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Curriculum Vitae

My curriculum vitae could be found here in PDF or in HTML.

A short biography

I was born in October 1983, in Tongling city, Anhui province, China. I spent 18 years in my hometown which is a small city near the Yangzi River.

In 2001, I entered Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), which is famous for aerospace technology in China. I was accepted in the Electrical Engineering department and was assumed to study motor control. However, after about two years study, I found that I really did not like these hardware stuffs. I was interested in Mathematics and signal processing. So I did not spend much time on my major. I took some other courses which I was interested in and chose Computer Science as my minor subject.

After I graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) with the highest honor in 2005, I enrolled in Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), which is famous for image processing and pattern recognition in China. Since 2005, I study in medical image analysis in CCM, under the supervision of Prof. Tianzi Jiang, who is the Chinese head of Sino-French Laboratory for Computer Science, Automation, and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA). From 2005 to 2008, I studied for both functional MRI and diffusion MRI and I was particularly interested in manifold related methods and their applications in medical image analysis.

In 2008, I got the Bourse Doctorales en Alternance (Bourse du Gouvernement Français) for the joint Ph.D. program between China and France. Since September 2008, I work with my French advisor Prof. Rachid Deriche in Athena/Odyssée, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, as well as my Chinese advisor Prof. Tianzi Jiang. Now, my research interests focus on the data modeling and processing for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI). Recently, I proposed a Riemannian framework for the computation of Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) and Ensemble Average Propagator (EAP) in HARDI, and proposed analytical Spherical Polar Fourier Imaging (aSPFI) to analytically estimate ODFs and EAPs. Please see my publications and researches if you are interested in them.