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  • Visual Tracking Via Incremental Log-Euclidean Riemannian Subspace Learning

  • Incremental learning is a hot topic in real time visual tracking. Covariance matrix descriptor was proposed recently. Here we proposed a incremental learning framework on this descriptor, by introducing the Log-Euclidean framework on tensors.

    In the framework, the covariance matrices of image features in the five modes are used to represent object appearance. The Log-Euclidean Riemannian metric is used for statistics on the covariance matrices of image features. Further, we present an effective online Log-Euclidean Riemannian subspace learning algorithm which models the appearance changes of an object by incrementally learning a low-order Log-Euclidean eigenspace representation through adaptively updating the sample mean and eigenbasis. Tracking is then led by the Bayesian state inference framework in which a particle filter is used for propagating sample distributions over the time. Theoretic analysis and experimental evaluations demonstrate the promise and effectiveness of the proposed framework.

    Publications on this topic include:

  • Xi Li, Weiming Hu, Zhongfei Zhang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Mingliang Zhu, Jian Cheng, "Visual tracking via incremental Log-Euclidean Riemannian subspace learning", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'08), Anchorage, Alaska. June 23-28, 2008. [PDF]

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