1. Scribe Programming Manual -- Defining new functions

1. Scribe Programming Manual -- Defining new functions


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Defining new functions

1.1 Simple example of user function
1.2 Define-markup


1. Defining new functions
2. Fontification
3. Common Classes
4. Scribe Library
5. Container numbering
6. Target format
7. Programming Back-ends
8. The HTML back end
9. The LaTeX back end
10. The MAN back end
11. Bibliography
12. Embedding Scribe into Bigloo
13. Scribe Apache module
14. Classes, Functions and Variables
15. Bibliography


Home page:Scribe


It is possible to define user functions to help the writing of complex texts. In other text processor this facility is usually named user macro. Scribe functions are implemented in Bigloo, a variant of the Scheme programming language.

It is recommended to define user functions before the call to the document is called. A user function may operate side effects (such as storing information in a hash table). Its return value will be considered as any Scribe expression.

1.1 Simple example of user function

Let us suppose that we have to include a table such as:

CosStandard library
SinStandard library

Fig. 1: An example of table

On this table, the "Names" are centered and displayed in green. The "Values" are formated accordingly to there type. Integers are flushed left, reals are flushed right. Strings are displayed in a bold face and centered. Booleans are represented by the two strings yes and no. Since it is tedious to strictly follow this formating rules and good way to ensure compliance is to use a function in order to format the table. This is what the example-table function does:

(define (example-table . items)
   (apply table
          :border (if (eq? *scribe-format* 'html) #f 1)
          (tr :bg *api-arguments-description-color*
              (th :width .2 "Name")
              (th :width .8 "Value"))
          (map (lambda (i)
                (let ((name (car i))
                      (val (cadr i)))
                  (tr :bg *api-example-color*
                      (td :align 'left (color :fg "#00aa00" name))
                     ((integer? val)
                      (td :align 'left val))
                     ((real? val)
                      (td :align 'right val))
                     ((string? val)
                      (td :align 'center (bold val)))
                     ((boolean? val)
                      (td :align 'center (it (if val "yes" "no"))))
                      (td :align 'center "???"))))))

1.2 Define-markup

It may happens that some user function accept configuration or optional arguments. For instance, let us suppose that we want to provide a mean to configure the table of the previous example. We want to provide a mean to choose the color of the "Names" and the layout of the "Values". The customized table could be rendered as:

CosStandard library
SinStandard library

Fig. 2: Customized example of table

This kind of functions can be implemented with regular Scheme functions but Scribe provided a special form to help at this task.
(define-markup arguments . body)Scribe special form

:argumentsThe arguments of the markup function.
:bodyThe body of the markup function.

A markup function is a regular Scheme function. It can be used in all the contexts a Scheme function call be used. It differs with traditional functions in that it enables keyword parameters. A keyword parameter is an argument whose actual value is named by the formal name of the parameter. A keyword parameter may or may not have a default. A keyword parameter with a default value is optional. On a function call is such a paramter is not passed, the body of the function is evaluated with the keyword parameter bound to its default value. A keyword parameter is specified with a Bigloo keyword instead of a symbol. In the body of function, the value of the keyword parameter is fetch using the symbol associated with the keyword. For instance, a keyword parameter :color will be referenced to in the body of a function a color. A keyword parameter with a default value is specified with a list whose first element is a keyword and second element the default value. For instance, the definition of the function enabling user customization in example table is:

(define-markup (example-table2 :fg (:integer 'left) (:real 'right)
                               (:string 'center) (:boolean 'center) . items)
   (apply table
          :border (if (eq? *scribe-format* 'html) #f 1)
          (tr :bg *api-arguments-description-color*
              (th :width .2 "Name")
              (th :width .8 "Value"))
          (map (lambda (i)
                 (let ((name (car i))
                       (val (cadr i)))
                   (tr :bg *api-example-color*
                       (td :align 'left (color :fg fg name))
                        ((integer? val)
                         (td :align integer val))
                        ((real? val)
                         (td :align real val))
                        ((string? val)
                         (td :align string (bold val)))
                        ((boolean? val)
                         (td :align boolean (it (if val "yes" "no"))))
                         (td :align 'center "???"))))))

The call to example-table2 that produces the Figure above is:

(example-table2 :fg "#aa2222"
                :integer 'center
                :real 'center
                '("One" 1)
                '("Two" 2)
                '("PI" 3.1415)
                '("Cos" "Standard library")
                '("Sin" "Standard library")
                '("Foo" #unspecified)
                '("#t" #t)
                '("#f" #f))

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Last update Wed Dec 18 09:23:03 2002