

Juan Carlos Vasquez Betancur

PhD Student-Project NeuroMathComp

2004 route des Lucioles

06902, Sophia-Antipolis

Phone: +33-(0)492387951 Fax:+33 -(0) 492387845

E-mail: Juan-Carlos.Vasquez(at)


I'm PhD Student in Mathematical Physics and Computer science for spiking neural models and its applications within the NeuroMathComp Project (previously existing as part of Odyssee Project). My principal advisor is Bruno Cessac with Thierry Vieville as co-advisor. My PhD thesis title is: Analyzing the neural code, mathematical and computational properties of spiking neural networks.
I have also interest in chaos on this type of systems and the effects of plasticity mechanisms in order to understand and establish a hierarchy of specialized tasks as coding, learning and vision.

Research Interest



International Conferences

French Conferences


Developing ENAS...

Enas (Event neural assemblies simulation): It is neither a new "simulator", nor a new "platform", but a set of new routines available for such existing tools.


The source code of the EnaS Library is to be distributed under the CeCiLL-C license. This License is a Free-Software license, adapted to the distribution of library components. It is close in its terms to the LGPL license. Such CeCill licenses have been created under the supervision of French computer science major institutions. They comply to international regulation rules.

Developed by several authors within the scope of the ANR MAPS and the EC IP FP6-015879 FACETS projects. This is an INRIA product.


This page was last modified on 30/03/ 2010, at 19:00.