--  $Id: java_evaluate.ty,v 1.11 99/08/10 14:48:03 hnilsson Exp $
-- /***************************************************************************/
-- /*              Copyright (C) 1997-1999 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis             */
-- /*                    I. Attali, D. Caromel and M. Russo                   */
-- /*                              Projet OASIS                               */
-- /*                        Rt. des Lucioles, BP 93,                         */
-- /*                     F-06902 Sophia Antipolis cedex                      */
-- /*                         (+33) 4 92 38 76 31                             */
-- /*                         All rights reserved                             */
-- /***************************************************************************/
program java_evaluate is
use java;
use PSP;

   div ( _, _, _ ) , inf ( _, _ ) , infeq ( _, _ ) ,
   mult ( _, _, _ ) , sub ( _, _, _ ) , sup ( _, _ ) ,
   supeq ( _, _ ) from arith;

   getStaticVariables ( OptTypeName |- ClassVariablesL -> Pairs ) ,
   getObjectType ( ObjectId |- Objects -> Identifier )
   from java_object_list;

import diff ( _, _ ) , plus ( _, _, _ ) from  prolog() ;

var TVVal: Val;
var TVIdent: Identifier;

   set evaluateBinaryOperation is
   --SC: Binary operator evaluation (logic or arithmetic evaluation). 
   --SC: If a division by zero is detected, an exception is raised.
   --SC: Possible binary operators:
   --SC: xor, and, or, eq, neq, gtreq, gtr, lesseq, less plus, minus, times, div
   --JC: |- Value1, Value2, Binary operator 
   --JC: -> Result
   judgement |- Val, Val, BinaryOperator -> Val;

      |- TF1, TF2, xor() -> true()  ; 
               provided diff( TF1, TF2 );

   Xor_false: |- TF, TF, xor() -> false()  ; 

      |- _, false(), land() -> false()  ; 

      |- false(), _, land() -> false()  ; 

      |- true(), true(), land() -> true()  ; 

      |- false(), false(), lor() -> false()  ; 

   Or_true: |- true(), _, lor() -> true()  ; 

   Or_true: |- _, true(), lor() -> true()  ; 

      |- Val1, Val2, eq() -> false()  ; 
               provided diff( Val1, Val2 );

   Eq_true: |- Val, Val, eq() -> true()  ; 

      |- Val1, Val2, neq() -> true()  ; 
               provided diff( Val1, Val2 );

   Neq_false: |- Val, Val, neq() -> false()  ; 

      supeq( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, gtrEq() -> true()  ; 

      inf( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, gtrEq() -> false()  ; 

      sup( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, gtr() -> true()  ; 

      infeq( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, gtr() -> false()  ; 

      infeq( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, lessEq() -> true()  ; 

      sup( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, lessEq() -> false()  ; 

      inf( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, less() -> true()  ; 

      supeq( n1, n2 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, less() -> false()  ; 

      plus( n1, n2, n3 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, plus() -> integer n3  ; 

      mult( n1, n2, n3 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, times() -> integer n3  ; 

      sub( n1, n2, n3 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, minus() -> integer n3  ; 

       integer n1, integer 0, div() -> except(identifier "ArithmeticException", null(), exceptText "Division by zero")  ; 

      div( n1, n2, n3 )
      |- integer n1, integer n2, div() -> integer n3  ; 
               provided diff( n2, 0 );
   end evaluateBinaryOperation; 

   set evaluateUnaryOperation is
   --SC: Unary operator evaluation (logic or arithmetic evaluation). 
   --SC: Handled operators: plus, minus, not
   --SC: Missing operators: complement
   --JC: |- Value, Unary operator 
   --JC: -> Result
   judgement |- Val, UnaryOperator -> Val;

   Not_true: |- true(), not() -> false()  ; 

   Not_false: |- false(), not() -> true()  ; 

      |- integer n, plus() -> integer n  ; 

      sub( 0, n, minus_n )
      |- integer n, minus() -> integer minus_n  ; 
   end evaluateUnaryOperation; 

   set getParameterOrLocalOrStaticVariableValue is
   --SC: Gets the value of an identifier.
   --JC: Environment of the method call, Class variable list, Current class name
   --JC: |- Sought variable name
   --JC: -> Value of the sought variable.
   judgement Env, ClassVariablesL, Identifier |- Identifier -> Val;

      getValueInPairList( ParamName |- ParamL -> Value, true() )
      env(ParamL, _), _, _ |- ParamName -> Value  ; 

      getValueInPairList( LocalVarName |- ParamL -> _, false() )
      getLocalVariableValue( LocalVarName |- LocalVarL -> Value, true() )
      env(ParamL, LocalVarL), _, _ |- LocalVarName -> Value  ; 

      getValueInPairList( StaticVarName |- ParamL -> _, false() )
      getLocalVariableValue( StaticVarName |- LocalVarL -> _, false() )
      getStaticVariables( ClName |- ClVarL -> StaticPairL )
      getValueInPairList( StaticVarName |- StaticPairL -> Value, true() )
      env(ParamL, LocalVarL), ClVarL, ClName |- StaticVarName -> Value  ; 
   end getParameterOrLocalOrStaticVariableValue; 

   set getVariableValue is
   --SC: Gets the value of an identifier.
   --JC: Object list, Class variable list, environment of the current method
   --JC: Current object reference
   --JC: |- Sought variable name
   --JC: -> Value of the sought variable
      Objects, ClassVariablesL, Env, ObjectId |- Identifier -> Val;

      getValueInPairList( ParamName |- ParamL -> Value, true() )
      _, _, env(ParamL, _), _ |- ParamName -> Value  ; 

      getValueInPairList( LocalVarName |- ParamL -> _, false() )
      getLocalVariableValue( LocalVarName |- LocalVarL -> Value, true() )
      _, _, env(ParamL, LocalVarL), _ |- LocalVarName -> Value  ; 

      getValueInPairList( Ident |- ParamL -> _, false() )  &
      getLocalVariableValue( Ident |- LocalVarL -> _, false() )
         ObjL, ClVarL, ObjId |- Ident -> Value )
      ObjL, ClVarL, env(ParamL, LocalVarL), ObjId |- Ident -> Value  ; 
   end getVariableValue; 

   set getLocalVariableValue is
   --SC: Gets the value of an identifier if it is a local variable.
   --JC: Sought local variable 
   --JC: |- Local variable lists
   --JC: -> Its value, True if found/ false otherwise
   judgement Identifier |- Locs -> Val, Bool;

      TVIdent |- locs[] -> integer 0, false()  ; 

      getValueInPairList( Ident |- LocVarL -> Val, true() )
      Ident |- locs[LocVarL._] -> Val, true()  ; 

      getValueInPairList( Ident |- LocVarL -> _, false() )  &
      Ident |- LocVarLL -> Val, TF
      Ident |- locs[LocVarL.LocVarLL] -> Val, TF  ; 
   end getLocalVariableValue; 

   set getAttributeOrStaticVariableValue is
   --RC: Gets the value of an identifier if it is an attribute or a class 
   --RC: variable.
   --JC: Objects, Class Variables, Object identifier 
   --JC: |- Sought identifier (attribute or static variable) 
   --JC: -> its value
   judgement Objects, ClassVariablesL, ObjectId |- Identifier -> Val;

   getAttributeValue( ObjL, ObjId |- Ident -> Val, true() )
   ObjL, _, ObjId |- Ident -> Val ;

   getObjectType( ObjId |- ObjL -> ClName )  &
      ClVarL, ClName |- StaticVarName -> Value )
   ObjL, ClVarL, ObjId |- StaticVarName -> Value ;
   end getAttributeOrStaticVariableValue; 

   set getStaticVariableValue is
   --RC: Gets the value of an identifier if it is a class variable.
   --JC: Class Variables, Name of the class which owns the sought class variable
   --JC: |- sought class variable name
   --JC: -> its value
   judgement ClassVariablesL, Identifier |- Identifier -> Val;

   getStaticVariables( ClName |- ClVarL -> StaticPairL )
   getValueInPairList( StaticVarName |- StaticPairL -> Value, true() )
   ClVarL, ClName |- StaticVarName -> Value ;
   end getStaticVariableValue; 

   set getAttributeValue is
   --SC: Gets the value of an attribute
   --JC: Object list, object that owns the given attribute
   --JC: |- the sought attribute 
   --JC: -> its value, True if the attribute was found/ False otherwise
   judgement Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier -> Val, Bool;

      getValueInPairList( Ident |- AttrL -> Val, TF )
      objects[object(ObjId, _, AttrL, _, _, _)._], ObjId |- Ident -> Val, TF  ; 

      ObjL, ObjId1 |- Ident -> Val, TF
      objects[object(ObjId2, _, _, _, _, _).ObjL], ObjId1 |- Ident -> Val, TF  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId2, ObjId1 );
   end getAttributeValue; 

   set getValueInPairList is
   --SC: Gets the value of an identifier in a pair list.
   --JC: Sought identifier 
   --JC: |- Pair List 
   --JC: -> Found value (zero if the identifier is not found), 
   --JC: True if found/ False otherwise
   judgement Identifier |- Pairs -> Val, Bool;

   NotFoundTheIdentifier: Ident |- pairs[] -> integer 0, false()  ; 

      Ident |- pairs[pair(Ident, empty())._] -> null(), true()  ; 

      Ident |- pairs[pair(Ident, Val)._] -> Val, true()  ; 
               provided diff( Val, empty() );

      Ident1 |- PairL -> Val, TF
      Ident1 |- pairs[pair(Ident2, _).PairL] -> Val, TF  ; 
               provided diff( Ident2, Ident1 );
   end getValueInPairList; 
end java_evaluate