection
double g_
gain in EWMA for srtt_ and rttvar_
int integrate_
integrate loss rec across active conns
int lastAck_
last byte recd
int lastSeen_
first byte of last packet buffered
int lru_
an lru cache?
int maxbufs_
max number of pkt bufs
int off_snoop_
snoop header offset
int off_tcp_
tcp header offset
LLSnoop* parent_
the parent link layer object
SnoopPersistHandler* persistHandler_
for connection (in)activity
Packet* pkts_[SNOOP_MAXWIND]
ringbuf of cached pkts
NsObject* recvtarget_
where packet is passed up the stack
double rttvar_
linear deviation
SnoopRxmitHandler* rxmitHandler_
used in rexmissions
int rxmitStatus_
int snoopDisable_
disable snoop for this mobile
double snoopTick_
minimum rxmission timer granularity
double srtt_
smoothed rtt estimate
double tailTime_
time at which earliest unack'd pkt sent
Event* toutPending_
pending timeouts
int wl_bufhead_
int wl_buftail_
int wl_lastAck_
int wl_lastSeen_
int wl_state_
hdr_seq* wlseqs_[SNOOP_WLSEQS]
ringbuf of wless data

Protected Methods

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
inline int empty_()
void reset()
void savepkt_(Packet *, int, int)
int snoop_ack(Packet *)
double snoop_cleanbufs_(int)
void snoop_cleanup()
void snoop_data(Packet *)
int snoop_insert(Packet *)
int snoop_qlong()
void snoop_rtt(double)
void snoop_wired_ack(Packet *)
void snoop_wless_data(Packet *)
int snoop_wlessloss(int)
inline double timeout()
void update_state_()
void wlreset()

Private Fields

friend SnoopPersistHandler
friend SnoopRxmitHandler

Inherited from NsObject:

Public Methods

virtual void debug(const char *fmt, ...)
virtual int delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer)
virtual void delay_bind_init_all()
int isdebug()

Protected Fields

int debug_
int off_cmn_
int off_flags_

Inherited from Handler:


friend SnoopRxmitHandler

friend SnoopPersistHandler


void recv(Packet *, Handler *)

void handle(Event *)

int snoop_rxmit(Packet *)

inline int next(int i)

inline int prev(int i)

inline int wl_next(int i)

inline int wl_prev(int i)

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)

void reset()

void wlreset()

void snoop_data(Packet *)

int snoop_ack(Packet *)

void snoop_wless_data(Packet *)

void snoop_wired_ack(Packet *)

int snoop_wlessloss(int)

double snoop_cleanbufs_(int)

void snoop_rtt(double)

int snoop_qlong()

int snoop_insert(Packet *)

inline int empty_()

void savepkt_(Packet *, int, int)

void update_state_()

inline double timeout()

void snoop_cleanup()

LLSnoop* parent_
the parent link layer object

NsObject* recvtarget_
where packet is passed up the stack

Handler* callback_

SnoopRxmitHandler* rxmitHandler_
used in rexmissions

SnoopPersistHandler* persistHandler_
for connection (in)activity

int snoopDisable_
disable snoop for this mobile

u_short fstate_
state of connection

int lastSeen_
first byte of last packet buffered

int lastAck_
last byte recd. by mh for sure

int expNextAck_
expected next ack after dup sequence

short expDupacks_
expected number of dup acks

double srtt_
smoothed rtt estimate

double rttvar_
linear deviation

double tailTime_
time at which earliest unack'd pkt sent

int rxmitStatus_

short bufhead_
next pkt goes here

Event* toutPending_
pending timeouts

short buftail_
first unack'd pkt

Packet* pkts_[SNOOP_MAXWIND]
ringbuf of cached pkts

int wl_state_

int wl_lastSeen_

int wl_lastAck_

int wl_bufhead_

int wl_buftail_

hdr_seq* wlseqs_[SNOOP_WLSEQS]
ringbuf of wless data

int maxbufs_
max number of pkt bufs

double snoopTick_
minimum rxmission timer granularity

double g_
gain in EWMA for srtt_ and rttvar_

int integrate_
integrate loss rec across active conns

int off_snoop_
snoop header offset

int off_tcp_
tcp header offset

int lru_
an lru cache?

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling