
Relighting Photographs of Tree Canopies

Marcio Cabral, Nicolas Bonneel, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis
IEEE TVCG (Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics) to appear
[pdf] [divx] [project page]

Structure-Preserving Reshape for Textured Architectural Scenes

Marcio Cabral, Sylvain Lefebvre, Carsten Dachsbacher, George Drettakis
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2009 Conference), Vol. 28, No. 2, April 2009
[pdf] [divx] [project page]


A Multimode Immersive Conceptual Design System for Architectural Modeling and Lighting
Marcio Cabral, Peter Vangorp, Gaurav Chaurasia, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Martin Hachet, George Drettakis
Proceedings of IEEE 3DUI (technote) - 2011 - Singapore - March 2011
[pdf] [divx]
Supplemental Material [pdf]

An experience using X3D for Virtual Cultural Heritage
M. Cabral, M. Zuffo, S. Ghirotti, O. Belloc, L. Nomura, M. Nagamura, F. Andrade, R. Mendes, R. Rossi, L. Thomaz
Proceedings of ACM Web3D '07 Symposium - Perugia, Italy - April 2007

TimeClock - Flexible Animation Control in X3D
Olavo Belloc, Marcio Cabral, Marcelo Zuffo
Proceedings of ACM Web3D '07 Symposium - Perugia, Italy - April 2007

On the usability of gesture interfaces in virtual reality environments
Marcio Cabral, Carlos Morimoto, Marcelo Zuffo
Proceedings of the ACM Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction '05 - ACM CLIHC 2005 - Cuernavaca, México

Powering Multiprojection Immersive Environments with Clusters of Commodity Computers
L. Soares, M. Cabral, P. Bressan, R. Lopes, M. Zuffo
Proceedings of the 1st Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics '02 - SIACG 2002 - Guimaraes, Portugal

Immersive Visualization to Help Image Classification Education
R. Moraes, L. Machado, B. Gnecco, M. Cabral
Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education '02 - INTERTECH'2002 - Santos, São Paulo

Interactive Stereoscopic Full-Color Direct Volume Visualization for Virtual Reality in Medicine
Goes, V.P.; Machado, L.S.; Cabral, M.C.; Leitao, R.B.; Lopes, R.D., M.Zuffo
Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality '01 - MMVR 2001 - Newport Beach, California


Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments
Organizers: H. Kaczmarski, M.K. Zuffo. Lecturers: M. Zuffo, C. Goudeseune, H. Kaczmarski, B. Schaeffer, J.Allard, B.Raffin, M. Cabral, L.P.Soares
Courses - SIGGRAPH '03 - San Diego - USA

Visualização de Alto Desempenho: utilizando componentes convencionais
Soares, L. P., Bressan, P. A., Guimarães, M. P., Cabral, M. C., Kurashima, C., Todesco, G. e Zuffo, M. K.
Courses - Brazillian Symposium on Virtual Reality '03 - Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo


X3D Experiences on Historical Architectural Digital Reconstruction: A Case Study of Sao Paulo city in 1911
M. Zuffo, M. Cabral, L. Nomura, M. Nagamura, F. Andrade, S. Ghirotti, O. Belloc
IEEE Virtual Reality '07 - Workshop I: The Future Standards for Immersive VR - Charlotte, North Carolina

Reconstrucao virtual do centro antigo de Sao Paulo: visita ao Largo da Se em 1911
M.C.Cabral, L. Nomura, F. Andrade, M. Nagamura, M. Zuffo, R. Mendes, E. Mello, L. Lehmann
CIENCIA E ARTE '06 - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Gruta Digital: um Ambiente de Realidade Virtual Imersivo Itinerante para Aplicacoes Educacionais.
I. Fisherman, M. Cabral, et. al
Proceedings of the XVII Simposio Brasileiro de Informatica na Educacao '06 - Brasilia, Distrito Federal
[pdf](in portuguese)

Ilusao Aumentada: Difusao e entretenimento de aplicativos em realidade aumentada para o publico infantil
L. Nomura, M. Cabral,
WRA (Workshop de Realidade Aumentada) '06 - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

A System for Rendering Panoramic Tele-immersion Images
C. Kurashima, M. Cabral, M. Zuffo.
IEEE Virtual Reality '05 Workshop - Emerging Display Technologies New Systems and Applications: From Images to Sensing, Interaction and Enhancement - Bonn, Germany (2005)
[pdf](in portuguese)

Experiments with Panoramic Imaging in Multiprojection Immersive Environments
O. Hu, M. Cabral, R. Lopes, M. Zuffo
Proceedings of the 5th SBC Symposium on Virtual Reality '02 Fortaleza - Brasil

Um Sistema de Visualização Imersivo e Interativo de Apoio ao  Ensino de Classificação de Imagens
Gnecco, B. B.; Moraes, R. M.; Machado, L. S. e Cabral, M. C.
Proceedings of the Brazillian Symposium on Virtual Reality '02 - SVR 2002 - Florianópolis, Santa Catarina

Low Cost Interactive Stereoscopic Full Direct Volume Visualization of the Visible Human Dataset for Virtual Reality Medical Applications
Goes, V.P.; Machado, L.S.; Cabral, M.C.; Leitao, R.B.; Lopes, R.D.;Zuffo, M.K.
Proceedings of the Brazillian Symposium on Virtual Reality '00 SVR 2000 - Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul
[pdf](in portuguese)

demos / installations

Lab Demo Presentation: Panoramic image capture and display
Marcio Cabral et. al.
IEEE Virtual Reality '06 - Alexandria, Virginia - 2006

Virtual Hang-Gliding over Rio de Janeiro
L.P.Soares, M.C.Cabral,
Emerging Technologies - SIGGRAPH '05 - Los Angeles, California

Virtual Hang-gliding over Rio de Janeiro
Soares, L. P., Nomura, L., Cabral, M. C., Dulley, L. P., Guimarães, M. P., Lopes, R. D. e Zuffo, M. K.
IEEE Virtual Reality '04 Workshop VR for Public Consumption - Chicago, Illinois

master thesis

Interaction based on hands and head gestures for virtual reality environments using computer vision
Marcio cabral, Master Thesis, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo, May 2005
Advisor: Professor Carlos Hitoshi Morimoto [pdf](in portuguese)

Photo © Marcio Cabral ///Gourdon Fev.2010///