Module Io

module Io: sig .. end
Definitions of the types of data exchanged between browsers and the internet.


type path = {
   path_value : string list; (*A sequence of path elements: for example, ["music"; "artists"; "Bauhaus.html"].*)
The type of a directory path, which may end with a directory name or a file name.

type req_uri = {
   req_uri_path : path;
   req_uri_params : string; (*The part of the URL after a ?: for example, "artist=bauhaus&song=slice+of+life".*)
The type of a "request URI" for an HTTP request.

type url =
| Blank_url (*The URL of a blank browser window (typically written as about:blank).*)
| Http_url of domain * req_uri (*A URL that begins with http://.*)
The type of a URL.


type typ =
| Null_type
| Bool_type
| Int_type
| String_type
| Url_type
| Type_type
| Function_type
| Code_type
| Window_type
| Node_type
A representation of the data types in the scripting language.

type var = {
   var_name : string;
A type for variables in the scripting environment.

type void =
| Void of void
An empty type.

type 'a expr =
| X of 'a (*Allows this data type to be extended with additional language constructs to be added, which will be needed for the internal language.*)
| Null (*The unique value "null".*)
| Bool of bool (*A Boolean value.*)
| Int of int (*An integer value.*)
| String of string (*A string value.*)
| Url of url (*A URL value.*)
| Type of typ (*A value representing a type.*)
| Seq of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Execute two expressions in sequence, discarding the results of the first and returning the results of the second.*)
| If of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a expr (*A conditional expression.*)
| While of 'a expr * 'a expr (*A while loop.*)
| Prim1 of string * 'a expr (*Applies a unary primitive operation to an argument.*)
| Prim2 of string * 'a expr * 'a expr (*Applies a binary primitive operation to two arguments.*)
| Alert of 'a expr (*Sends a message to the user.*)
| Function of var * var list * 'a expr (*Function(param, locals, body) is a single-argument function, where locals are the additional variable names that will be used in the body.*)
| Apply of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Applies a function to an argument.*)
| Code of void expr (*A suspended script expression.*)
| Eval of 'a expr (*Forces the execution of a Code value.*)
| Var of var (*Looks up a variable in the nearest enclosing scope.*)
| Set_var of var * 'a expr (*Updates a variable in the nearest enclosing scope, or creates a name in the statically enclosing window environment if the name is not found. It evaluates to the value of the expression.*)
| Get_cookie of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Get_cookie(url, key) gets the cookie value associated with url. Returns null if there is no such cookie.*)
| Set_cookie of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a expr (*Set_cookie(url, key, str) updates (or creates) the cookie value associated with url. If str is null, then the cookie is deleted.*)
| Xhr of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a expr (*Xhr(url, msg, handler) sends an HTTP request to url with the request body msg. If the response is a script and handler is a function, then the reponse will be supplied as a Code value to the handler when the response is received. It is an error if handler is not a function. If the response is not a script, the handler will be invoked with a null argument.*)
| Self_win (*A reference to the statically enclosing window.*)
| Named_win of 'a expr (*Named_win(str) evaluates to the window whose string name is str. It evalutes to null if there is no such window.*)
| Open_win of 'a expr (*Open_win(url) causes url to be loaded in a new, unnamed window. A reference to the window is returned. (The document will not be loaded in the window while the current script is running.) If url is null, a new blank window will be opened. Returns a reference to the opened window.*)
| Open_named_win of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Open_named_win(url, str) causes url to be loaded in the window with the name str. If a window with name str does not exist, then it is created. A reference to the window is returned. (The document will not be loaded in the window while the current script is running.) If url is null and a window with that name exists, the window will not be navigated. Returns a reference to the window.*)
| Close_win of 'a expr (*Close_win(win) closes win. It is a no-op if win is not open.*)
| Navigate_win of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Navigate_win(win, url) causes url to be loaded in win and evaluates to null. (win will not be ready while the current script is running.) It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Is_win_closed of 'a expr (*Is_win_closed(win) evaluates to false if win refers to an open * window and true otherwise.*)
| Get_win_opener of 'a expr (*Get_win_opener(win) evaluates to the "opener" of win or null if win has no opener.*)
| Get_win_location of 'a expr (*Get_win_location(win) evaluates to the URL that is loaded into the window win. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Get_win_name of 'a expr (*Get_win_name(win) returns the string name of the window, or null if the window has no name. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Set_win_name of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Set_win_name(win, str) set the name of win to str, or removes the name if str is null. It evaluates to null. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Get_win_root_node of 'a expr (*Get_win_root_node(win) gets the document root node of a window. Returns null if the window has no document. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Set_win_root_node of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Set_win_root_node(win, node) updates the document root node of a window. It evaluates to null. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Get_win_var of 'a expr * var (*Get_win_var(win, var) looks up a variable in a window's environment. It is an error if win is not open.*)
| Set_win_var of 'a expr * var * 'a expr (*Set_win_var(win, var, expr) updates (or creates) a variable in a window's environment and evaluates to the new value. It is an error if win is not open and ready.*)
| New_node of 'a expr (*New_node(desc) returns a new node of the type matching desc, which should be one of the following: "para", "link", "textbox", "button", "inl_script", "rem_script", or "div". It is an error if desc does not match one of these strings.*)
| Get_node_type of 'a expr (*Get_node_type(node) returns one of the strings "para", "link", "textbox", "button", "inl_script", "rem_script", or "div".*)
| Get_node_contents of 'a expr (*Get_node_contents(node) returns the contents of nodes that may have non-empty contents. For "para", "link", and "button" nodes, this is a String value. For "inl_script" nodes, this is a Code value. It is an error if node is not one of these types.*)
| Set_node_contents of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Set_node_contents(node, value) updates the contents of nodes that may have non-empty contents. For "para", "link", and "button" nodes, value should be a String value. For "inl_script" nodes, value should be a Code value. It is an error if node is not one of these types.*)
| Get_node_attr of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Get_node_attr(node, attr) returns the attributes described by the string attr of the node node. All node types have an attribute "id", which can be a Null or String value. "link" nodes have an "href" attribute, which is a Url value. "textbox" nodes have a "value" attribute, which is a String value. "rem_script" nodes have a "src" attribute, which is a Url value.*)
| Set_node_attr of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a expr (*Set_node_attr(node, attr, value) updates the attributes described by the string attr of the node node to have the value value. See Get_node_attr for attribute descriptions.*)
| Remove_handlers of 'a expr (*Remove_handlers(node) removes all handlers from the "textbox" or "button" node node. It is an error if node is not a "textbox" or "button" node.*)
| Add_handler of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Add_handler(node, h) adds the Function value h as a handler to the "textbox" or "button" node node. h will be applied to node itself at the time the handler is triggered.*)
| Get_parent of 'a expr (*Get_parent(node) returns the parent node of node if it has one or returns null if it does not (or if it is the root node of a page).*)
| Get_child of 'a expr * 'a expr (*Get_child(node, pos) returns the child node of node in position pos (counting from 0), or null if node has less than pos + 1 children. It is an error if node is not a "div" node.*)
| Insert_node of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a expr (*Insert_node(parent, node, pos) inserts node as the child at position pos of the "div" node parent. It is an error if parent is not a "div" node; it is an error if node is an ancestor of parent; it is an error if parent has less than pos nodes.*)
| Remove_node of 'a expr (*Remove_node(node) removes node (and therefore all of its descendents) from its parent node or removes directly from its enclosing window if it is a document root node.*)
A type for script expressions. These contruct will generate a runtime error if they are applied to value of types other than those described in the documentation here.

HTML documents

type elt_id = {
   elt_id_value : string;
A type to use for the id attribute of an HTML tag.

type doc =
| Para of elt_id option * string (*Para(id, text) represents a block of text.*)
| Link of elt_id option * url * string (*Link(id, link_text, href) represents to an HTML a tag.*)
| Textbox of elt_id option * string (*Textbox(id, contents) represents a text input box.*)
| Button of elt_id option * string (*Button(id, button_text) represents to an HTML button.*)
| Inl_script of elt_id option * void expr (*Represents a script tag with an inline script.*)
| Rem_script of elt_id option * url (*Represents a script tag with a src attribute.*)
| Div of elt_id option * doc list (*Contains a sequence of subdocuments. For simplicity, this is the only document structure with children.*)
A type representing a simplified form of HTML documents.

Network (HTTP) interface

type req = {
   req_uri : req_uri;
   req_cookies : (string * string) list;
   req_body : string;
The type of an HTTP request with its headers. We do not distinguish between GET and POST requests.

type file_data =
| Empty_file
| Html_file of doc list
| Script_file of void expr
The type of an HTTP response payload.

type resp = {
   resp_del_cookies : string list;
   resp_set_cookies : (string * string) list;
   resp_body : file_data;
The type of an HTTP response with its headers. Setting a cookie takes priority over deleting the same cookie.

type net_connection =
| Net_connection of domain * int
A type for identifying a unique network connection. The integer 0 represents the most recent connection to a given domain, 1 represents the next-most-recent, and so on.

User interface

type rendered_doc =
| Para_rendered of string
| Link_rendered of url * string
| Textbox_rendered of string
| Button_rendered of string
| Div_rendered of rendered_doc list
A type for the visible representation of a document node tree.

type user_window =
| User_window of url * int
A type for identifying a unique browser window. The integer 0 represents the most recently (re)loaded window with a given URL, 1 represents the next-most-recent, and so on.

type user_textbox =
| User_textbox of user_window * int
A type for identifying a text input box. The integer refers to the position of the text box among all of the text boxes on a given page.

type user_button =
| User_button of user_window * int
A type for identifying a button. The integer refers to the position of the button among all of the buttons on a given page.

Input/output actions

type input_event =
| User_load_in_new_win_event of url (*Represents the action of a user opening a new window at a the given URL.*)
| User_load_in_win_event of user_window * url (*Represents the action of a user loading a new URL in a window. The may be the result of typing in the address bar or of clicking on a link in the window's current page.*)
| User_link_to_new_win_event of user_window * url (*Represents the action of a user loading a URL from one page in a new window. This may be the result of a clicking on a link with a target attribute set to "_blank" or of clicking on a link in a special way (e.g., with the control key pressed).*)
| User_link_to_named_win_event of user_window * string * url (*Represents the action of a user loading a URL from one page in a window with a particular name. This may be the result of clicking on a link with a target attribute set to some particular name.*)
| User_close_win_event of user_window (*Represents the action of a user closing a window.*)
| User_input_text_event of user_textbox * string * Level.level option (*Represents the action of a user updating the text in a text input box.*)
| User_click_button_event of user_button (*Represents the action of a user clicking on a button in a page.*)
| Network_response_event of net_connection * resp (*Represents the receipt of an HTTP response.*)
The type of input events that can trigger action in a browser.

type output_event =
| UI_win_opened_event
| UI_win_closed_event of user_window (*Represents the closing of a window.*)
| UI_page_loaded_event of user_window * url * rendered_doc option (*Represents a new document being loaded in a window. If the rendered document is None, then the updated page has no visible contents.*)
| UI_page_updated_event of user_window * rendered_doc option (*Represents an update to the structure of a page. The entire page is included in this event representation, even if the update only affected some portiion of the page.*)
| UI_alert of string (*Represents a pop-up box with a message.*)
| UI_error of string (*Represents an error event.*)
| Network_send_event of domain * req (*Represents an HTTP request.*)
The type of output events that a browser can generate.