class ParentChildrenList

Public Fields

LandmarkAgent* a_
Agent associated with this object
int adverts_type_
Indicates whether adverts should be flooded, unicast
double last_update_sent_
Time at which last update was sent
int level_
my level
LMAddrs* mylmaddrs_
or suppresed when no changes as in a hard-state scheme My landmark addresses; 8 bits per level; assume
ParentChildrenList* next_
pointer to next list element
int num_children_
our level; superset of potential children heard with the "election" vicinity condition number of children
int num_heard_
number of nodes heard at one level lower than
int num_potl_children_
number of potential children
int num_pparent_
number of potential parents
int num_tags_
Number of tags in tag_list
LMNode* parent_
points to the appropriate object in the pparent_ list
LMNode* pchildren_
list of children and potential children
LMPeriodicAdvtHandler* periodic_handler_
landmark updates handler called by the scheduler
Event* periodic_update_event_
event used to schedule periodic
LMNode* pparent_
list of potential parents
int seqnum_
Periodic advertisement stuff Sequence number of last advertisement
compr_taglist* tag_list_
Aggregated list of tags for each level
double update_period_
period between updates
int update_round_
To be used for demotion
double update_timeout_
Updates are deleted after this timeout

Public Methods

ParentChildrenList(int level, LandmarkAgent *a)
void UpdateChildLMAddr(nsaddr_t id, int num_lm_addrs, int64_t *lm_addrs)
int UpdatePotlChild(nsaddr_t id, nsaddr_t next_hop, int num_hops, int level, int num_children, int energy, int origin_time, int child_flag, int delete_flag, compr_taglist *taglist)
int UpdatePotlParent(nsaddr_t id, nsaddr_t next_hop, int num_hops, int level, int num_children, int energy, int origin_time, int delete_flag)
Update/add/delete info abt a potential parent or child Returns 1 if parent or child already present else adds the relevant object and returns 0 Deletes the specified parent or child if delete flag is set to 1; should be set to 0 otherwise One method might be enough but have two in case different actions have to be taken for adding parent and child in the future

Private Fields

friend class LandmarkAgent
friend class LMNode
friend class LMPeriodicAdvtHandler
friend class PromotionTimer


friend class LandmarkAgent

friend class LMNode

friend class PromotionTimer

friend class LMPeriodicAdvtHandler

ParentChildrenList(int level, LandmarkAgent *a)


int level_
my level

LMNode* parent_
points to the appropriate object in the pparent_ list

int num_heard_
number of nodes heard at one level lower than

int num_children_
our level; superset of potential children heard with the "election" vicinity condition number of children

int num_potl_children_
number of potential children

int num_pparent_
number of potential parents

LMNode* pchildren_
list of children and potential children

LMNode* pparent_
list of potential parents

int seqnum_
Periodic advertisement stuff Sequence number of last advertisement

double last_update_sent_
Time at which last update was sent

double update_period_
period between updates

double update_timeout_
Updates are deleted after this timeout

Event* periodic_update_event_
event used to schedule periodic

LMPeriodicAdvtHandler* periodic_handler_
landmark updates handler called by the scheduler

ParentChildrenList* next_
pointer to next list element

int update_round_
To be used for demotion

int UpdatePotlParent(nsaddr_t id, nsaddr_t next_hop, int num_hops, int level, int num_children, int energy, int origin_time, int delete_flag)
Update/add/delete info abt a potential parent or child Returns 1 if parent or child already present else adds the relevant object and returns 0 Deletes the specified parent or child if delete flag is set to 1; should be set to 0 otherwise One method might be enough but have two in case different actions have to be taken for adding parent and child in the future

int UpdatePotlChild(nsaddr_t id, nsaddr_t next_hop, int num_hops, int level, int num_children, int energy, int origin_time, int child_flag, int delete_flag, compr_taglist *taglist)

void UpdateChildLMAddr(nsaddr_t id, int num_lm_addrs, int64_t *lm_addrs)

LandmarkAgent* a_
Agent associated with this object

compr_taglist* tag_list_
Aggregated list of tags for each level

int num_tags_
Number of tags in tag_list

int adverts_type_
Indicates whether adverts should be flooded, unicast

LMAddrs* mylmaddrs_
or suppresed when no changes as in a hard-state scheme My landmark addresses; 8 bits per level; assume

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling