Overview of the first 3 Lectures
- Introduction to Distributed Objects:
- Basic issues, and architecture
- RPC, language issues
- Client / Server, N tiers
- Grid (and Components)
- Peer 2 Peer
- Reminder to be looked at between Lecture 1 and 2:
- Threads and Java RMI principles
- N tiers Architecture
- B2G Components
- Remote Objects vs. Active Objects
- Principles
- Asynchronous Communications
- Futures
- Group Communications
- Meta Objects, and Meta-Object Protocols (MOP)
- Advance Features: Mobility and Formal Models
- Communicating Mobile Agents
- Demo: Mobile Penguin
- Localization issues and Performance modeling
- Formal Calculus for Objects and Asynchronous Objects
- Sigma calculus
- ASP: Asynchronous Sequential Processes
Hands-on: Practical Session (by yourself or Option 10)
- The ProActive environment
- Interactive monitoring and visualization: IC2D
- Programming a Communicating Mobile Agent
Lecture Material: