ProActive Tutorial and Hands-On Grid Programming

Tuesday October 11th, 2005.
Second day of the GRIDs@Work week.
See also the Second ProActive User Group

Conseil Regional
Fabrice Huet and Matthieu Morel
Speakers and Tutors:
Christian Delbé, Virginie Legrand, Matthieu Morel, Alexandre di Costanzo

Present the ProActive middleware through a morning tutorial, followed by an afternoon session of interactive testing (different tracks will be held at the same time). This will be performed through light conceptual slides presentations, and demonstrations. At the end of the day, participants should be able to develop, to deploy, and to test ProActive applications.

The features to be covered include:

  • Active Objects
  • Group communications
  • Components
  • Deployment
  • Fault-Tolerance
  • Peer-to-Peer
  • Web Service

Participants will have the freedom to chose the features and the applications most significant to them, potentially their application to be solved on the GRID. The number of tutors ensures that each participant will benefit from a personnal guidance. Complete beginners as well as users with a first ProActive experience are welcome.

The tutorial attendees should bring a laptop for actually programming and deploying.
We will probably illustrate concepts with the following examples

PI computing

The Tutorial in Videos:

Presentation slides are available here.

9:00 Welcome
9.15-12:00 Tutorial
Basic ProActive functionalities through an example :
computing decimals of PI.

All videos:

Apple QuickTime 7 required Get QuicTime

12:00-13:00 Install party ( ProActive, Java, Cygwin/ssh )
13:00-14:00 Lunch break on site
14:00-18:00 Tutorial tracks proposed :
  • Groups/OOSPMD
  • Fault-tolerance
  • Migration
  • Peer-to-Peer / Branch and Bound
  • Web Services
  • Components
Any questions on ProActive are welcome.
18:00 End of tutorial
For information, the first ProActive user Plugtests was also held in Sophia Antipolis.

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