MISTRAL has ended in September 2003. Its successor is MAESTRO.
Academic collaborations
- PAI research program Van Gogh with the Netherlands
The theme of this 2-year project (2001-2002) is the application of neuro-dynamic programming to the controlled of some discrete-events systems. Our Dutch partners are Prof. G. Koole and the people from his group at Vrije University in Amsterdam.
- ARC-en-Ciel research program with Israel
The theme of this 2-year project (2002-2003) in collaboration with Prof. U. Yechiali from the University of Tel-Aviv, is the development of optimal routing
techniques for networks when the information is delayed or incomplete.
- INRIA/NSF cooperation
MISTRAL is formally associated with a 5-year NSF ITR
(Information Technology Research) project entitled
``QoS in the future Internet". US parnters are
R. Guérin
(univ. pf Pennsylvanie),
J. Kurose et D. Towsley
(univ. of Massachusetts),
Z.-L. Zhang (univ. of Minnesota).
The objective of the project is to develop a theoretical framework
within which to evaluate different architectures (diffserv, etc.).
The projet started in 2001.
The theme of this 2-year project (2002-2003) is the development of
models and algorithms for TCP/IP Networks. Partners are
INRIA projects
RAP and
LIRMM (A. Jean-Marie), France Telecom R&D (T. Bonald. P. Brown, F. Guillemin, J. Roberts) and EPFL (J.-Y. Le Boudec, P. Thiran).
- COLOR Discont
This 1-year research program (2002) with Eurecom (E. Biersack, K. W. Ross) and LIRMM (A. Jean-Marie) bears on the performance evaluation of content distribution systems.