« ORESTE » is an Associate Team between INRIA project-team ACUMES (formerly OPALE) and the Berkeley University team Connected Corridors (formerly Mobile Millennium) , funded from 2012 to 2014, renewed from 2015 to 2017.
Workshops, events
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2017 (BIS’17) Inria@Silicon Valley , June 8-9 , 2017, Citris and Banatao Institute, UC Berkeley, USA
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2016 (BIS’16) Inria@Silicon Valley , June 8-10 , 2016, Inria Research center of Paris, Paris, France
- G. Costeseque: Contributed speaker at the TRB Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016.
- G. Costeseque: invited speaker at Seminar of the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), University of California at Berkeley, October 9 , 2015. Slides
- A. Bayen: co-chair of the long program New Directions in Mathematical Approaches for Traffic Flow Management, at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), September 8 - December 11 , 2015.
- P. Goatin and B. Piccoli: members of the organizing committee of the workshop Mathematical foundations of traffic flow modeling TRAWS1, as part of the long program “New directions in mathematical approaches for traffic flow management” at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), September 28 - October 2 , 2015.
- M.L. Delle Monache: invited speaker at workshop Mathematical foundations of traffic flow modeling TRAWS1, at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), September 28 - October 2 , 2015.
- G. Costeseque: invited speaker at the workshop Mathematical foundations of traffic flow modeling TRAWS1, at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), September 28 - October 2 , 2015. Slides
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2015 (BIS’15) Inria@Silicon Valley , May 12-14 , 2015, University of California at Berkeley, US
- Inria Industry Meeting, Smart city and mobility innovation, San Francisco, May 11 , 2015. Slides
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2014 (BIS’14) Inria@Silicon Valley , June 17-19 , 2014, CNAM, Paris, France Slides
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2013 (BIS’13) Inria@Silicon Valley , May 20-22 , 2013, Stanford University, US Slides
- Workshop TRAM2 - Traffic Modeling and Management: Trends and Perspectives TRAM2 , March 20-22, 2013, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France Slides
- Workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford 2012 (BIS’12) Inria@Silicon Valley , May 21-22 , 2012, Paris, France Slides