Index of types

act [Browser.Impl]
The type of an activation record in the scripting language.
act_ref [Browser.Impl]
A type representing the address of an activation record in memory.

b [Browser.Impl]
A type for the basic state of a browser.

context [Browser.Impl]
A type for the static context of an expression.
cookie_id [Browser.Impl]
The type of data that indexes cookies.

doc [Io]
A type representing a simplified form of HTML documents.
domain [Domain]
The type of an fully qualified internet domain name.
dst [Browser.Impl]
The type of a marker indicating the purpose and destination of a resource that has been requested but not yet been received.

elt_id [Io]
A type to use for the id attribute of an HTML tag.
expr [Io]
A type for script expressions.

file_data [Io]
The type of an HTTP response payload.

inner [Browser.Impl]
A type for the additional constructs in the internal language of * expressions.
input_event [Browser.Impl]
input_event [Io]
The type of input events that can trigger action in a browser.
input_event [Reactive.REACTIVE_SYSTEM_TYPE]
input_event_pi [Policyfun]
A type of input event with a special Suppress event

net_connection [Io]
A type for identifying a unique network connection.
node [Browser.Impl]
The type of document nodes.
node_parent [Browser.Impl]
The type of a node's parent object.
node_ref [Browser.Impl]
A type representing the address of a document node in memory.

output_event [Browser.Impl]
output_event [Io]
The type of output events that a browser can generate.
output_event [Reactive.REACTIVE_SYSTEM_TYPE]

page [Browser.Impl]
The type of a page, i.e., a window's contents at a particular point in time.
page_ref [Browser.Impl]
A type for referencing a "page", which is a window's contents at a point in time.
path [Io]
The type of a directory path, which may end with a directory name or a file name.
pointer [Wrapper]
A mapping from security level to a reactive system state

queued_expr [Browser.Impl]
The type of the objects in a page's queue of scripts to execute.

rendered_doc [Io]
A type for the visible representation of a document node tree.
req [Io]
The type of an HTTP request with its headers.
req_uri [Io]
The type of a "request URI" for an HTTP request.
resp [Io]
The type of an HTTP response with its headers.
rslt [Browser.Impl]
A type for the results of evaluating script expressions.
running [Browser.Impl]
The type of a browser in the middle of processing the current input.
running [Reactive.REACTIVE_SYSTEM_TYPE]
running_w [Wrapper]

state [Browser.Impl]
The type of a browser state, in general.
state_w [Wrapper]

task [Browser.Impl]
The type of a script expression queued for execution.
typ [Io]
A representation of the data types in the scripting language.

url [Io]
The type of a URL.
user_button [Io]
A type for identifying a button.
user_textbox [Io]
A type for identifying a text input box.
user_window [Io]
A type for identifying a unique browser window.

var [Io]
A type for variables in the scripting environment.
void [Io]
An empty type.

waiting [Browser.Impl]
The type of a browser waiting for input.
waiting [Reactive.REACTIVE_SYSTEM_TYPE]
waiting_w [Wrapper]
win [Browser.Impl]
The type of a window.
win_name [Browser.Impl]
A type of a window's "name" property.
win_opener [Browser.Impl]
A type for a window's "opener" property.
win_ref [Browser.Impl]
A type representing the address of a window's data in memory.
wrapper_state [Wrapper]
A type of the state of the wrapper