- J.C. Vasquez, B. Cessac, and T. Vieville. Entropy-based parametric estimation of spike train statisticsSubmitted to Journal of
Computational Neuroscience [link]

- H. Rostro-Gonzalez, B. Cessac, J.C. Vasquez and T. Vieville. Back-engineering in spiking neural networks parameters.
Under revision. (2010) [link]
- B. Cessac, H. Rostro, J.C. Vasquez and T. Vieville. How Gibbs distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanisms. A model-based argumentation. Journal of Statistical Physics, 136, (3), 565-602 (2009). [link]
- J.Vasquez, A. Montes, C. Duque and A.L Morales. Binding Energy for shallow donor impurity in GaAs Quantum Well Wires under Hydrostatic Pressure. Revista Colombiana de Fisica, Vol. 37 No.1 2005.[link]
International Conferences
- J.C. Vasquez, B. Cessac, and T. Vieville. Entropy-based parametric estimation of spike train statistics Statistical Mechanics of Learning and Inference, Stockholm-Mariehanm, May 2010.
- H. Rostro-Gonzalez, B. Cessac, J.C. Vasquez and T. Vieville. Back-engineering in spiking neural networks parameters. Eighteenth Annual Cmputational Neuroscience Meeting CNS 2009. July 18th-23rd 2009, Berlin, Germany. BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10(Suppl.10):P289, BioMed Central.
- J.C. Vasquez, B. Cessac, H. Rostro-Gonzalez and T. Vieville. How Gibbs Distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanisms. Eighteenth Annual Cmputational Neuroscience Meeting CNS 2009. July 18th-23rd 2009, Berlin, Germany. BMC Neuroscience 2009, 10(Suppl.10):P213, BioMed Central.
French Conferences
- J.C. Vasquez, Hassan Nasser, Adrian Palacios, Bruno Cessac, Thierry Vieville and Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez. Parametric estimation of Spike train statistics by Gibbs distributions : an application to bio-inspired and experimetal data. Neurocomp 2010 (Lyon).
- H. Rostro, B. Cessac, J.C. Vasquez, T. Vieville. On deterministic reservoir computing: network complexity and algorithm. Proceedings Neurocomp 2009 (Bordeaux).
- J.C. Vasquez, Bruno Cessac, Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez, Thierry Vieville.Gibbs Distributions and STDP: An case-study on recurrent Neural Networks. Proceedings Neurocomp 2009 (Bordeaux).

- B. Cessac, H. Rostro, J.C. Vasquez, T. Vieville. Statistics of spikes trains, synaptic plasticity and Gibbs distributions. Proceedings Neurocomp 2008 (Marseille).
- B. Cessac, H. Rostro, J.C. Vasquez, T. Vieville. To which extend is the neural code a metric?. Proceedings Neurocomp 2008 (Marseille).
- H. Rostro-Gonzalez, B. Cessac, J.C. Vasquez and T. Vieville. Back-engineering in spiking neural networks parameters. INRIA-NIH Biomedical Computing Workshop, June 3-4th, 2009, Rocquencourt.

- J.C. Vasquez, B. Cessac, H. Rostro-Gonzalez and T. Vieville. How Gibbs Distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanisms. INRIA-NIH Biomedical Computing Workshop, June 3-4th, 2009, Rocquencourt.
