Designating subtrees in CENTAUR
Dominique Clement
Laurent Hascoet
INRIA, BP93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France
Report, ESPRIT project GIPE, 1988 (23 pages)
We present here an alternative method for designating subtrees
of a given tree. The existing method uses pointers towards nodes of the tree.
Our method uses access paths, and is thus more independent from the
implementation than the existing one. We also show examples of the use
of access paths, especially when they are more efficient than
pointers, or when they can solve new problems.
Graph theory, Trees, Paths in trees
Full text (pdf)
author = {Clement, D. and Hasco\"et, L.},
title = {Designating subtrees in CENTAUR},
type = {ESPRIT project GIPE, annual report},