--  $Id: java_array_support.ty,v 1.3 99/08/10 10:43:31 mrusso Exp $
-- /***************************************************************************/
-- /* Copyright (C) 1997-1999 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (Projet OASIS)           */
-- /*    BP 93 F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex                                 */
-- /*    (+33) 4 92 38 75 62    http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/javacard        */
-- /*                     All rights reserved                                 */
-- /***************************************************************************/
--  Sets for arrays:
--    # Create an array with or without initial values
--    # Get elements from an array
--    # Set values into an array
--    # Compare values of two arrays
-- /***************************************************************************/
-- /* Created by Carine Courbis & Henrik Nilsson 20 April 1999               */
-- /***************************************************************************/
program java_array_support is
use java;
use PSP;

   inf ( _, _ ) , infeq ( _, _ ) , sub ( _, _, _ ) ,
   sup ( _, _ ) , supeq ( _, _ )
   from arith;

   appendtree ( _, _, _ ) , diff ( _, _ ) , equal ( _, _ ) , not_eq ( _, _ ) , plus ( _, _, _ ) , succ ( _, _ ) , writeln ( _ )
   from  prolog() ;

   or ( |- Bool, Bool -> Bool )
   from java_utility_functions;

   ENVaddCreatedSimpleObjectToStatusList ( ObjectId ) ,
   ENVsendNewObject ( Object )
   from java_environment;

   getInitialValueForAGivenType ( Type -> Val ) ,
   isMyAncestor ( Type |- Type -> Bool )
   from java_inheritance;

   createExceptionObject (
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText -> ObjectId, Objects, Insts ) ,
   createExceptionObject (
      Objects, ObjectId |- Identifier, ExceptText => ObjectId, Object, Insts ) ,
   generateANumberForTheNewObject (
      |- Objects -> ObjectNumber ) ,
   getObjectType ( ObjectId |- Objects -> Type ) ,
   getObject ( ObjectId |- Objects -> Object )
   from java_object_list;

   set newArray is
   -- Public Set
   --SC: Create a new array object and add it to the object list
   --SC: All its elements are initialized with the default value of its type
   --SC: If the array size is negative, a NegativeArraySizeException
   --SC: object is created and added at the end of the object list
   --SC: The OutOfMemoryError is not treated for the moment 
   --JC: array type, array length, current thread id (exception) |- objects
   --JC: -> updated object list (the new array or exception object has been
   --JC: added at the end of the object list), ID of the new array or exception,
   --JC: next instructions to execute in case of exception
      Type, integer, ObjectId |- Objects -> Objects, ObjectId, Insts;
   --JC: ^, ^, new generated array id, current thread id (exception) |- ^ 
   --JC: -> ^, ^, ^
      Type, integer, ObjectNumber, ObjectId |- Objects -> Objects, ObjectId, Insts;

         |- ObjL1 -> ObjNb )  &
      ArrayType, Len, ObjNb, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, objectId(false(), ObjNb), InstL
      ArrayType, Len, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, objectId(false(), ObjNb), InstL  ; 

         ElementType -> InitialVal )  &
         0, Len, InitialVal |- vals[] -> ElemL )  &
         arrayof(ElementType), Len, ElemL, ObjNb |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, ObjId )
      arrayof(ElementType), Len, ObjNb, _ |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, ObjId, insts[]  ; 
               provided supeq( Len, 0 );

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "NegativeArraySizeException", exceptText "The array size is negative" -> ExObjId, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      _, Len, _, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, ExObjId, InstL  ; 
               provided inf( Len, 0 );

      set initializeElements is
      --SC: Create the array elements and initialize them with the given value
      --SC: (normally the default value for the array element type)
      --JC: offset (0 at the beginning), number of elements to create, 
      --JC: value used to initialize the elements |- current element list (empty
      --JC: list at the beginning) -> initialized element list
      judgement integer, integer, Val |- Vals -> Vals;

         Len, Len, _ |- ElemL -> ElemL  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &
         NextOff, Len, InitVal |- vals[InitVal.ElemL] -> ElemL1_1
         CurOff, Len, InitVal |- ElemL -> ElemL1_1  ; 
                  provided inf( CurOff, Len );
      end initializeElements ;
   end newArray; 

   set newArrayWithValues is
   --SC: Create a new array object and add it to the object list
   --SC: The OutOfMemoryError is not treated for the moment 
   --JC: array type, array initialisation values |- objets
   --JC: -> updated object list (the new array has been added to the objet list)
   --JC: ID of the new array
   judgement Type, Vals |- Objects -> Objects, ObjectId;

      getArrayLength( 0 |- ElemL -> Len )  &
         ArrayType, Len, ElemL |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, ObjId )
      ArrayType, ElemL |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, ObjId  ; 

      set getArrayLength is
      --JC: Offset (0 at the beginning) |- element list -> array length
      judgement integer |- Vals -> integer;

      NoMoreElem: NbElem |- vals[] -> NbElem  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &  NextOff |- ElemL -> NbElem
         CurOff |- vals[_.ElemL] -> NbElem  ; 
      end getArrayLength ;
   end newArrayWithValues; 

   set newArrayWithValuesAndLength is
   --Private Set
   --JC: array type, array length, array values |- objects
   --JC: -> updated object list (the new array was appended to the objet list)
   --JC: id of the new array
   judgement Type, integer, Vals |- Objects -> Objects, ObjectId;
   --JC: ^, ^, ^, generated array id |- ^ -> ^, ^
      Type, integer, Vals, ObjectNumber |- Objects -> Objects, ObjectId;

         |- ObjL1 -> ObjNb )  &
      ArrayType, Len, ElemL, ObjNb |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, objectId(false(), ObjNb)
      ArrayType, Len, ElemL |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, objectId(false(), ObjNb)  ; 

               objectId(false(), ObjNb), ArrayType, pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer Len), pair(identifier "7ARRAY", ElemL)], unlocked(),
               waits[], empty())], ObjL1_1 )
      ArrayType, Len, ElemL, ObjNb |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, objectId(false(), ObjNb)  ; 
                        objectId(false(), ObjNb), ArrayType, pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer Len), pair(identifier "7ARRAY", ElemL)],
                        unlocked(), waits[], empty()) )  &
                     objectId(false(), ObjNb) );
   end newArrayWithValuesAndLength; 

   set getArrayElement is
   --SC: Get the indexth element of the array
   --SC: If the index is negative or greater than or equal to the array
   --SC: length, an exception object (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) 
   --SC: is created
   --SC: If the array is a null pointer, an NullPointerException is created
   --SC: Henrik: But should not ba a null pointer since this has to be
   --SC: checked earlier. Thus this check is redundant, and the type could
   --SC: be ObjectId rather than Ref.
   --JC:  array Id, index, current executing thread id (exception)
   --JC: |- object list -> Value of the indexth element,
   --JC:  object list (updated only if an exception has occured)
   --JC:  next instructions to execute in case of exception
   judgement Ref, integer, ObjectId |- Objects -> Val, Objects, Insts;
   --JC: index , object list(exception), ^
   --JC: |- array object => ^, ^, ^
      integer, Objects, ObjectId |- Object => Val, Objects, Insts;

         ArrayId, Index, 1, OThId |- ObjL1 -> Values, ObjL1_1, InstL )  &
      extractValue( |- Values -> ValElem )
      ArrayId, Index, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ValElem, ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 

         Index, 1, ObjL1, OThId |- Array => Values, ObjL1_1, InstL )  &
      extractValue( |- Values -> ValElem )
      Index, ObjL1, OThId |- Array => ValElem, ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 

      set extractValue is
      judgement |- Vals -> Val;

      noValue: |- vals[] -> empty()  ; 

      OneValue: |- vals[ValElem] -> ValElem  ; 
      end extractValue ;
   end getArrayElement; 

   set getArrayElements is
   --SC: Get a consecutive list of elements of an array
   --SC: If the index is negative or greater than or equal to the array
   --SC: length, an exception object (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) 
   --SC: is created as well as when the length of the required information
   --SC: exceeds the bounds of the array
   --SC: If the array is a null pointer, a NullPointerException is created
   --JC: array Id, index, number of required elements, current executing thread
   --JC: (only useful in case of exception) |- objects -> list of elements, 
   --JC:  object list (updated only if an exception has occured)
   --JC:  next instructions to execute in case of exception
      Ref, integer, integer, ObjectId |- Objects -> Vals, Objects, Insts;
   --JC: Index, number of required elements,  object list (useful to generate 
   --JC: the exception id), current thread id (exception) |- Array -> ^, ^, ^
      integer, integer, Objects, ObjectId |- Object => Vals, Objects, Insts;
   --iJC: true if the request is out of bounds (negative index, negative length, 
   --iJC: or index+length > array length) false otherwise, ^, ^, ^, ^ 
   --iJC: |- array elements  =>  ^, ^, ^
      Bool, integer, integer, Objects, ObjectId |- Vals => Vals, Objects, Insts;

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "NullPointerException", exceptText "Use of a pointer with a null value" -> _, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      null(), _, _, OThId |- ObjL1 -> vals[], ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 

      getObject( ArrayId |- ObjL1 -> Array )  &
      Index, Length, ObjL1, OThId |- Array => ArrayElems, ObjL1_1, InstL
      ArrayId, Index, Length, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ArrayElems, ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 
               provided diff( ArrayId, null() );

         |- Index, Length -> TF1 )  &
         ArrayLen |- Index, Length -> TF2 )  &
      or( |- TF1, TF2 -> TF3 )
      TF3, Index, Length, ObjL1, OThId |- ElemL => ArrayElems, ObjL1_1, InstL
      Index, Length, ObjL1, OThId |-
       object(_, _, pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer ArrayLen), pair(identifier "7ARRAY", ElemL)], _, _, _) =>
          ArrayElems, ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 

         0, Index, Length |- ElemL -> ArrayElems )
      false(), Index, Length, ObjL, _ |- ElemL => ArrayElems, ObjL, insts[]  ; 

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", exceptText "The index is negative or greater/equal to the size of the array"
             _, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      true(), _, _, ObjL1, OThId |- _ => vals[], ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 

      set getValuesFromArray is
      --SC: Get a consecutive list of array elements
      --JC: current offset (ie 0 at beginning), index, length
      --JC: (how many elements are required)|- Array Elements 
      --JC: |- required array elements
      judgement integer, integer, integer |- Vals -> Vals;
      --iJC: current offset (ie 0 at beginning), length,
      --iJC: temporary array values (vals[] at the beginning)
      --iJC: |- Array Elements |- the required array values
      judgement integer, integer, Vals |- Vals => Vals;

         Length, Length, BufferValues |- _ => BufferValues  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &  appendtree( ResultVals1, vals[ValElem], ResultVals1_1 )  &
         NextOff, Length, ResultVals1_1 |- ElemL => BufferValues
         CurOff, Length, ResultVals1 |- vals[ValElem.ElemL] => BufferValues  ; 
                  provided not_eq( CurOff, Length );

         0, Length, vals[] |- ArrayValues => BufferValues
         Index, Index, Length |- ArrayValues -> BufferValues  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &
         NextOff, Index, Length |- ElemL -> BufferValues
         CurOff, Index, Length |- vals[_.ElemL] -> BufferValues  ; 
                  provided diff( CurOff, Index );
      end getValuesFromArray ;

      set IsIndexPlusLengthGreaterThanArrayLength is
      -- Private Set
      --SC: Check if the required information does not exceed the array
      --SC: length. Return true if too much information is required, false
      --SC: otherwise ie Index + Len <= Array Len return false
      --JC: Array length |- Index, length of the required information -> 
      --JC: True if too much information is required ie out of array bounds
      --JC: False otherwise
      judgement integer |- integer, integer -> Bool;
      --iJC: |- Array length, Index+required information length -> true/false
      judgement |- integer, integer -> Bool;

         |- ArrayLen, IndexPlusLen -> false()  ; 
                  provided supeq( ArrayLen, IndexPlusLen );

         |- ArrayLen, IndexPlusLen -> true()  ; 
                  provided inf( ArrayLen, IndexPlusLen );

         plus( Index, Len, IndexPlusLen )  &
         |- ArrayLen, IndexPlusLen -> TF
         ArrayLen |- Index, Len -> TF  ; 
      end IsIndexPlusLengthGreaterThanArrayLength ;

      set IsIndexOrLenNegative is
      -- Private Set
      --SC: Check if the given index or length is negative
      --SC: Return true or false
      --JC: |- Index, Len -> True if the index or length is negative
      --JC: False otherwise
      judgement |- integer, integer -> Bool;

         |- Index, _ -> true()  ; 
                  provided inf( Index, 0 );

         |- _, Len -> true()  ; 
                  provided inf( Len, 0 );

         |- Index, Len -> false()  ; 
                     supeq( Index, 0 )  &  supeq( Len, 0 );
      end IsIndexOrLenNegative ;
   end getArrayElements; 

   set setArrayElement is
   --SC: Set the given value to the indexth element
   --SC: If the index is negative or greater than or equal to the array
   --SC: length, an exception object (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
   --SC: is created 
   --SC: If the type of the given value is not a right type, an exception
   --SC: object (ArrayStoreException) is created (No exception object
   --SC: is created if the class of the value is a subclass of the array type
   --SC: or if both the array type and the value type are primitive types)
   --SC: If the array is a null pointer, an NullPointerException is created
   --JC: array Id, index, value to set, current executing thread id (exception)
   --JC: |- objects -> updated object list (the given value has been set
   --JC: in the indexth element or an exception has occured if the index
   --JC: is negative or greater than or equal to the array length), 
   --JC: next instructions to execute in case of exception
   judgement Ref, integer, Val, ObjectId |- Objects -> Objects, Insts;

         ArrayId, Index, 1, "Set", vals[ValElem], OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, _ )
      ArrayId, Index, ValElem, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL  ; 
   end setArrayElement; 

   set setArrayElements is
   --SC: This set is useful for 2 operations: set elements in an array
   --SC:  and fill in many elements of an array with only one value
   --SC: 1] Set the given values from the indexth element to the
   --SC: length -1 th element
   --SC: 2] Fill with the given value from the indexth element to 
   --SC: the length -1 th element
   --SC: Exceptions:
   --SC: If the index is negative or greater than or equal to the array
   --SC: length, an exception object (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
   --SC: is created
   --SC: If the index+length > array length, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
   --SC: is created
   --SC: If the array id is null(), an NullPointerException is created
   --SC: If the type of the given value is not a right type, an exception
   --SC: object (ArrayStoreException) is created (No exception object
   --SC: is created if the class of the value is a subclass of the array type
   --SC: or if both the array type and the value type are primitive types)
   --JC: array Id,  Index, Length, "Set" or "Fill" operation
   --JC: Values to set (in case of Fill only one value is in this list)
   --JC: current executing thread (exception) |- Object list
   --JC: -> updated object list (the given value has been set in the offset-th
   --JC: element until the length-one th element or an exception has occured 
   --JC: if the index is greater than or equal to the array length), 
   --JC: next instructions to execute in case of exception
   --JC: Index+Length (last offset position)
      Ref, integer, integer, string, Vals, ObjectId |- Objects -> Objects, Insts, integer;
   --iJC:  same that above with the complete object list in the hypothesis 
   --iJC: (useful in case of exception to generate the id number)
      ObjectId, integer, integer, string, Vals, Objects, ObjectId |-
       Objects -> Objects, Insts, integer;

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "NullPointerException", exceptText "Use of a pointer with a null value" -> _, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      null(), _, _, _, _, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, 0  ; 

      ArrayId, Index, Len, OpType, ValElems, ObjL1, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, LastPos
      ArrayId, Index, Len, OpType, ValElems, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, LastPos  ; 
                  diff( ArrayId, null() )  &  supeq( Index, 0 )  &
                  supeq( Len, 0 );

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", exceptText "The index is negative or greater/equal to the size of the array"
             _, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      ArrayId, Index, _, _, _, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, 0  ; 
               provided diff( ArrayId, null() )  &  inf( Index, 0 );

         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", exceptText "The index is negative or greater/equal to the size of the array"
             _, ObjL1_1, InstL )
      ArrayId, _, Len, _, _, OThId |- ObjL1 -> ObjL1_1, InstL, 0  ; 
               provided diff( ArrayId, null() )  &  inf( Len, 0 );

      plus( Index, Len, ExpLastPos )  &  infeq( ExpLastPos, ArrayLen )
         0, Index, ExpLastPos, ElementType, OpType, ValElems, ObjL1, OThId |-
          ElemL1 -> ElemL1_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL )  &  appendtree( ObjL2, ExObjL, ObjL2_1 )
      ArrayId, Index, Len, OpType, ValElems, ObjL1, OThId |-
          object(ArrayId, arrayof(ElementType), pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer ArrayLen), pair(identifier "7ARRAY", ElemL1)], L, W, A).
          ObjL2] ->
                ArrayId, arrayof(ElementType), pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer ArrayLen), pair(identifier "7ARRAY", ElemL1_1)], L, W, A).
             ObjL2_1], InstL, LastPos  ; 

      plus( Index, Len, ExpLastPos )  &  sup( ExpLastPos, ArrayLen )
         ObjL1, OThId |-
          identifier "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", exceptText "The index is negative or greater/equal to the size of the array"
             _, ExObj, InstL )  &
      appendtree( objects[object(ArrayId, T, pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer ArrayLen), ElemL], L, W, A).ObjL2], objects[ExObj], ObjL2_1
      ArrayId, Index, Len, _, _, ObjL1, OThId |-
       objects[object(ArrayId, T, pairs[pair(identifier "length", integer ArrayLen), ElemL], L, W, A).ObjL2] ->
          ObjL2_1, InstL, 0  ; 

      ArrayId, Index, Len, OpType, ValElems, ObjL1, OThId |- ObjL2 -> ObjL2_1, InstL, LastPos
      ArrayId, Index, Len, OpType, ValElems, ObjL1, OThId |-
       objects[object(ObjId, T, A, L, W, Act).ObjL2] -> objects[object(ObjId, T, A, L, W, Act).ObjL2_1], InstL, LastPos  ; 
               provided diff( ArrayId, ObjId );

      set setValuesToArray is
      --JC: current offset (0 at beginning), sought index, 
      --JC: expected last offset, array element type, 
      --JC: "Fill" or "Set" operation, Values to set (in case of Fill only 
      --JC: one value is in the list), object list (useful to generate the 
      --JC:  exception id), current executing thread (exception) 
      --JC: |- array elements -> updated array elements
      --JC: instructions (exception), exception object (exception)
         integer, integer, integer, Type, string, Vals, Objects, ObjectId |-
          Vals -> Vals, integer, Insts, Objects;
      --iJC1: current offset,  expected last offset, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^ |- ^ 
      --iJC1: -> ^, ^, ^
         integer, integer, Type, string, Vals, Objects, ObjectId |-
          Vals => Vals, integer, Insts, Objects;
      --iJC2: True if the value type is a subtype of the array type, 
      --iJC2: false otherwise (so an exception will be created), 
      --iJC2: ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^ |- ^ -> ^, ^, ^, 
         Bool, integer, integer, Type, string, Vals, Objects, ObjectId |-
          Vals => Vals, integer, Insts, Objects;
      var TVReferenceType: ReferenceType;
      var TVPrimitiveType: PrimitiveType;

         Index, ExpLastPos, ElemType, OpType, ValElems, ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL1 => ElemL1_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL
         Index, Index, ExpLastPos, ElemType, OpType, ValElems, ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL1 -> ElemL1_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &
         NextOff, Index, ExpLastPos, ElemType, OpType, ValElems, ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL1 -> ElemL1_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL
         CurOff, Index, ExpLastPos, ElemType, OpType, ValElems, ObjL, OThId |-
          vals[Elem.ElemL1] -> vals[Elem.ElemL1_1], LastPos, InstL, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided diff( CurOff, Index );

         getObjectType( objectId(TF1, ObjNb) |- ObjL -> ObjType )
         isMyAncestor( TVReferenceType |- ObjType -> TF2 )
         TF2, CurOff, ExpLastPos, TVReferenceType, OpType, vals[objectId(TF1, ObjNb).ElemL1], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL2 => ElemL2_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL
         CurOff, ExpLastPos, TVReferenceType, OpType, vals[objectId(TF1, ObjNb).ElemL1], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL2 => ElemL2_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided diff( CurOff, ExpLastPos );

         false(), CurOff, _, _, _, _, ObjL, OThId |- ElemL => ElemL, CurOff, InstL, ExObjL
         CurOff, _, TVPrimitiveType, _, vals[objectId(_, _)._], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL => ElemL, CurOff, InstL, ExObjL  ; 

         false(), CurOff, _, _, _, _, ObjL, OThId |- ElemL => ElemL, CurOff, InstL, ExObjL
         CurOff, _, TVReferenceType, _, vals[ValElem._], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL => ElemL, CurOff, InstL, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided not_eq( ValElem, objectId(_, _) );

         --c: Something must be done to check that we do not assign a float in a int ...
         true(), CurOff, ExpLastPos, TVPrimitiveType, OpType, vals[ValElem.ElemL1], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL2 => ElemL2_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL
         CurOff, ExpLastPos, TVPrimitiveType, OpType, vals[ValElem.ElemL1], ObjL, OThId |-
          ElemL2 => ElemL2_1, LastPos, InstL, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided not_eq( ValElem, objectId(_, _) )  &  diff( CurOff, ExpLastPos );

         ExpLastPos, ExpLastPos, _, _, _, _, _ |-
          ArrayElemL => ArrayElemL, ExpLastPos, insts[], objects[]  ; 

         CurOff, _, _, _, vals[], _, _ |- ArrayElemL => ArrayElemL, CurOff, insts[], objects[]  ; 

            ObjL, OThId |-
             identifier "ArrayStoreException", exceptText "Try to store a wrong type of object into an array of objects"
                _, ExObj, Insts )
         false(), CurOff, _, _, _, _, ObjL, OThId |- ElemL => ElemL, CurOff, Insts, objects[ExObj]  ; 

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &
         NextOff, ExpLastPos, ElemType, "Set", ElemL1, ObjL, OThId |-
          ArrayElemL1 => ArrayElemL1_1, LastPos, Insts, ExObjL
         true(), CurOff, ExpLastPos, ElemType, "Set", vals[ValElem.ElemL1], ObjL, OThId |-
          vals[_.ArrayElemL1] => vals[ValElem.ArrayElemL1_1], LastPos, Insts, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided diff( CurOff, ExpLastPos );

         succ( CurOff, NextOff )  &
         true(), NextOff, ExpLastPos, ElemType, "Fill", vals[ValElem], ObjL, OThId |-
          ArrayElemL1 => ArrayElemL1_1, LastPos, Insts, ExObjL
         true(), CurOff, ExpLastPos, ElemType, "Fill", vals[ValElem], ObjL, OThId |-
          vals[_.ArrayElemL1] => vals[ValElem.ArrayElemL1_1], LastPos, Insts, ExObjL  ; 
                  provided diff( CurOff, ExpLastPos );

         true(), ExpLastPos, ExpLastPos, ElemType, "Fill", _, _, _ |-
          ArrayElemL => ArrayElemL, ExpLastPos, insts[], objects[]  ; 
      end setValuesToArray ;
   end setArrayElements; 

   set arrayCompare is
      ObjectId, integer, ObjectId, integer, integer, ObjectId |- Objects -> integer, Objects, Insts;
      Insts, Vals, ObjectId, integer, integer, ObjectId |- Objects => integer, Objects, Insts;
   judgement Insts, Objects |- Vals, Vals -> integer, Objects, Insts;

         SrcArrayId, SrcOff, Length, OThId |- ObjL1 -> SrcElem, ObjL1_1, Insts1 )
      Insts1, SrcElem, DestArrayId, DestOff, Length, OThId |- ObjL1_1 => Result, ObjL1_2, Insts2
      SrcArrayId, SrcOff, DestArrayId, DestOff, Length, OThId |- ObjL1 -> Result, ObjL1_1, Insts2  ; 

         DestArrayId, DestOff, Length, OThId |- ObjL1 -> DestElem, ObjL1_1, Insts1 )
      &  Insts1, ObjL1_1 |- SrcElem, DestElem -> Result, ObjL1_2, Insts2
      insts[], SrcElem, DestArrayId, DestOff, Length, OThId |- ObjL1 => Result, ObjL1_1, Insts2  ; 

      Insts, _, _, _, _, _ |- ObjL => 1, ObjL, Insts  ; 
               provided diff( Insts, insts[] );

      ElementCompare( |- SrcElem, DestElem -> Result )
      insts[], ObjL |- SrcElem, DestElem -> Result, ObjL, insts[]  ; 

      Insts, ObjL |- _, _ -> 1, ObjL, Insts  ; 
               provided diff( Insts, insts[] );

      set ElementCompare is
      judgement |- Vals, Vals -> integer;

         |- vals[], vals[] -> 0  ; 

         |- ValElemL1, ValElemL2 -> Result
         |- vals[ValElem.ValElemL1], vals[ValElem.ValElemL2] -> Result  ; 

         sub( 0, 1, Result )
         |- vals[integer ValElem1._], vals[integer ValElem2._] -> Result  ; 
                     not_eq( ValElem1, objectId(_, _) )  &  not_eq( ValElem2, objectId(_, _) )  &
                     inf( ValElem1, ValElem2 );

         |- vals[integer ValElem1._], vals[integer ValElem2._] -> 1  ; 
                  provided sup( ValElem1, ValElem2 );

         sub( 0, 1, Result )
         |- vals[integer ValElem1._], vals[objectId(_, _)._] -> Result  ; 

         |- vals[objectId(_, _)._], vals[integer ValElem2._] -> 1  ; 

         sub( 0, 1, Result )
          vals[objectId(TF1, objectNumber ObjNb1)._], vals[objectId(TF2, objectNumber ObjNb2)._] -> Result  ; 
                  provided inf( ObjNb1, ObjNb2 );

          vals[objectId(TF1, objectNumber ObjNb1)._], vals[objectId(TF2, objectNumber ObjNb2)._] -> 1  ; 
                  provided sup( ObjNb1, ObjNb2 );

         |- vals[objectId(TF1, ObjNb)._], vals[objectId(TF2, ObjNb)._] -> 1  ; 
                  provided diff( TF1, TF2 );
      end ElementCompare ;
   end arrayCompare; 

   set resetArrayElements is
   --JC: value used to reset the elements |- current element list (empty
   --JC: list at the beginning) -> initialized element list
   judgement Val |- Vals -> Vals;

   NoMoreElementToReset: _ |- vals[] -> vals[]  ; 

      InitVal |- ElemL -> ElemL1_1
      InitVal |- vals[_.ElemL] -> vals[InitVal.ElemL1_1]  ; 
   end resetArrayElements; 
end java_array_support