--  $Id: java_object_list.ty,v 1.12 10/.0/.2 .1:.1:.3 mrusso Exp $
-- /***************************************************************************/
-- /*               Copyright (C) 1997-1999 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis            */
-- /*                    I. Attali, D. Caromel and M. Russo                   */
-- /*                               Projet OASIS                              */
-- /*                         Rt. des Lucioles, BP 93,                        */
-- /*                      F-06902 Sophia Antipolis cedex                     */
-- /*                           (+33) 4 92 38 76 31                           */
-- /*                           All rights reserved                           */
-- /***************************************************************************/
program java_object_list is
use java;
use PSP;
use messargs;

   ENVaddCreatedSimpleObjectToStatusList ( ObjectId ) ,
   ENVaddCreatedThreadToStatusList ( ObjectId ) ,
   ENVchangeObjectStatusInStatusList ( ObjectId ) ,
   ENVinitializeStatusAndStackAndExceptionLists ( ) ,
   ENVsendNewObject ( Object ) ,
   ENVsendObjectAndClassVariableLists ( Objects, ClassVariablesL ) ,
   ENVsendObjectList ( Objects ) ,
   ENVupdateThreadStatusList ( ObjectId, ThreadStatus, ThreadStatus )
   from java_environment;

   getFieldDeclaration (
      Objects, OptTypeName, Vals, Bool |- Identifier -> FieldDeclaration, Identifier, Bool ) ,
   getInitialValueForAGivenType ( Type -> Val ) ,
   isAThread ( Object -> Bool ) ,
   isAThread ( OptTypeName => Bool ) ,
   isThisModifierInTheList ( Modifier |- Modifiers -> Bool ) ,
   makeAttributeList (
      |- OptTypeName -> Pairs )
   from java_inheritance;

import appendtree ( _, _, _ ) , diff ( _, _ ) , not_eq ( _, _ ) , succ ( _, _ )
   from  prolog() ;

var TVValue: Val;
var TVArrayInit: ArrayInitializer;
var TVLocVarDec: LocalVariableDeclaration;
var TVStatement: Statement;
var TVMethodDecl: MethodDeclarator;

   set loadClasses is
   --SC: Retrieves all the class names and their associated class variables 
   --SC: (name/value) contained in the program. Even if a class does 
   --SC: not contain any class variable, it is set in the class variable list.  
   --JC: Type declarations contained in the program 
   --JC: -> List containing all the classes and their variables 
   judgement (TypeDeclarations -> ClassVariablesL);
   --iJC: Type declaration (interface or class)
   --iJC: => Class variable list
   judgement (TypeDeclaration => ClassVariablesL);

      (typeDeclarations[] -> classVariablesL[])  ; 

      (TDec => ClVarL1)  &  (TDecL -> ClVarL2)  &
      appendtree( ClVarL1, ClVarL2, ClVarL3 )
      (typeDeclarations[TDec.TDecL] -> ClVarL3)  ; 

      (interfaceDeclaration(_, _, _, _) => classVariablesL[])  ; 

      getStaticVariableList( FDeclL -> ClVarL )
      (classDeclaration(_, ClName, _, _, FDeclL) => classVariablesL[classVariables(ClName, ClVarL)])  ; 
   end loadClasses; 

   set getStaticVariables is
   --SC: Get the static variables of the given class (this list can be empty)
   --JC: Sought class 
   --JC: |- Class variable list 
   --JC: -> Class variables of the given class
   judgement OptTypeName |- ClassVariablesL -> Pairs;

      --RC: This case is normally impossible because each class should be 
      --RC: referenced in this list
      _ |- classVariablesL[] -> pairs[]  ; 

      ClName1 |- StaticVarsL -> StaticVarL
      ClName1 |- classVariablesL[classVariables(ClName2, _).StaticVarsL] -> StaticVarL  ; 
               provided diff( ClName1, ClName2 );

      ClName |- classVariablesL[classVariables(ClName, StaticVarL)._] -> StaticVarL  ; 
   end getStaticVariables; 

   set getStaticVariableList is
   --SC: Retrieves all the static variables and their values (if a variable is 
   --SC: not initialized, a default value depending on the variable type is 
   --SC: assigned) contained in a class.
   --JC: Fields contained in a class declaration 
   --JC: -> List of static variable names and their values
   judgement (FieldDeclarations -> Pairs);
   --iJC1: Field declaration 
   --iJC1: -> static variable list corresponding to the field declaration
   judgement (FieldDeclaration => Pairs);
   --iJC2: The common (part of) the type 
   --iJC2: |- variables declaration
   --iJC2: => static variable list corresponding to the given variables declara 
   judgement Type |- VariableDeclarators => Pairs;

   NoMoreFieldDeclarations: (fieldDeclarations[] -> pairs[])  ; 

      (FDec => ClVarL1)  &  (FDecL -> ClVarL2)  &
      appendtree( ClVarL1, ClVarL2, ClVarL3 )
      (fieldDeclarations[FDec.FDecL] -> ClVarL3)  ; 

      (methodDeclaration(_, _, _, _, _) => pairs[])  ; 

      (constructorDeclaration(_, _, _, _) => pairs[])  ; 

      isThisModifierInTheList( static() |- ModL -> true() )
      &  Type |- StaticVarDecL => StaticPairL
      (fieldVariableDeclaration(ModL, Type, StaticVarDecL) => StaticPairL)  ; 

      isThisModifierInTheList( static() |- ModL -> false() )
      (fieldVariableDeclaration(ModL, _, _) => pairs[])  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, StaticVarName -> _, RealName )
      Type |- variableDeclarators[initializedVariable(StaticVarName, TVValue)] => pairs[pair(RealName, TVValue)]  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, StaticVarName -> RealType, RealName )
      getInitialValueForAGivenType( RealType -> Value )
      Type |- variableDeclarators[StaticVarName] => pairs[pair(RealName, Value)]  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, StaticVarName -> _, RealName )  &
      Type |- StaticVarDecL => ClVarL
      Type |- variableDeclarators[initializedVariable(StaticVarName, TVValue).StaticVarDecL] =>
                 pairs[pair(RealName, TVValue).ClVarL]  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, StaticVarName -> RealType, RealName )
      getInitialValueForAGivenType( RealType -> Value )
      &  Type |- StaticVarDecL => ClVarL
      Type |- variableDeclarators[StaticVarName.StaticVarDecL] => pairs[pair(RealName, Value).ClVarL]  ; 
   end getStaticVariableList; 

   set getMainThread is
   --SC: Creates the thread that will execute the main() method (by default, its
   --SC: class declaration is the first type declaration).
   --SC: ********************************************************************** 
   --SC: Be careful, the main() method must always be implemented in the first 
   --SC: class of the program 
   --SC: ********************************************************************** 
   --JC: |- Program Type Declarations 
   --JC: -> New thread that will execute the main() method 
   judgement |- TypeDeclarations -> Object;

      --RC: The main thread has the number zero as reference.
      createObject( objectId(true(), objectNumber 0) |- objectNumber 0, ClName -> Obj, _ )
      |- typeDeclarations[classDeclaration(_, ClName, _, _, _)._] -> Obj  ; 
   end getMainThread; 

   set generateANumberForTheNewObject is
   --SC: Determines the reference of the created object. This reference is the 
   --SC: number of objects in the list before this new object addition.
   --JC: object list 
   --JC: -> object number  
   judgement |- Objects -> ObjectNumber;
   --iJC: intermediate object number 
   --iJC: |- object list
   --iJC: => object number
   judgement integer |- Objects => integer;

      0 |- ObjL => ObjectsNumber
      |- ObjL -> objectNumber ObjectsNumber  ; 

      ObjectsNumber |- objects[] => ObjectsNumber  ; 

      n |- ObjL => k  &  succ( k, m )
      n |- objects[_.ObjL] => m  ; 
   end generateANumberForTheNewObject; 

   set createObject is
   --SC: Create an object depending on its nature (i.e. a simple object or a 
   --SC: thread).
   --JC: Reference of the thread that creates this new object (this reference is
   --JC: useful in case of thread creation)
   --JC: |- Generated reference for this new object, Object type
   --JC: -> new created object, its identifier
   judgement ObjectId |- ObjectNumber, OptTypeName -> Object, ObjectId;

      isAThread( ClName => false() )  &
      createSimpleObject( objectId(false(), ObjNb), ClName -> Obj )
      _ |- ObjNb, ClName -> Obj, objectId(false(), ObjNb)  ; 
               provided diff( ObjNb, objectNumber 0 );
                  ENVsendNewObject( Obj )  &
                     objectId(false(), ObjNb) );

      isAThread( ClName => true() )  &
      createThreadObject( objectId(true(), ObjNb), ClName, OThId -> Obj )
      OThId |- ObjNb, ClName -> Obj, objectId(true(), ObjNb)  ; 
               provided diff( ObjNb, objectNumber 0 );
                  ENVsendNewObject( Obj )  &
                  ENVaddCreatedThreadToStatusList( objectId(true(), ObjNb) );

      --RC: This thread has 0 as number and owns the main() method 
      createThreadObject( objectId(true(), objectNumber 0), ClName -> Obj )
      _ |- objectNumber 0, ClName -> Obj, objectId(true(), objectNumber 0)  ; 
               do ENVsendNewObject( Obj );
   end createObject; 

   set createSimpleObject is
   --SC: Creates a simple object (i.e. not a thread) with its attributes.
   --JC: Object identifier, its type 
   --JC: -> created object
   judgement (ObjectId, OptTypeName -> Object);

      makeAttributeList( |- ClName -> AttrL )
      (ObjId, ClName -> object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, unlocked(), waits[], empty()))  ; 
   end createSimpleObject; 

   set createThreadObject is
   --SC: Creates a thread with its attributes and its closure (if it is the main
   --SC: thread, this closure is the main() method code, otherwise it is the 
   --SC: run() method code). The new thread status is runnable for the main 
   --SC: thread, otherwise it is created by the given thread. 
   --JC1: Identifier for this thread, Its type, Identifier of the thread that 
   --JC1: creates this new thread 
   --JC1: -> New thread 
   judgement (ObjectId, Type, ObjectId -> Object);
   --JC2: This judgement must only be used for the main thread (that is the 
   --JC2: thread that will execute the main() method) creation.
   --JC2: Identifier for this thread, Its type 
   --JC2: -> The new main thread
   judgement (ObjectId, Type -> Object);

      makeAttributeList( |- ClName1 -> AttrL
         )  &
         objects[], ClName1, vals[], false() |- identifier "run" -> FieldDecl, ClName2, true() )
      makeClosure( ClName2, vals[], OThId1 |- FieldDecl -> Clr )
      (OThId1, ClName1, OThId2 -> object(OThId1, ClName1, AttrL, unlocked(), waits[], activity(created(OThId2), Clr)))  ; 
               provided diff( OThId1, objectId(true(), objectNumber 0) );

      makeAttributeList( |- ClName1 -> AttrL
         )  &
         objects[], ClName1, vals[], false() |- identifier "main" -> FieldDecl, ClName2, true() )
         ClName2, vals[], objectId(true(), objectNumber 0) |-
          FieldDecl -> clr(_, _, MethName, Env, InstL) )
      (objectId(true(), objectNumber 0), ClName1
             objectId(true(), objectNumber 0), ClName1, AttrL, unlocked(), waits[],
             activity(runnable(), clr(objectId(true(), objectNumber 0), identifier "none", MethName, Env, InstL))))  ; 
   end createThreadObject; 

   set createExceptionObject is
   --SC: Creates an instance of an exception and adds it to the object list.
   --JC: Object list (this list contains all the objects created by the program
   --JC: interpretation), current executing thread id
   --JC: |- exception class name, exception text 
   --JC: -> new exception object id, modified object list (the new 
   --JC: exception object has been appended), next instructions to execute
   --JC: (constructor call of the exception + except statment)
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText -> ObjectId, Objects, Insts;
   --JC: ^, ^ |- ^, ^, id of the object that has thrown this exception,
   --JC: name of the method where the exception occured -> ^, ^, ^
   --JC: (ie constructor call of the exception + exception statement)
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText, ObjectId, Identifier -> ObjectId, Objects, Insts;
   --JC: ^ (only useful to generate the exception object id), ^ 
   --JC: |- ^, ^ => ^, exception object, ^ (ie constructor call of the exception
   --JC: + except statement)
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText => ObjectId, Object, Insts;
   --JC: ^, ^ |- ^, ^, ^, ^ => ^, ^, ^
   --JC: (ie constructor call of the exception + exception statement)
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText, ObjectId, Identifier => ObjectId, Object, Insts;

      ObjL1, OThId |- ExceptName, Text => ExObjId, ExObj, Insts  &
      appendtree( ObjL1, objects[ExObj], ObjL1_1 )
      ObjL1, OThId |- ExceptName, Text -> ExObjId, ObjL1_1, Insts  ; 

      generateANumberForTheNewObject( |- ObjL1 -> i )
      &  createObject( OThId |- i, ExceptName -> ExObj, ExObjId )
      ObjL1, OThId |-
       ExceptName, Text
          ExObjId, ExObj, insts[constructorCall1(ExceptName, arguments[], ExObjId), except(ExceptName, ExObjId, Text)]  ; 

      ObjL1, OThId |- ExceptName, Text, ObjId, MethodName => ExObjId, ExObj, Insts
      &  appendtree( ObjL1, objects[ExObj], ObjL1_1 )
      ObjL1, OThId |- ExceptName, Text, ObjId, MethodName -> ExObjId, ObjL1_1, Insts  ; 

      generateANumberForTheNewObject( |- ObjL1 -> i )
      &  createObject( OThId |- i, ExceptName -> ExObj, ExObjId )
      ObjL1, OThId |-
       ExceptName, Text, ObjId, MethodName
          ExObjId, ExObj,
          insts[constructorCall1(ExceptName, arguments[], ExObjId), exception(OThId, ObjId, MethodName, except(ExceptName, ExObjId, Text))]  ; 
   end createExceptionObject; 

   set getObjectLockInformation is
   --SC: Returns how many times the given object is locked and by which thread.
   --JC: The object reference for which the lock information is required
   --JC: |- objects 
   --JC: -> The reference of the thread that has locked the object,
   --JC: lock(s) number
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> ObjectId, integer;

      getObject( ObjId |- ObjL -> object(ObjId, _, _, locked(OThId, integer nbLocks), _, _) )
      ObjId |- ObjL -> OThId, nbLocks  ; 

      getObject( ObjId |- ObjL -> object(ObjId, _, _, unlocked(), _, _) )
      ObjId |- ObjL -> _, 0  ; 
   end getObjectLockInformation; 

   set getThreadCurrentMethod is
   --SC: Returns the given thread current method name (gets the continuation 
   --SC: and passes through all the closures to find the most inner one (only 
   --SC: the first instruction is checked)).
   --JC1: Thread reference 
   --JC1: |- Objects 
   --JC1: -> Current method name
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> Identifier;
   --JC2: Thread reference 
   --JC2: |- Objects 
   --JC2: => first instruction
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects => Inst;
   --iJC1: |- Closure 
   --iJC1: -> Current method name, current instruction
   judgement |- Clr -> Identifier, Inst;
   --iJC2: |- Instruction 
   --iJC2: => Current method name or undefined, current instruction, True if the instruction contains
   --iJC2: a closure/ False otherwise
   judgement |- Inst => Identifier, Inst, Bool;

      |- Cont -> MethName, Inst
      OThId |- objects[object(OThId, _, _, _, _, activity(_, Cont))._] -> MethName  ; 

      OThId |- ObjL -> MethName
      OThId |- objects[object(ObjId, _, _, _, _, _).ObjL] -> MethName  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId, OThId );

      |- Cont -> _, Inst
      OThId |- objects[object(OThId, _, _, _, _, activity(_, Cont))._] => Inst  ; 

      OThId |- ObjL -> Inst
      OThId |- objects[object(ObjId, _, _, _, _, _).ObjL] => Inst  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId, OThId );

      |- semBlock(insts[Inst1.InstL], Env) => MethName, Inst2, true()
      |- clr(_, _, _, _, insts[semBlock(insts[Inst1.InstL], Env)._]) -> MethName, Inst2  ; 

      --RC: No more closure => no more method. So the current method is the one
      --RC: we are looking for. 
      |- semBlock(insts[Inst.InstL], Env) => _, _, false()
      |- clr(_, _, MethName, _, insts[semBlock(insts[Inst.InstL], Env)._]) -> MethName, Inst  ; 

      |- clr(ObjId, Mode, MethName1, Env, InstL) -> MethName2, Inst
      |- clr(_, _, _, _, insts[clr(ObjId, Mode, MethName1, Env, InstL)._]) -> MethName2, Inst  ; 

      |- clr(_, _, MethName, _, insts[]) -> MethName, _  ; 

      |- clr(_, _, MethName, _, insts[Inst._]) -> MethName, Inst  ; 
               provided not_eq( Inst, clr(_, _, _, _, _) )  &  not_eq( Inst, semBlock(_, _) );

      |- semBlock(insts[], _) => _, _, false()  ; 

      |- semBlock(InstL, Env) => MethName, Inst, TF
      |- semBlock(insts[semBlock(InstL, Env)._], _) => MethName, Inst, TF  ; 

      |- clr(ObjId, Mode, MethName1, Env, InstL) -> MethName2, Inst
      |- semBlock(insts[clr(ObjId, Mode, MethName1, Env, InstL)._], _) => MethName2, Inst, true()  ; 

      |- semBlock(insts[Inst._], _) => _, Inst, false()  ; 
               provided not_eq( Inst, clr(_, _, _, _, _) )  &  not_eq( Inst, semBlock(_, _) );
   end getThreadCurrentMethod; 

   set getObjectType is
   --SC: Returns the given object type.
   --JC: Object reference 
   --JC: |- Objects 
   --JC: -> Type of the given object
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> Type;

      getObject( ObjId |- ObjL -> object(ObjId, Type, _, _, _, _) )
      ObjId |- ObjL -> Type  ; 
   end getObjectType; 

   set isTheObjectLocked is
   --SC: Checks if the given object is locked or not.
   --JC: Object reference 
   --JC: |- Objects 
   --JC: -> True/False
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> Bool;
   --iJC: Locks number 
   --iJC: -> True/False
   judgement (integer -> Bool);

      getObjectLockInformation( ObjId |- ObjL -> _, NbLocks )
      &  (NbLocks -> TF)
      ObjId |- ObjL -> TF  ; 

   NoLock: (0 -> false())  ; 

      (NbLocks -> true())  ; 
               provided diff( NbLocks, 0 );
   end isTheObjectLocked; 

   set areAllThreadsDead is
   --SC: Checks that all threads are "dead".
   --JC: Objects 
   --JC: -> True if all the threads are dead/False otherwise
   judgement (Objects -> Bool);

   NoAliveThread: (objects[] -> true())  ; 

      isAThread( Obj -> true() )  &
      isTheThreadDead( Obj -> false() )
      (objects[Obj._] -> false())  ; 

      isAThread( Obj -> false() )  &
      (ObjL -> TF)
      (objects[Obj.ObjL] -> TF)  ; 

      isAThread( Obj -> true() )  &
      isTheThreadDead( Obj -> true() )  &
      (ObjL -> TF)
      (objects[Obj.ObjL] -> TF)  ; 
   end areAllThreadsDead; 

   set isTheThreadDead is
   --SC: Determines if the given thread is "dead" or not.
   --JC: Thread 
   --JC: -> True if dead/ False if alive
   judgement (Object -> Bool);

      (object(_, _, _, _, _, activity(ThStatus, _)) -> false())  ; 
               provided diff( ThStatus, dead() );

      (object(_, _, _, _, _, activity(dead(), _)) -> true())  ; 
   end isTheThreadDead; 

   set releaseObjectLock is
   --SC : Removes a lock on an object.
   --JC: Locked object reference 
   --JC: |- Objects 
   --JC: -> Updated object list
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> Objects;

      ObjId |- objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, locked(_, integer 1), Wait_L, Activity).ObjL] ->
                  objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, unlocked(), Wait_L, Activity).ObjL]  ; 

      ObjId1 |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1
      ObjId1 |- objects[object(ObjId2, ClName2, AttrL2, Locked2, Wait_L2, Activity2).ObjL1] ->
                   objects[object(ObjId2, ClName2, AttrL2, Locked2, Wait_L2, Activity2).ObjL1_1]  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId1, ObjId2 );
   end releaseObjectLock; 

   set getNumberOfDormantAndBlockedThreadsOnTheGivenObject is
   --SC: Computes the number of threads "blocked" and "dormant", waiting for a 
   --SC: lock on the given object.
   --JC: Object reference 
   --JC: |- Objects
   --JC: -> number of threads dormant and blocked on the given object
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> integer, integer;
   --iJC: intermediate number of threads dormant or blocked on the given object
   --iJC: |-  Objects, Sought object reference
   --iJC: -> Number of dormant and blocked threads on the given object 
   judgement integer, integer |- Objects, ObjectId -> integer, integer;

      0, 0 |- ObjL, OjbId -> nbDormantThread, nbBlockedThread
      OjbId |- ObjL -> nbDormantThread, nbBlockedThread  ; 

      nbDormantThread, nbBlockedThread |- objects[], _ -> nbDormantThread, nbBlockedThread  ; 

      succ( nbBlockedThread1, nbBlockedThread1_1 )  &
      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1_1 |- ObjL, OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_2
      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |-
       objects[object(_, _, _, _, _, activity(blocked(OjbId), _)).ObjL], OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_2  ; 

      succ( nbDormantThread1, nbDormantThread1_1 )  &
      nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1 |- ObjL, OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_2, nbBlockedThread1_1
      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |-
       objects[object(_, _, _, _, _, activity(dormant(OjbId, _), _)).ObjL], OjbId
          nbDormantThread1_2, nbBlockedThread1_1  ; 

      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |- ObjL, OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_1
      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |-
       objects[object(_, _, _, _, _, activity(ThStatus, _)).ObjL], OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_1  ; 
                  not_eq( ThStatus, blocked(OjbId) )  &  not_eq( ThStatus, dormant(OjbId, _) );

      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |- ObjL, OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_1
      nbDormantThread1, nbBlockedThread1 |-
       objects[object(_, _, _, _, _, empty()).ObjL], OjbId -> nbDormantThread1_1, nbBlockedThread1_1  ; 
   end getNumberOfDormantAndBlockedThreadsOnTheGivenObject; 

   set setLock is
   --SC: Sets a lock on the given object. (this set should be used only if the 
   --SC: object does not have any lock or if it is already locked by the given
   --SC: thread (in this case the lock value is higher than 1)) 
   --JC: Object reference on which the lock must be set,
   --JC: Thread reference (i.e. the owner of the lock), 
   --JC: the number of times that the thread locked this object
   --JC: |- Objects 
   --JC: -> modified object list
   judgement ObjectId, ObjectId, Val |- Objects -> Objects;
   --iJC: (same judgements. The first one is used for the env) 
   judgement ObjectId, ObjectId, Val |- Objects => Objects;

      ObjId, OThId, LocValue |- ObjL1 => ObjL1_1
      ObjId, OThId, LocValue |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1  ; 
               do ENVsendObjectList( ObjL1_1 );

      ObjId, OThId, LocValue |-
       objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, unlocked(), WaitSet, Act).ObjL] =>
          objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, locked(OThId, LocValue), WaitSet, Act).ObjL]  ; 
                  ENVchangeObjectStatusInStatusList( ObjId );

      ObjId, OThId, LocValue |-
       objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, locked(OThId, _), WaitSet, Act).ObjL] =>
          objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, locked(OThId, LocValue), WaitSet, Act).ObjL]  ; 

      ObjId1, OThId, LocValue |- ObjL1 => ObjL1_1
      ObjId1, OThId, LocValue |-
       objects[object(ObjId2, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1] =>
          objects[object(ObjId2, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1_1]  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId1, ObjId2 );
   end setLock; 

   set setNewClosure is
   --SC: sets the new closure in the activity of the given thread.
   --JC: Thread reference that will have this new closure, the new closure, 
   --JC: class variables (only used for the environment) 
   --JC: |- objects 
   --JC: -> modified object list
   judgement ObjectId, Clr, ClassVariablesL |- Objects -> Objects;
   --JC: (same as the previous one without the class variables)
   judgement ObjectId, Clr |- Objects -> Objects;

      OThId, Clr |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1
      OThId, Clr, ClVarL |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1  ; 
                  ENVsendObjectAndClassVariableLists( ObjL1_1, ClVarL );

      OThId, Clr |-
       objects[object(OThId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, activity(ThStatus, _)).ObjL] ->
          objects[object(OThId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, activity(ThStatus, Clr)).ObjL]  ; 

      OThId, Clr1 |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1
      OThId, Clr1 |-
       objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1] ->
          objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1_1]  ; 
               provided diff( OThId, ObjId );
   end setNewClosure; 

   set setNewThreadStatus is
   --SC: sets the new status to the given thread.
   --JC: Thread reference that will have the new status, the new status, 
   --JC: class variables (only used for the environment) 
   --JC: |- objects 
   --JC: -> modified object list 
      ObjectId, ThreadStatus, ClassVariablesL |- Objects -> Objects;
   --iJC: (same as above without the class variables)
   judgement ObjectId, ThreadStatus, Objects |- Objects => Objects;

      OThId, ThStatus, ObjL1 |- ObjL1 => ObjL1_1
      OThId, ThStatus, ClVarL |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1  ; 
                  ENVsendObjectList( ObjL1_1 )  &
                  ENVsendObjectAndClassVariableLists( ObjL1_1, ClVarL );

      OThId, NewThStatus, _ |-
       objects[object(OThId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, activity(OldThStatus, Clr)).ObjL] =>
          objects[object(OThId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, activity(NewThStatus, Clr)).ObjL]  ; 
                  ENVupdateThreadStatusList( OThId, OldThStatus, NewThStatus );

      OThId, ThStatus, ObjL |- ObjL1 => ObjL1_1
      OThId, ThStatus, ObjL |-
       objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1] =>
          objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act).ObjL1_1]  ; 
               provided diff( OThId, ObjId );
   end setNewThreadStatus; 

   set getObject is
   --SC: gets the object specified by its reference
   --JC: Sought object reference 
   --JC: |- Objects 
   --JC: -> the wanted object
   judgement ObjectId |- Objects -> Object;

      ObjId |- objects[object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act)._] ->
                  object(ObjId, ClName, AttrL, Lock, WaitSet, Act)  ; 

      ObjId1 |- ObjL -> Obj
      ObjId1 |- objects[object(ObjId2, _, _, _, _, _).ObjL] -> Obj  ; 
               provided diff( ObjId1, ObjId2 );
   end getObject; 

   set makeClosure is
   --SC: Makes the closure corresponding to the method call. A synchronized
   --SC: instruction is added if the method has the "synchronized" modifier in 
   --SC: its declaration. A Closure is composed of the reference of the object
   --SC: on which the method is executed, the method name, if it is a static or
   --SC: non static method, the parameters name and value list, the environment
   --SC: (i.e. the parameters and the local variables of the method body) and 
   --SC: the method instructions 
   --JC: Class name of the object that has called this method, Parameter values,
   --JC: Reference of the object that has invoked this method 
   --JC: |- Method declaration 
   --JC: -> Closure for this method
   judgement OptTypeName, Vals, ObjectId |- FieldDeclaration -> Clr;

      --RC: Gets the closure for this synchronized method (the instruction list
      --RC: contains a synchro_ref instruction as first instruction followed by 
      --RC: the instructions of the method body) 
         synchronized() |- ModL -> true() )  &
      getMethodNameAndParameters( TVMethodDecl -> MethName, ParamL )
      makeBindedParamList( ParamValueL |- ParamL -> BindParamL )
      getModeAndTargetClass( ClName |- ModL -> _, TargetClName )
         insts[], locs[pairs[]] |- MBlock => InstL, LocVarL )
      ClName, ParamValueL, ObjId |-
       methodDeclaration(ModL, _, TVMethodDecl, _, MBlock) ->
             ObjId, TargetClName, MethName, env(BindParamL, LocVarL),
             insts[synchroLock(ObjId, semBlock(InstL, blockEnv(BindParamL, LocVarL, pairs[])))])  ; 

      --RC: Gets the closure for this non synchronized method 
         synchronized() |- ModL -> false() )  &
      getMethodNameAndParameters( TVMethodDecl -> MethName, ParamL )
      makeBindedParamList( ParamValueL |- ParamL -> BindParamL )
      getModeAndTargetClass( ClName |- ModL -> _, TargetClName )
         insts[], locs[pairs[]] |- MBlock => InstL, LocVarL )
      ClName, ParamValueL, ObjId |-
       methodDeclaration(ModL, _, TVMethodDecl, _, MBlock) ->
          clr(ObjId, TargetClName, MethName, env(BindParamL, LocVarL), InstL)  ; 
   end makeClosure; 

   set getInstructionsAndLocalVariables is
   --SC: Gets all the instructions and local variables contained in the given 
   --SC: block.
   --JC1: Instructions, Local variables 
   --JC1: |- Block to analyse 
   --JC1: => Increased instruction list, Increased local
   --JC1: variable list  
   judgement Insts, Locs |- Block => Insts, Locs;
   --JC2: Instructions, Local variables 
   --JC2: |- Block Statement (i.e. a statement or a local variable declaration) 
   --JC2: => Increased instruction list, Increased local variable list
   judgement Insts, Locs |- BlockStatement -> Insts, Locs;

      InstL, LocVarL |- block[] => InstL, LocVarL  ; 

      --RC: Treats the next elements of the block
      --RC: (the first block is not analyse) 
      InstL1, LocVarL1 |- BlElemL2 => InstL1_1, LocVarL1_1  &
      appendtree( insts[block[BlElem1.BlElemL1]], InstL1_1, InstL1_2 )
      InstL1, LocVarL1 |- block[block[BlElem1.BlElemL1].BlElemL2] => InstL1_2, LocVarL1_1  ; 

      --RC: Treats the first statement and goes on 
      --RC: with the next elements of the block
      InstL1, LocVarL1 |- BlElem -> InstL1_1, LocVarL1_1  &
      InstL1_1, LocVarL1_1 |- BlElemL => InstL1_2, LocVarL1_2
      InstL1, LocVarL1 |- block[BlElem.BlElemL] => InstL1_2, LocVarL1_2  ; 
               provided not_eq( BlElem, block[_] );

      addToLocalVariableList( LocVarL1 |- TVLocVarDec -> LocVarL1_1, InstL2 )
      &  appendtree( InstL1, InstL2, InstL3 )
      InstL1, locs[LocVarL1.LocVarLL] |- TVLocVarDec -> InstL3, locs[LocVarL1_1.LocVarLL]  ; 

      appendtree( InstL1, insts[TVStatement], InstL1_1 )
      InstL1, LocVarL |- TVStatement -> InstL1_1, LocVarL  ; 
   end getInstructionsAndLocalVariables; 

   set getModeAndTargetClass is
   --SC: Gets the mode ("static", "nonvirtual" or "virtual") and the target 
   --SC: (the given class name if it is a static method or "none" otherwise)
   --JC: Class Name 
   --JC: |- Method modifiers
   --JC: -> Mode ("static", "nonvirtual" or "virtual"), the target
   judgement OptTypeName |- Modifiers -> Identifier, Identifier;

      isThisModifierInTheList( static() |- ModL -> true() )
      ClName |- ModL -> identifier "static", ClName  ; 

      isThisModifierInTheList( private() |- ModL -> true() )
      _ |- ModL -> identifier "nonvirtual", identifier "none"  ; 

   Other: _ |- _ -> identifier "virtual", identifier "none"  ; 
   end getModeAndTargetClass; 

   set makeBindedParamList is
   --SC: Build a list that contains all the parameter names and their associated
   --SC:  values.
   --JC: Parameter values 
   --JC: |- Parameter declaration 
   --JC: -> parameter (name/value) list 
   judgement Vals |- Parameters -> Pairs;

   NoMoreValue: vals[] |- _ -> pairs[]  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, VarDeclId -> _, RealName )  &
      ValueL |- ParamDecL -> ParamL
      vals[Value.ValueL] |- parameters[parameter(_, Type, VarDeclId).ParamDecL] -> pairs[pair(RealName, Value).ParamL]  ; 
   end makeBindedParamList; 

   set addToLocalVariableList is
   --SC: Adds a/many new local variables to the local variable list. A local 
   --SC: variable has no value (i.e. "empty()") if it is not initialized or it 
   --SC: has been initialized with an expression that needs to be evaluated 
   --SC: before the assignment (in this case, an instruction needs to be added
   --SC: at the top of the instruction list). 
   --JC: Existing local variables 
   --JC: |- a local variable declaration
   --JC: -> Increased local variable list, Instruction that needs to be executed
   --JC: to evaluate an expression 
   judgement Pairs |- LocalVariableDeclaration -> Pairs, Insts;
   --iJC: type, initial Value |- variable declarator 
   --iJC: => local variable list, Instruction that needs to be executed to 
   --iJC: evaluate an expression 
   judgement Type, Val |- VariableDeclarators => Pairs, Insts;

      Type, empty() |- LocVarNameL => LocVarL2, InstL  &
      appendtree( LocVarL1, LocVarL2, LocVarL3 )
      LocVarL1 |- localVariableDeclaration(_, Type, LocVarNameL) -> LocVarL3, InstL  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, VarDeclId -> _, Name )
      Type, _ |-
       variableDeclarators[initializedVariable(VarDeclId, TVValue)] => pairs[pair(Name, TVValue)], insts[]  ; 

      --RC: Local variables do not have default values
      getRealTypeAndName( Type, VarDeclId -> RealType, Name )  &
      getElementTypeAndNDims( RealType -> ElementType, NDims )
      Type, Value |-
       variableDeclarators[initializedVariable(VarDeclId, TVArrayInit)] =>
          pairs[pair(Name, Value)], insts[binaryAssign(Name, assignment(), newArray(ElementType, dims[], NDims, TVArrayInit))]  ; 

      --RC: Local variables do not have default values
      getRealTypeAndName( Type, VarDeclId -> _, Name )
      Type, Value |-
       variableDeclarators[initializedVariable(VarDeclId, Expr)] =>
          pairs[pair(Name, Value)], insts[binaryAssign(Name, assignment(), Expr)]  ; 

      getRealTypeAndName( Type, VarDeclId -> _, Name )
      Type, Value |- variableDeclarators[VarDeclId] => pairs[pair(Name, Value)], insts[]  ; 
               provided not_eq( initializedVariable(_, _), Name );

      Type, Value |- variableDeclarators[VarDecl] => LocVarL1, InstL1  &
      Type, Value |- VarDeclL => LocVarL2, InstL2  &
      appendtree( LocVarL1, LocVarL2, LocVarL3 )  &  appendtree( InstL1, InstL2, InstL3 )
      Type, Value |- variableDeclarators[VarDecl.VarDeclL] => LocVarL3, InstL3  ; 

      set getElementTypeAndNDims is
      judgement (Type -> Type, Dims);

         (Type -> Type, dims[])  ; 
                  provided not_eq( Type, arrayof(_) );

         (Type -> ElementType, NDims)
         (arrayof(Type) -> ElementType, dims[dim().NDims])  ; 
      end getElementTypeAndNDims ;
   end addToLocalVariableList; 

   set getRealTypeAndName is
   --SC: Computes the real type and name of a parameter, variable, etc.
   --SC: given a type and a variable declarator id.
   judgement (Type, VariableDeclaratorId -> Type, Identifier);

      (Type, identifier i -> Type, identifier i)  ; 

      (arrayof(Type), VarDeclId -> RealType, Name)
      (Type, array(VarDeclId) -> RealType, Name)  ; 
   end getRealTypeAndName; 

   set getRealName is
   --SC: Computes the real name of a parameter, variable, etc.
   --SC: given a variable declarator id.
   judgement (VariableDeclaratorId -> Identifier);

   GetRealName_BaseCase: (identifier i -> identifier i)  ; 

      (VarDeclId -> Name)
      (array(VarDeclId) -> Name)  ; 
   end getRealName; 

   set getMethodNameAndParameters is
   --SC: Extracts the name of a method and the parameter list.
   --SC: The real return type could also be computed here, in the same
   --SC: fashion as for getRealTypeAndName, but currently the return type
   --SC: does not seem to be used.
   judgement (MethodDeclarator -> Identifier, Parameters);

      (methodDeclarator(Name, Params) -> Name, Params)  ; 

      (mtdDecl -> Name, Params)
      (arrayMethodDeclarator(mtdDecl) -> Name, Params)  ; 
   end getMethodNameAndParameters; 
end java_object_list