Julien Vayssière

[What's New ?][ProActive][Java][Publications][Promo 97][Photos][Links][Contact]
Julien Vayssiere on the beach



  I am a Ph.D. student at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis in the OASIS team under the supervision of Denis Caromel. My research interests include distributed object-oriented programming, asynchronous message-passing, latency hiding and the security of mobile code and mobile objects.
What's new ?
ProActive ProActive is a Java library for distributed and concurrent programming that I have developed for implementing a model first proposed by Denis Caromel. ProActive is based on an active object model and features advanced communication mechanisms such as transparent future objects (enabling two-way asynchronous calls) and automatic continuations. With ProActive, active objects have full and centralized control over their synchronization policy. A recent addition to ProActive enables active objects to migrate (thanks to Fabrice Huet), which makes ProActive a powerful library for programming agents in Java.
Java JavaOne'99: my report is now online (in French).
Links about Java: JavaSoft - Thinking in Java is a very good (and free) introduction book - JavaWorld is the best online magazine about Java - a coding style guide for Java -  Java on Linux - The annual JavaOne conference. The Java Grande Forum is a community effort for making Java the technology of choice for high-end computing. 
Publications All my publications, sorted by year, can be found here
Promo Supélec 97 I have created a Web page and a mailing-list for the alumni of Supélec, promo 97.
Photos Some photos I have taken in various parts of the globe like Norway, Singapore or Australia.
Misc. links En Français: tRoU dU cULz hiDEoUt - Le Diplo - L'unique dictionnaire de la pensée unique - Libération - Bibliothèque nationale de France - Recommendations sur les formats d'échange de documents - Association Française des Utilisateurs de Linux - Edouardo - La Girafe Timbrée - The Jacky Touch - Fédération Française des Gobeurs de Flanby - LMB Actu - Marseille
In English: John Steinbeck - William Faulkner - Björk - French Cheeses - Paris - SlashdotTom's Hardware Guide - Universal Currency Converter - Bad Science - Lonely Planet - Computer Virus Myths - How to Manage Geeks - The Onion - How Stuff Works -
På Norsk: Oslo Kinematografer - Cinemateket
Contact Email: Julien.Vayssiere@sophia.inria.fr

Snail Mail:
Julien Vayssière
Projet OASIS
INRIA, 2004 Rt. des Lucioles, BP 93
F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex

This page is maintained by Julien Vayssière. Please direct all remarks or enquiries to Julien.Vayssiere@sophia.inria.fr.