class <MobiCache> MobiCache : public RouteCache


Public Methods

void addRoute(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from)
tell the cache about a route we saw being used
int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
if there is a cached path from us to dest returns true and fills in the route accordingly. returns false otherwise if for_use, then we assume that the node really wants to keep the returned route so it will be promoted to primary storage if not there already
bool findRoute(ID dest, Path& route, int for_use = 0)
add this route to the cache (presumably we did a route request to find this route and don't want to lose it)
MobiCache(const ID& MAC_id, const ID& net_id, int psize = 30, int ssize = 34 )
void noticeDeadLink(const ID&from, const ID& to, Time t)
void noticeRouteUsed(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from)
the link from->to isn't working anymore, purge routes containing it from the cache

Protected Fields

Cache* primary_cache
routes that we are using, or that we have reason to believe we really want to hold on to
Cache* secondary_cache
routes we've learned via a speculative process that might not pan out

Protected Methods

void checkRoute(Path *p, int action, int prefix_len)
void checkRoute(Path &p, int&, int&, double&, int&, int&)
void periodic_checkCache(void)

Private Fields

friend class Cache
friend class MobiHandler

Inherited from RouteCache:

Public Fields

MobiHandler mh

Public Methods

int checkRoute_logall(Path *p, int action, int start)
virtual void dump(FILE *out)
int pre_addRoute(const Path& route, Path &rt, Time t, const ID& who_from)
int pre_noticeRouteUsed(const Path& p, Path& stub, Time t, const ID& who_from)
void trace(char* fmt, ...)


Protected Fields

Trace* logtarget


friend class Cache

friend class MobiHandler

MobiCache(const ID& MAC_id, const ID& net_id, int psize = 30, int ssize = 34 )



void noticeDeadLink(const ID&from, const ID& to, Time t)

void noticeRouteUsed(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from)
the link from->to isn't working anymore, purge routes containing it from the cache

void addRoute(const Path& route, Time t, const ID& who_from)
tell the cache about a route we saw being used

bool findRoute(ID dest, Path& route, int for_use = 0)
add this route to the cache (presumably we did a route request to find this route and don't want to lose it)

int command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
if there is a cached path from us to dest returns true and fills in the route accordingly. returns false otherwise if for_use, then we assume that the node really wants to keep the returned route so it will be promoted to primary storage if not there already

Cache* primary_cache
routes that we are using, or that we have reason to believe we really want to hold on to

Cache* secondary_cache
routes we've learned via a speculative process that might not pan out

void periodic_checkCache(void)

void checkRoute(Path *p, int action, int prefix_len)

void checkRoute(Path &p, int&, int&, double&, int&, int&)

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling