class InvalidationRec

Used for caches to keep track of invalidations

Public Fields

friend class HttpMInvalCache

Public Methods

void clear_updating()
int dec_scount()
void detach()
void insert(InvalidationRec **head)
InvalidationRec(const char *pid, double mtime, char updating = 0)
double mtime()
InvalidationRec* next()
const char* pg()
void reset(double mtime)
int scount()
void set_updating()
char updating()
virtual ~InvalidationRec()

Protected Fields

double mtime_
InvalidationRec* next_
char* pg_
InvalidationRec** prev_
int scount_
Times that an invalidation needs to be multicast
char updating_
1 if an update is going to be sent soon


Used for caches to keep track of invalidations
InvalidationRec(const char *pid, double mtime, char updating = 0)

virtual ~InvalidationRec()

const char* pg()

double mtime()

char updating()

int scount()

InvalidationRec* next()

void reset(double mtime)

int dec_scount()

void set_updating()

void clear_updating()

void insert(InvalidationRec **head)

void detach()

friend class HttpMInvalCache

char* pg_

double mtime_

char updating_
1 if an update is going to be sent soon

int scount_
Times that an invalidation needs to be multicast

InvalidationRec* next_

InvalidationRec** prev_

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling