Manuel Serrano Inria Sophia Antipolis 2004 route des Lucioles - BP 93 F-06902 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex France |
White paper If you have any comments on this web page or if you have a contribution or an application that you would like pointed to by this web page, please contact the maintainer of the page. |
Scheme Scribe (Scribe hereafter) is a text processor. Even if it is a general purpose tool, it best suits the writing of technical documents such as web pages or technical reports, API documentations, etc. At first glance, Scribe looks like a mark-up language à la HTML. So, there is no need to be provided with computer programming skills in order to use Scribe. A second look reveals that Scribe is actually a true programming language, provided with high level features (such as objects, higher order functions, regular and syntactic parsing, etc.). Scribe is based on the Scheme programming language. From Scribe source files it is possible to produce various targets:
Several Scribe demonstrations can be found on this web site. First, this HTML page is a Scribe, have a look at the source code here. Second and third, the Scribe user manual and advanced manual are also written in Scribe. The Scribe distribution also contains a compiler from Texi source files to Scribe source files. An example of such a compilation can be found at This example shows how a Texi source file can be compiled to Scribe and then compiled to HTML. The regular Scribe compiler can produce Postscript files. Here is an example of such a file: doc/
Two versions of Scribe exist.
Download JVM ScribeThis pre-compiled version of Scribe does not require any pre-installation. In particular, there is no need to install the Bigloo compiler in order to use it.
The zip for Java virtual machine is: This pre-compiled version of Scribe should run everywhere it exists a JDK 1.3 (or higher). Download native ScribeIn order to install and compile native Scribe, you need to install the Bigloo compiler version 2.5a or higher first. This is required for the source file tarball and the RPM package. In addition, the Bigloo version must support shared libraries. It is impossible to compile and run Scribe on a platform that does not support this feature.
The source file distribution that can be used for Unix systems and Win32/Cygwin is: Scribe portability matches the Bigloo portability. That is, it is known to compile and run under the following systems:
The Scribe mailing list is now hosted by
The new email address is
Scribe is distributed under the Gnu Public License. |