Research Internships 2005-2006 (Sujets de MASTER recherche)

Hierarchical Deployment for the GRID

Distributed computing is moving from clusters to Grids and P2P. A cluster is rather easy to use due to its homogeneous nature and latitudinarian internal network policy. Grids and P2P networks involve multiple heterogeneous sites, probably not fully interconnected, and subject to various network or security policies. One big challenge with these environments is to be able to deploy and allow, efficient, communication between all workers. This Research Master proposes to tackle those difficult issues.

A typical workaround is to use a master/worker model. The master can reach all workers and each worker can reach the master. Workers do not, or cannot, talk between them. This solution is indeed very limiting, preventing many applications to be deployed and executed. Hierarchical deployment and message routing are an attempt to solve this issue by providing to users a transparent mechanism to allow bidirectional communications between each worker, whatever encountered network restrictions (firewall, NAT, private IPs etc.).

The research takes place in Sophia Antipolis, within the OASIS research team, a joint project between INRIA, CNRS-I3S, and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

The OASIS project conducts research on distributed objects. The team has been designing and implementing  ProActive, a Java library for the GRID. In the framework of an active object model, the library features Asynchronous Typed Messages, Future Synchronizations (Wait-by-necessity), Group Communications, Mobility, Security, and a generic component model. At the infrastructure level, XML Deployment Descriptors provide the capacity to deploy on many kind of GRIDs.
In the absence of any syntactical extension, ProActive programmers write standard code. The library is itself extensible by the programmers, using a MOP (Meta-Object Protocol), making the system open for adaptations and optimizations.

Overall, the following technical features are expected:

Overall, the work will include conceptual models and practical experiments. The following steps could be followed:

Depending of the student wish and skills, the research can be more or less experimental, more or less theoretical.

The prototype implementation and experimentations will take advantage of the ProActive platform, including the component capability, in order to benefit from asynchronous and group communication, high-level synchronization (Wait-by-Necessity), and graphical composition of components.

This research should lead to a PhD program (Thèse de Doctorat).

This research is a joint work between INRIA-I3S Sophia Antipolis and Università di Pisa:

Nice Sophia Antipolis Advisor :  Denis Caromel
Téléphone : 04 92 38 76 31 Email :
Laboratoire ou équipe : INRIA Sophia Antipolis -- I3S -- CNRS

Prerequisite : Some knowledge in Object-oriented languages, Distributed Programming.

Hardware and software to be used : Networks of PCs, Clusters, Intranet and Internet P2P machines

Internship location:
       Sophia Antipolis, between Nice and Cannes, France


Towards Seamless Computing and Metacomputing in Java
D. Caromel, W. Klauser, J. Vayssiere,
pp. 1043--1061 in Concurrency Practice and Experience,
September-November 1998, 10(11--13), Editor Geoffrey C. Fox, Published by Wiley & Sons.

Interactive and Descriptor-based Deployment of Object-Oriented Grid Applications
F. Baude, D. Caromel, F. Huet, L. Mestre and J. Vayssiere
pp. 93-102, in HPDC-11, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2002.

Efficient, Flexible and Typed Group Communications for Java
Laurent Baduel, Francoise Baude, Denis Caromel
Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2002 Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 3-5, 2002. bibtex

From Distributed Objects to Hierarchical Grid Components
Francoise Baude and Denis Caromel and Matthieu Morel
International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), Catania, Sicily, Italy, 3-7 November 2003. bibtex

Asynchronous and Deterministic Objects
Denis Caromel, Ludovic Henrio, Bernard Serpette,
POPL'04, Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2004, Venice, Italy. bibtex