

Ma'at is an experimental language and model for concurrent programming, designed with the following objectives:
  • make concurrent programming simpler and clear semantics.
  • provide a safe language, in which, for example, data-races are impossible.
  • control the use of resources (CPU and memory); for example, memory leaks cannot occur in FunLoft programs, which always react in finite time.
  • benefit from the real parallelism offered by multi-core machines.
Ma'at is based on C, Loft and FairThreads and taking benefits of the FunLoft verifications for safety and control of the usage of resources, and also using the notion synchronnized schedulers. 

Ma'at is experimantal language, and is currently available on INRIA svn:

$ svn checkout


Hekate is a BitTorrent seeder (informally, a ‘‘BitTorrent server’’, or software for your ‘‘seedbox’’) designed to handle millions of simultaneous torrents and tens of thousands of simultaneously connected peers.

       (This is not a typo. We envision Hekate to be used just like a web server -- just dump millions of torrents into your public_torrents directory, without worrying which are popular.)

Hekate is written in CPC, an experimental concurrent dialect of C. In order to build Hekate, you will need to install the CPC compiler first.


Hekate is experimental software, and is currently only available from a Git repository:

$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://

You may also browse Hekate's source code on Github.


BabelDraw is Java monitoring tool for the Babel routing daemon. BabelDraw show the current state of the Babel rooting protocol dynamically and give all the necessary information about the network topology.