883 références sur: t-z
- 1
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Design and programming of a lobster arm robot.
In 9th Applied Mechanisms Conf., pages V.1–V.6, Kansas City,
28-30 Janvier 1985
Keywords: planar robot.
- 2
Tadakuma K. and others .
The experimental study of a precision parallel manipulator with
binary actuation: With application to MRI cancer treatment.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2503–2508, Pasadena, 19-23 Mai 2008
Keywords: applications,medical,binary robot.
- 3
Tadjari F. and others .
Robust control of a 3-dof parallel cable robot using an adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system.
In Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (IRANOPEN), 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 4
Tadokoro S.
Control of parallel mechanisms.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):559–571, Décembre 1994
Keywords: redundant
- 5
Tadokoro S.
A 6 d.o.f. parallel robot wrist joint by a pneumatic actuator drive.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):603, Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 6
Tadokoro S. and others .
On fundamental design of wire configuration of wire driven parallel
manipulators with redundancy.
In Japan-USA Symp. on Flexible Automation, pages 151–158,
Boston, 7-10 Juillet 1996
Keywords: wire robot,design.
- 7
Tadokoro S. and others .
A parallel cable-driven motion base for virtual acceleration.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: wire robot,control,simulator.
- 8
Tadokoro S. and others .
A motion base with 6-dof by parallel cable driven architecture.
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 7(2):115–123,
Juin 2002
Keywords: wire robot.
- 9
Tadokoro S. and others .
A portable parallel manipulator for search and rescue at large-scale
urban earthquakes and an identification algorithm for the installation in
unstructured environments.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 1222–1227, Kyongju, 17-21 Octobre 1999
Keywords: applications,wire robot,calibration.
- 10
Taghavi M. and others .
Workspace improvement of two-link cable-driven mechanims with spring
In 1st Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Stuttgart, 3-4 Septembre 2012
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,hybrid robot.
- 11
Taghavi M. and others .
Cable-driven parallel robot for curtain wall modules automatic
In 34th Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction,
Taipei, 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 12
Taghavi M. and others .
Development of a modular end-effector for the installation of curtain
walls with cable-robots.
J. of Facade Design & Engineering, 6(2), 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 13
Taghirad H.D. and Nahon M.A.
Dynamic analysis of a macro-micro redundantly actuated parallel
Advanced Robotics, 22(9):949–981, 2008.
Keywords: dynamics,applications,redundant robot,wire
robot,micro-macro robot.
- 14
Taghirad H.D. and Bedoustani Y.D.
An analytic-iterative redundancy resolution scheme for cable-driven
redundant parallel manipulator.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 27(6):670–676,
Décembre 2011
Keywords: wire robot,micro-macro robot,statics.
- 15
Taherifar A. and others .
Inverse forward dynamics of N-3RPS manipulator with lockable
Robotica, 34(6):1383–1402, Juin 2016
Keywords: redundant robot,hybrid robot,hydraulics.
- 16
Tahmasebi F. and Tsai L.-W.
Closed form direct kinematics solution of a new parallel
Research Report TR91-92, University of Maryland, 1991.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 17
Tahmasebi F. and Tsai L.-W.
Closed form direct kinematics solution of a new parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 116(4):1141–1147,
Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,forward
- 18
Tahmasebi F. and Tsai L.-W.
Workspace and singularity analysis of a novel six-dof parallel
J. of Applied Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2):31–40,
Mars 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 19
Tahmasebi F. and Tsai L.-W.
Simplified and symmetrical five-bar linkage driver for manipulating a
six-degree-of-freedom parallel minimapulator with three inextensible limbs,
12 Avril 1994
United States Patent
5,301,566, US Army.
Keywords: 6 dof robot,patent.
- 20
Tahri O. and others .
Omnidirectional visual-servo of a Gough-Stewart platform.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 1326–1331, San Diego, 22-26 Septembre 2007
Keywords: control.
- 21
Tahri O. and others .
Omnidirectional visual-servo of a Gough-Stewart platform.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 25(1):178–183,
Février 2009
Keywords: control.
- 22
Takaiwa M. and Noritsugu T.
Development of force displaying device using pneumatic parallel
manipulator and application to palpation motion.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4098–4103, Taipei, 14-19 Septembre 2003
Keywords: applications,medical,pneumatic,passive compliance.
- 23
Takaiwa M. and Noritsugu T.
Development of wrist rehabilitation equipment using pneumatic
parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2313–2318, Barcelona, 19-22 Avril 2005
Keywords: medical,control,pneumatic.
- 24
Takamasu K. and others .
Development of nano-CMM and parallel-CMM, CMM in the 21th
In Int. Dimensional Metrology Workshop, Tennessee,
10-13 Mai 1999
Keywords: applications,passive joints.
- 25
Takanobu H. and others .
Bio-parallel mechanism of mastication robot.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 487–492, Kobe,
16-20 Septembre 1992
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 26
Takanobu H. and others .
Mouth opening and closing training with 6-dof parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1384–1389, San Francisco, 24-28 Avril 2000
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 27
Takanobu H. and others .
Remote therapy with mouth opening and closing training robot between
Tokyo and Yamanashi 120 km.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 1584–1589, Maui, Hawaii,
29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 28
Takeda Y., Funabashi H., and Sasaki Y.
Analysis of working space and motion transmissibility of spherical
in-parallel actuated mechanism.
In ICAR, pages 165–170, Tokyo,
1-2 Novembre 1993
Keywords: mechanical architecture,statics,spherical
- 29
Takeda Y., Shen G., and Funabashi H.
A DBB-based kinematic calibration method for in-parallel actuated
mechanisms using a Fourier series.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: calibration.
- 30
Takeda Y. and others .
An in-parallel actuated manipulator with redundant actuators for
gross and fine motion.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 749–754,
New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: redundant robot,6 dof robot,optimal design.
- 31
Takeda Y.
Kinematic analysis of parallel mechanisms at singular points at which
a connecting chain has local mobility.
In Computational Kinematics, Cassino,
4-6 Mai 2005
Keywords: singularity,trajectory planning.
- 32
Takeda Y. and others .
Development of position-orientation decoupled spatial in-parallel
actuated mechanisms with six degrees of freedom.
J. of Robotics and Mechatronics, 17(1):59–68,
Février 2005
Keywords: 6 dof robot,mechanical architecture,decoupled robot.
- 33
Takeda Y. and others .
Orientation capability of a 3-RPSR parallel mechanism for a
movable-die drive mechanism of pipe bender.
In ARK, pages 253–260, Innsbruck,
25-28 Juin 2012
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,applications.
- 34
Takemura F. and others .
Proposition of a human body searching strategy using a cable-driven
robot at major disaster.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Sendai, 28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2004
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 35
Takemura F. and others .
Development of the balloon-cable driven robot for information
collection from sky and proposal of the search strategy at a major disaster.
In IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,
pages 658–663, Monterey, 24-28 Juillet 2005
Keywords: wire robot,applications,aerial.
- 36
Takeda Y. and others .
A human body searching strategy using a cable-driven robot with an
electromagnetic wave direction finder at major disasters.
Advanced Robotics, 19(3):331–347, 2005.
Keywords: wire robot,applications,aerial.
- 37
Takeda Y., Maeda K., and Tadokoro S.
Attitude stability of a cable driven balloon robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 3504–3509, Beijing, 9-15 Octobre 2006
Keywords: wire robot,applications,aerial,workspace.
- 38
Tale Masouleh M., Husty M., and Gosselin C.
Forward kinematic problem of 5-
mechanism using Study parameters.
In ARK, pages 211–221, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,forward kinematics.
- 39
Tale Masouleh M. and others .
Forward kinematic problem and constant orientation workspace of
(3T2R) parallel mechanisms.
In 18th Iranian Conf. on Electrical Engineering, 2010.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,forward kinematics,workspace.
- 40
Tale Masouleh M. and others .
Forward kinematic problem of
mechanisms (3T2R) with identical limb structure.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46(7):945–959,
Juillet 2011
Keywords: forward kinematics,5 dof robot.
- 41
Tale Masouleh M. and others .
Kinematic analysis of 5-RPUR (3T2R) parallel mechanisms.
Meccanica, 46:131–146, 2011.
Keywords: forward kinematics,workspace,5 dof robot.
- 42
Talke K.A., De Oiveira M., and Bewley T.
Catenary tether shape analysis for a UAV - USV team.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Madrid, 1-5 Octobre 2018
Keywords: wire robot,marine,applications,aerial,control.
- 43
Tan D-P., Ji S-M., and M-S. Jin.
Intelligent computer-aided instruction modeling and a method to
optimize study strategies for parallel robot instruction.
IEEE Trans. on Education, 56(3), Août 2013
- 44
Tanaka W. and others .
Simplified kinematic calibration for a class of parallel mechanism.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 483–488,
Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: calibration.
- 45
Tanaka W. and others .
Calibration method by simplified measurement for parallel mechanism.
In 11th ICAR, pages 1781–1786, Coimbra,
30 Juin-3 Juillet, 2003
Keywords: calibration.
- 46
Tanaka W. and others .
Calibration method for parallel mechanism using micro-grid pattern.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 763–768,
Orlando, 16-18 Mai 2006
Keywords: calibration,micro robot.
- 47
Tanaka M.
Motion and dynamics of flexible arm of a mast-type statically
determinate truss.
In Proc. Computational Mechanics '88, Theory and Applications,
pages 42.iii.1–42.iii.4, Atlanta, GA, USA, 10-14 Avril 1988
Keywords: truss,dynamics,flexible robot.
- 48
Tanaka M. and others .
Motion/configuration control of a truss-type parallel manipulator
with redundancy.
In Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, pages 329–336,
ISCIE, Kyoto, 1990.
Keywords: truss,redundant robot.
- 49
Tanaka M., Seguchi Y., and others .
Kinematics of adaptive truss permitting nodal offset (configuration
and workspace reach).
In First Joint USA/Japan Conf. on adaptive structure, pages
691–714, Maui, Hawaii, 13-15 Novembre 1990
Keywords: truss,workspace.
- 50
Tanaka M. and Hanahara K.
Simulation study of dynamic properties and nodal offset of truss-type
parallel mechanism.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 445–450, Kobe,
16-20 Septembre 1992
Keywords: truss,dynamics.
- 51
Tanaka M.
Large-scaled framed structure as parallel mechanism with
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):573–587, Décembre 1994
Keywords: redundant robot,truss.
- 52
Tanaka M.
Truss-type mechanism.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):599, Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 53
Tanase I. and others .
Workspace identification with neural network for an optimal designed
2-dof orientation parallel device.
In 4th European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
159–167, Santander, 19-21 Septembre 2012
Keywords: 2 dof robot,optimal design.
- 54
Tancredi L. and Merlet J-P.
Evaluation of the errors when solving the direct kinematics of
parallel manipulators with extra sensors.
In Lenarčič J. and Ravani B., editors, ARK, pages
439–448, Ljubljana, 4-6 Juillet 1994
Keywords: forward kinematics,forward kinematics with redundant sensors.
- 55
Tancredi L., Teillaud M., and Merlet J-P.
Extra sensors data for solving the forward kinematics problem of
parallel manipulators.
In 9th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 2122–2126, Milan,
30 Août-2 Septembre, 1995
Keywords: forward kinematics,forward kinematics with redundant
- 56
Tancredi L., Teillaud M., and Merlet J-P.
Forward kinematics of a parallel manipulator with additional rotary
sensors measuring the position of platform joints.
In J-P. Merlet B. Ravani, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 261–270. Kluwer, 4-6 Septembre 1995
Keywords: forward kinematics,forward kinematics with redundant
- 57
Tancredi L.
De la simplification et la résolution du modèle
géométrique direct des robots parallèles.
Ph.D. Thesis, École des Mines de Paris, Sophia,
20 Décembre 1995
Keywords: kinematics,forward kinematics with redundant sensors.
- 58
Tancredi L., Teillaud M., and Devillers O.
Symbolic elimination for parallel manipulators.
Research Report 2809, INRIA, Février 1996
Keywords: forward kinematics with redundant sensors.
- 59
Tancredi L. and Teillaud M.
Application de la géométrie synthétique au problème de
modélisation géométrique directe des robots parallèles.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 34(2):255–269,
Février 1999
Keywords: forward kinematics,forward kinematics with redundant
- 60
Tanev T.K.
Forward displacement analysis of a three legged
four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator.
In ARK, pages 147–154, Strobl,
29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
Keywords: 4 dof robot,forward kinematics.
- 61
Tanev T.K. and Rooney J.
Rotation symmetry axes and the quality index in a 3D octahedral
parallel robot manipulator system.
In ARK, pages 29–38, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: performance analysis.
- 62
Tanev T.K.
Singularity analysis of a 4-dof parallel manipulator using geometric
In ARK, pages 275–284, Ljubljana,
26-29 Juin 2006
Keywords: singularity,jacobian,4 dof robot.
- 63
Tanev T.K.
Geometric algebra approach to singularity of parallel manipulators
with limited mobility.
In ARK, pages 39–48, Batz/mer,
23-26 Juin 2008
Keywords: singularity,jacobian.
- 64
Tang H., Zhang D., and Tian C.
An approach for modeling and performance analysis of three-leg
landing gear mechanisms based on the virtual equivalent parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169, Mars 2022
Keywords: mechanical architecture,structural
synthesis,applications,performance analysis.
- 65
Tang L. and others .
Dynamic trajectory planning of planar two-dof redundantly actuated
cable-suspended parallel robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Chicago, 14-18 Septembre 2014
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,redundant
robot,dynamics,trajectory planning.
- 66
Tang L. and others .
Singularity analysis on a special class of cable-suspended parallel
mechanisms with pairwise cable arrangement and actuation redundancy.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 142, Février 2020
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,redundant robot,singularity.
- 67
Tang T., Fang H., and Zhang J.
Hierarchical design, laboratory prototype fabrication and machining
tests of a novel 5-axis hybrid serial-parallel kinematic machine tool.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 64, 2020.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,mechanical architecture,hybrid
- 68
Tang T. and others .
Chebyshev inclusion function based interval kinetostatic modeling and
parameter sensitivity analysis for Exechon-like parallel kinematic machines
with parameter uncertainties.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 157, 2021.
Keywords: accuracy,uncertainties.
- 69
Tang T. and others .
Type synthesis, unified kinematic analysis and prototype validation
of a family of Exechon inspired parallel mechanisms for 5-axis hybrid
kinematic machine tools.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 72, 2021.
Keywords: structural synthesis,5 dof robot,machine-tool,inverse
- 70
Tang X., Yin W., and Wang J.
A study of the accuracy of a novel 4-dof hybrid machine tool.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 509–523,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,calibration,machine-tool.
- 71
Tang X. and Yao R.
Dimensional design of the six-cable driven parallel manipulator of
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 133(11):111012–1/11,
Novembre 2011
Keywords: applications,optimal design,wire robot.
- 72
Tang X. and othrs .
Accuracy synthesis of a multi-level hybrid positioning mechanism for
the feed support system in FAST.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 30(5):565–575,
Octobre 2014
Keywords: accuracy,hybrid robot.
- 73
Tang X.Q. and Huang P.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter The
analysis and application of parallel manipulator for active reflector of
FAST, pages 321–346.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 74
Tanikawa T. and Arai T.
Development of a micro-manipulation system having a two-fingered
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 15(1):152–162,
Février 1999
Keywords: applications,hybrid robot,workspace,calibration,micro
- 75
Tannous M., Caro S., and Goldsztejn A.
Sensitivity analysis of parallel manipulators using an interval
linearization method.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 71:93–114,
Janvier 2014
Keywords: performance analysis,accuracy.
- 76
Tao-Sun G.M. and others .
Mobility analysis and kinematic synthesis of a novel 4-dof parallel
Robotica, 34(5):1010–1025, Mai 2016
Keywords: 4 dof robot,mechanical architecture,optimal design.
- 77
Tarao S., Inohira E., and Uchiyama M.
Motion simulation using a high-speed parallel link mechanism.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Takamatsu, Japan, 30 Octobre-5 Novembre, 2000
Keywords: applications,hardware,control,force feedback.
- 78
Tari H., Su H-J., and Hauenstein D.
Classification and complete solution of the kinetostatics of a
compliant Stewart–Gough platform.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 49:177=186,
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Keywords: statics,stiffness,forward kinematics.
- 79
Tavolieri C., Ceccarelli M., and Merlet J-P.
A workspace analysis of a fully constrained cable-based parallel
manipulator by using interval analysis.
In Musme, San Juan, Argentina, 8-12 Avril 2008
Keywords: wire robot,workspace.
- 80
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Design of a cable-based parallel manipulator for rehabilitation
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Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 81
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Motion planning for parallel robots with non-holonomic joints.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,trajectory planning,control.
- 82
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jacobian approach.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,trajectory planning,control.
- 83
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1/n Feynman machines as a path to ultraminiaturisation?
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MicroMachining, pages 82–88, Austin, 23-24 Octobre 1995
Keywords: micro robot,design theory.
- 84
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Design and programming for cable-driven parallel robots in the german
pavilion at the expo 2015.
Machines, 3(3):223–241, 2015.
Keywords: applications,wire robot.
- 85
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Estimating inertial parameters of suspended cable-driven parallel
robots; use case on CoGiRo.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
6093–6098, Singapore, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,calibration,dynamics.
- 86
Tempel P., Trautwein F., and Pott A.
Experimental identification of stress-strain material models of
UHMWPE fiber cables for improving cable tension control strategies.
In ARK, Bologna, 1-5 Juillet 2018
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 87
Tengfei T. and Jun Z.
Conceptual design and kinetostatic analysis of a modular parallel
kinematic machine-based hybrid machine tool for large aeronautic components.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 57:1–16, 2019.
Keywords: machine-tool,hybrid robot,modular
robot,applications,3 dof robot.
- 88
Tesar D. and Butler M.S.
A generalized modular architecture for robot structures.
Manufacturing review, 2(2), Juin 1989
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 89
Thanh D., T and others .
Dynamics identification of kinematically redudnant parallel robot
using the direct search method.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 55:104–121,
Septembre 2012
Keywords: planar robot,redundant robot,dynamics,calibration.
- 90
Thayer D. and Vagners J.
A look at the pole/zero structure of a Stewart platform using
special coordinate basis.
In American Control Conference, pages 1165–1169, Philadelphia,
24-26 Juin 1998
Keywords: vibration,control.
- 91
Theingi and others .
Management of parallel-manipulator singularities using
Advanced Robotics, 21(5-6):583–600, 2007.
Keywords: singularity,planar robot,hardware.
- 92
Thomas U., Maciuszek I., and Wahl F.M.
A unified notation for serial, parallel, and hybrid kinematic
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2868–2873, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: design theory.
- 93
Thomas F. and others .
Uncertainty model and singularities of 3-2-1 wire-based tracking
In ARK, pages 107–116, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: applications,wire robot,performance
- 94
Thomas F.
Solving geometric constraints by iterative projections and
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1789–1794, New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 95
Thomas M. J., Joy M. L., and Sudheer A. P.
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a 3-PRUS spatial parallel
Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering, 33(1):13,
Février 2020
Keywords: 6 dof robot,mechanical
- 96
Thompson C.J. and Campbell P.D.
Tendon suspended platform robot, 17 Décembre 1996
United States Patent
5,585,707, McDonnel Douglas
Keywords: wire robot,applications,simulator,patent.
- 97
Thornton G.S.
The GEC Tetrabot-a new serial-parallel assembly robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 437–439,
Philadelphia, 24-29 Avril 1988
Keywords: mechanical architecture,hybrid robot,asssembly.
- 98
Thurneysen M. and others .
A new parallel kinematics for high-speed machine tools Hita STT.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 553–562,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 99
Tian C., Fang Y., and Ge Q.J.
Design and analysis of a partially decoupled generalized parallel
mechanism for 3T1R motion.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 140:211–232, 2019.
Keywords: 4 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 100
Tian C. and Zhang D.
A new family of generalized parallel manipulators with configurable
moving platforms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 153:211–232, 2020.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,structural synthesis,modular
- 101
Tian C. and others .
Structure synthesis of reconfigurable generalized parallel mechanisms
with configurable platforms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 160, 2021.
Keywords: structural synthesis,hybrid robot,5 dof robot.
- 102
Tian H. and others .
A 6-dof parallel bone-grinding robot for cervical disc replacment
Med Biol Eng Comput, 55:2107–2121, 2017.
Keywords: medical,applications.
- 103
Tian H-B. and others .
Stiffness analysis of a metamorphic parallel mechanism with three
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 142, 2019.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics,stiffness.
- 104
Tian W. and others .
Kinematic calibration of a 3-DOF spindle head using a double ball
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 102:167–178, 2016.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,calibration.
- 105
Tian Y. and others .
A reconfigurable multi-mode mobile parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 111:39–65, 2017.
Keywords: applications,modular robot.
- 106
Tian W. and others .
A systematic approach for accuracy design of lower-mobility parallel
Robotica, pages 2173–2188, 2020.
Keywords: accuracy,optimal design,performance analysis.
- 107
Ting Y., Tosunoglu S., and Freeman R.
Actuator saturation avoidance for fault tolerant robot.
In 32nd Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 2125–2130, San
Antonio, 15-17 Décembre 1993
Keywords: redundant robot,control.
- 108
Ting Y. and others .
Modeling and control for a Gough-Stewart platform CNC machine.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans,
28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: control,machine-tool.
- 109
Ting K.L. and Tsai G.H.
Mobility and synthesis of five-bar programmable linkages.
In 9th Applied Mechanisms Conf., pages III.1–III.8, Kansas
City, Octobre 1985
Keywords: planar robot,structural synthesis,2 dof robot.
- 110
Tischler C.R. and Samuel A.E.
Predicting the slop of in-series/parallel manipulators caused by
joint clearances.
In ARK, pages 227–236, Strobl,
29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
Keywords: accuracy,performance analysis,passive
- 111
Tischler C.R., Andrew S., and Hunt K.H.
Selecting multi-freedom multi-loop kinematic chain to suit a given
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36(8):925–938,
Août 2001
Keywords: structural synthesis,design theory.
- 112
Titus A.B., Narayanan T., and Das G.P.
Vision system for coconut farm cable robot.
In International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management
for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM), 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 113
Tognon M.
Theory and Applications for Control and Motion Planning of
Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction with particular focus on Tethered
Aerial Vehicles.
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Juillet 2018
Keywords: applications,wire robot,aerial.
- 114
Tol U.A., Clerc J-P., and Wiens G.J.
Micro-macro approach for dexterity enhancement of PKM's.
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 34–39, Québec,
3-4 Octobre 2002
Keywords: micro-macro robot,force feedback,control.
- 115
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Parallel link robot arm, 7 Septembre 1990
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Keywords: planar robot,patent,mechanical architecture,2 dof
- 116
Tong Y. and He J.
Dynamics and force regulation of fully constrained cable-driven
parallel mechanism as a marine salvage device.
In Int. Conf. of Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering
(IRCE), 2018.
Keywords: dynamics,statics,wire robot,marine,applications.
- 117
Tong Y., Gosselin C., and Jiang H.
Dynamic decoupling analysis and experiment based on a class of
modified Gough-Stewart parallel manipulators with line orthogonality.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 143, 2020.
Keywords: mechanical
- 118
Tönshoff K., Grendel H., and Kaak R.
A hybrid manipulator for laser machining.
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Machines, Milan, 31 Août-1 Septembre, 1998
Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof
- 119
Tönshoff K., Grendel H., and Schmidt A.
A hybrid manipulator structure for laser machining.
In 12th RoManSy, pages 343–350, Paris,
6-9 Juillet 1998
Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof
- 120
Tönshoff K., Günther G., and Grendel H.
Vergleiche betrachtung paralleler und hybrider Strukturen.
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 249–270, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,hybrid robot.
- 121
Tönshoff K., Grendel H., and Grotjahn M.
Modelling and control of linear direct driven hexapod.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 335–350,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: actuators,dynamics.
- 122
Tönshoff K. and others .
Modelling of error effects on the new hybrid kinematic DUMBO
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 639–653,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,applications,mechanical
architecture,hybrid robot,5 dof robot.
- 123
Tooyama T. and others .
Development of parallel mechanism based milling machine HexaM.
In 2nd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 331–341,
Chemnitz, 12-13 Avril 2000
Keywords: 6 dof robot,mechanical
- 124
Torras C., Thomas F., and Alberich-Carraminana M.
Stratifying the singularity loci of a class of parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: singularity.
- 125
Torres-Medez S.J. and others .
Analytical workspace delineation of a translational underconstrained
cable-based robot.
In International Conference on Electronics, Communications and
Computers (CONIELECOMP), 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,redundant robot,workspace.
- 126
Tosi D. and others .
Cheope: A new reconfigurable redundant manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(4):611 – 626, 2010.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,redundant robot,hybrid
robot,3 dof robot,4 dof robot.
- 127
Tourajizadeh H. and Manteghi S.
Design and optimal control of dual-stage Stewart platform using
feedback-linearized quadratic regulator.
Advanced Robotics, 30:1305–1321, 2016.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,control.
- 128
Tourajizadeh H. and Korayem M.H.
Optimal regulation of a cable suspended robot equipped with cable
interfering avoidance controller.
Advanced Robotics, 30:1273–1287, 2016.
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 129
Tourajizadeh H. and Gholami O.
Optimal control and path planning of a 3PRS robot using indirect
variation algorithm.
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Keywords: trajectory planning,dynamics,control.
- 130
Toyama O., Uchiyama M., and Pierrot F.
Parallel robot, 26 Mars 1993
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,patent.
- 131
Kaisha Toyoda Kokikabushiki, Pierrot F., and Company O.
Four degree of freedom parallel robot,
18 Septembre 2000
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Keywords: patent,4 dof robot.
- 132
Toz M. and Kucuc S.
Dextrous workspace optimization of an asymmetric
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Keywords: workspace,optimal design.
- 133
Toz M. and Kucuc S.
Dimensional optimization of 6-dof 3-CCC type asymmetric parallel
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Keywords: optimal design.
- 134
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- 135
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Visual servoing using a parallel robot: preliminary results.
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mechatronics, Zurich, 2007.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 136
Traslosheros A. and others .
Visual servoing of a parallel robot system.
In IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal
Processing, Alcala de Henares, 2007.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 137
Traslosheros A. and others .
One camera in hand for kinematic calibration of a parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
Keywords: calibration.
- 138
Traslosheros A. and others .
Visual servoing for the Robotenis system: a strategy for a 3 dof
parallel robot to hit a ping-pong ball.
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control
Conference, Orlando, 2011.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 139
Trautwein F., Tempel P., and Pott A.
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parameters on the translational workspace of a planar cable-driven parallel
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Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,workspace,optimal design.
- 140
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 141
Treib T., Meier P., and Hebsacker M.
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on the basis of parallel structures, pages 81–94, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: hybrid robot,applications.
- 142
Treib T.
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 143
Trevisani A., Gallina P., and Williams II R.L.
Cable-direct-driven robot (CDDR) with passive SCARA support:
Theory and simulation.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 46:73–94, 2006.
Keywords: wire robot,planar
- 144
Trevisani A.
Experimental validation of a trajectory planning approach avoiding
cable slackness and excessive tension in underconstrained translational
planar cable-driven robots.
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pages 23–40, Stuttgart, 3-4 Septembre 2012
Keywords: wire robot,2 dof robot,trajectory planning.
- 145
Trinkle J.C. and R.J. Milgram.
Complete path planning for closed kinematic chains with spherical
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Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 146
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Parametric joint compliance analysis of a 3-UPU parallel robot.
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Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot,passive joints.
- 147
Tsai K-Y. and Huang K.D.
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Keywords: isotropy.
- 148
Tsai K-Y. and Lin J.C.
Determining the compatible orientation workspace of Stewart-Gough
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Keywords: orientation workspace.
- 149
Tsai K-Y. and Lee T.K.
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: isotropy,mechanical architecture,6 dof robot.
- 150
Tsai K-Y., Lin P.Y., and Lee T.K.
4R and 5R parallel manipulators that can reach maximum number of
isotropic positions.
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Janvier 2008
Keywords: isotropy,planar robot.
- 151
Tsai K-Y. and Lee T.K.
6-dof parallel manipulators with better dexterity, rotability, or
singularity-free workspace.
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Keywords: isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical
- 152
Tsai K-Y., Lin J.C., and Lo Y.
Six-dof parallel manipulators with maximal singularity-free joint
space or workspace.
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Keywords: isotropy,6 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical
- 153
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Compatible reachable workspaces of symmetrical Stewart-Gough
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Keywords: workspace.
- 154
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 155
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Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 156
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Keywords: medical,applications.
- 157
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,kinematics.
- 158
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics.
- 159
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics,3 dof robot.
- 160
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Keywords: jacobian,singularity.
- 161
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The jacobian analysis of a parallel manipulator using reciprocal
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Keywords: jacobian,singularity.
- 162
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Keywords: dynamics.
- 163
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,isotropy,optimal design.
- 164
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 165
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Kinematic analysis of 3-dof position mechanisms for use in hybrid
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,inverse kinematics,mechanical
architecture,stiffness,performance analysis.
- 166
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Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,wrist,applications.
- 167
Tsumaki Y., Eguchi H., and Tsukuda T.
A novel Delta-type parallel mechanism with wire-pulley.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,passive joints.
- 168
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- 169
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Keywords: applications,marine,optimal design.
- 170
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Development of a control system for an innovative parallel robot used
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Keywords: hardware,control,medical,applications.
- 171
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Keywords: machine-tool,dynamics,vibration.
- 172
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Keywords: control,flexible robot.
- 173
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Keywords: dynamics.
- 174
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- 175
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Keywords: state of the art.
- 176
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,hardware.
- 177
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Keywords: control.
- 178
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Keywords: control.
- 179
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Keywords: haptic device,3 dof robot,stiffness,hardware.
- 180
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 181
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Keywords: dynamics,planar robot.
- 182
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Keywords: safety,jacobian.
- 183
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Keywords: jacobian,safety.
- 184
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Keywords: crane,statics.
- 185
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Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the 2-dof spherical wrist of
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Keywords: ,2 dof robot,wrist.
- 186
Ur-Rehman R., Caro S., Chablat D., and Wenger P.
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application to the Orthoglide.
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Keywords: optimal design,trajectory planning.
- 187
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Multiobjective design optimization of 3-
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Keywords: planar robot,optimal design.
- 188
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Keywords: planar robot,forward kinematics,workspace,trajectory
- 189
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Researching into non-singular transitions in the joint space.
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28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: singularity,planar robot,trajectory planning.
- 190
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Keywords: planar robot,singularity,forward kinematics.
- 191
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Non singular transitions based design methodology for parallel
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Keywords: singularity,forward kinematics,trajectory planning.
- 192
Vaca R., Aranda J., and Thomas F.
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Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 193
Vafaei A., Aref M.M., and Taghirad H.D.
Integrated controller for an over–constrained cable driven parallel
manipulator: KNTU CDRPM.
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Keywords: wire robot,control,dynamics.
- 194
Vafaei A., Khosravi M.A., and Taghirad H.D.
Modeling and control of cable driven parallel manipulators with
elastic cables: singular perturbation theory.
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Keywords: wire robot,control,dynamics.
- 195
Vaida C. and others .
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Study parameters.
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Keywords: kinematics,medical.
- 196
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Development of a control system for a HEXA parallel robot.
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Keywords: hardware.
- 197
Valasek M., Sulamanidze D., and Bauma V.
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: passive joints,redundant robot,machine-tool.
- 198
Valasek M., Belda K., and Florian M.
Control and calibration of redundantly actuated parallel robot.
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: control,calibration,redundant robot.
- 199
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Keywords: redundant robot.
- 200
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parallel structures.
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Informatics, pages 269–272, Orlando, 14-18 Juillet 2002
Keywords: calibration.
- 201
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Design-by-optimization and control of redundantly actuated parallel
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Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,machine-tool,stiffness.
- 202
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Tractable treatment of design by multiobjective optimization –
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Keywords: optimal design.
- 203
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: calibration.
- 204
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,medical,dynamics,hardware.
- 205
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Keywords: medical,applications.
- 206
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Keywords: balancing,dynamics.
- 207
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Design and experimental evaluation of a dynamically balanced
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Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,redundant robot,balancing.
- 208
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Anisotropic soft robots based on 3d printed meso-structured
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,hardware,3 dof
- 209
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High precision hydraulic Stewart platform.
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Keywords: applications,hardware,hydraulics,actuators.
- 210
Varcmin J.U., Beckmann G., and Kohn N.
Architecture of a realtime communication network for parallel robots.
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pages 183–198, Braunschweig, 29-30 Mai 2002
Keywords: hardware.
- 211
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Keywords: planar robot,uncertainties,dynamics,clearance.
- 212
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Modelling and simulating the dynamic behaviour of a high speed
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Keywords: applications,machine-tool,control.
- 213
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Keywords: planar robot,actuators,hardware.
- 214
Varziri M.S and Notash L.
Kinematic calibration of a wire-actuated parallel robot.
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Keywords: calibration,wire robot.
- 215
Vashista V., Jin X., and Agrawal S.K.
Active tethered pelvic assist device (A-TPAD) to study force
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Keywords: wire robot,medical,control.
- 216
Ventura Assuncao J.M. and Schumacher W.
Position and force control of parallel robots.
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pages 213–228, Braunschweig, 29-30 Mai 2002
Keywords: control,force feedback.
- 217
Verhoeven R., Hiller M., and Tadoroko S.
Workspace, stiffness, singularities and classification of tendon
driven Stewart platforms.
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Keywords: wire robot,workspace,stiffness.
- 218
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Estimating the controllable workspace of tendon-based Stewart
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Keywords: wire robot,workspace.
- 219
Verhoeven R. and Hiller M.
Tension distribution in tendon-based Stewart platform.
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29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: statics,wire robot.
- 220
Verhoeven R.
Analysis of the workspace of tendon-based Stewart platforms.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, 2004.
Keywords: wire robot,workspace.
- 221
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- 222
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- 223
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- 224
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- 225
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- 226
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- 227
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- 228
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- 229
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- 230
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- 231
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- 232
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- 233
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- 234
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- 235
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- 236
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- 237
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- 238
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- 239
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- 240
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- 241
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,wrist,3 dof robot.
- 242
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Keywords: calibration.
- 243
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- 244
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- 245
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- 246
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- 247
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- 248
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- 249
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- 250
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- 251
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- 252
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Keywords: workspace,maximal workspace,accuracy.
- 253
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Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 254
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- 255
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- 256
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Investigation of a cable-driven parallel mechanism for interaction
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Keywords: applications,wire robot,workspace.
- 257
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- 258
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,haptic device.
- 260
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- 261
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- 262
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- 263
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- 264
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- 273
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Keywords: 2 dof robot,micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 274
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Keywords: wire robot,calibration,planar robot.
- 275
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- 276
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- 277
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- 278
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- 279
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- 280
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- 282
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- 283
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- 284
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- 285
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- 286
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- 287
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- 288
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- 289
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- 290
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- 291
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- 292
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design,performance analysis.
- 293
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- 294
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- 295
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- 296
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
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Keywords: dynamics.
- 301
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- 302
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- 303
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Keywords: calibration,3 dof robot,machine-tool,hybrid robot.
- 304
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- 305
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- 306
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- 307
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Keywords: workspace.
- 308
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Keywords: planar robot,micro robot,optimal design.
- 309
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- 310
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Keywords: 6 dof robot,mechanical
architecture,kinematics,dynamics,passive joints.
- 311
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Error model and accuracy analysis of a six-dof Stewart platform.
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Keywords: accuracy,performance analysis.
- 312
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- 313
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substructuring approach.
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Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,flexible robot.
- 314
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smart parallel manipulator.
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3544–3549, Orlando, 16-18 Mai 2006
Keywords: planar robot,vibration.
- 315
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a parallel robot through experimental identification.
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pages 3225–3230, Beijing, 9-15 Octobre 2006
Keywords: planar robot,vibration,control.
- 316
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Topology of serial and parallel manipulators and topological
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Keywords: structural synthesis,design theory.
- 317
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Topological and geometrical synthesis of three-degree-of-freedom
fully parallel manipulators by intantaneous kinematics.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,design theory,3 dof robot.
- 318
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Parallel manipulators, New Developments, chapter Topology and
geometry of serial and parallel manipulators, pages 57–74.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,structural synthesis.
- 319
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Keywords: wire robot,dynamics.
- 320
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Keywords: dynamics,5 dof robot,hybrid robot.
- 321
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Keywords: workspace,6 dof robot,trajectory planning.
- 322
Wang Y., Newman W.S., and Stoughton R.S.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,workspace,trajectory
planning,redundant robot.
- 323
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Keywords: binary robot,kinematics.
- 324
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Keywords: truss,accuracy.
- 325
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Keywords: force sensor.
- 326
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant
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- 327
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Keywords: wire robot,control,simulation.
- 328
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Keywords: singularity,singular motion.
- 329
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Keywords: singularity,singular motion.
- 330
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Keywords: singularity,singular motion.
- 331
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Keywords: stiffness.
- 332
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Keywords: applications,machine-tool,workspace,orientation
- 333
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 334
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Control of closed kinematic chains using a singularly perturbed
dynamics model.
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Mars 2006
Keywords: dynamics,control.
- 335
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Design and analysis of a novel mechanism with a two-dof remote centre
of motion.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,hybrid robot,passive
compliance,2 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 336
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A unified algorithm to determine the reachable and dexterous
workspace of parallel manipulators.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 26(5):454–460,
Octobre 2010
Keywords: workspace.
- 337
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On the accuracy of a Stewart platform-part I: The effect of
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Atlanta, 2-6 Mai 1993
Keywords: calibration,hardware,accuracy,performance analysis.
- 338
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Static balancing of spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms
with revolute actuators.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Atlanta,
13-16 Septembre 1998
Keywords: balancing.
- 339
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
A new approach for the dynamic analysis of parallel manipulators.
Multibody System Dynamics, 2(3):317–334,
Septembre 1998
Keywords: dynamics.
- 340
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematic analysis and singularity loci of spatial
four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators using a vector formulation.
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Décembre 1998
Keywords: singularity,4 dof robot,kinetics.
- 341
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Static balancing of spatial three-degree-of-freedom parallel
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Avril 1999
Keywords: balancing.
- 342
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Singularity analysis and design of kinematically redundant parallel
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29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: singularity,planar robot,spherical robot,redundant
- 343
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Singularity loci of a special class of spherical 3-dof parallel
mechanisms with prismatic actuators.
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Mars 2004
Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot,spherical robot.
- 344
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematic analysis and design of kinematically redundant parallel
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Janvier 2004
Keywords: redundant robot,planar robot,singularity,3 dof
robot,spherical robot,wrist,6 dof robot.
- 345
Wang J. and others .
Simplified strategy of the dynamic model of a 6-UPS parallel
kinematic machine for real-time control.
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Keywords: dynamics.
- 346
Wang J., Liu X-J., and Wu C.
Industrial Robotics, Theory, Modelling and Control, chapter On
the analysis and kinematic design of a novel 2-dof translational parallel
robot, pages 265–300.
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Keywords: 2 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 347
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Workspace and singularity analysis of a 3-dof planar parallel
manipulator with actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity,redundant robot.
- 348
Wang J., Liu X., and Wu C.
Optimal design of a new spatial 3-dof parallel robot with respect
to a frame-free index.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,performance
analysis,optimal design.
- 349
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Dynamic feed-forward control of a parallel kinematic machine.
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Keywords: dynamics,control.
- 350
Wang J., Wu C., and Liu X-J.
Performance evaluation of parallel manipulators: motion/force
transmissibility and its index.
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Keywords: performance analysis,statics.
- 351
Wang J., Han W., and H. Lin.
Femoral fracture reduction with a parallel manipulator robot on a
traction table.
Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg, 9:464–471, 2013.
Keywords: medical.
- 352
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Analysis of a novel cylindrical 3-dof parallel robot.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 353
Wang L., Xi F., and Zhang D.
A parallel robotic attachment and its remote manipulation.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,control,applications.
- 354
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Dynamic formulation of a planar 3-dof parallel manipulator with
actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: dynamics,stiffness,machine-tool,planar robot,optimal
design,redundant robot.
- 355
Wang L-C. and Oen K-T.
Numerical direct kinematic analysis of fully parallel linearly
actuated platform type manipulator.
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 356
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Keywords: applications,medical.
- 357
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Keywords: applications,medical.
- 358
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Keywords: truss,structural synthesis.
- 359
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Kinematic synthesis of deployable-foldable truss structures using
graph theory, Part 2: generation of deployable truss module using design
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Keywords: truss,structural synthesis,design.
- 360
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Keywords: simulator.
- 361
Webb P., Geldart M., and Gindy N.
An evaluation of the machining performance of the Giddings and
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Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 362
Weber X., Cuvillon L., and Gangloff J.
Active vibration canceling of a cable-driven parallel robot using
reaction wheels.
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pages 1724–1729, 2014.
Keywords: wire robot,control,vibration.
- 363
Weber X., Cuvillon L., and Gangloff J.
Active vibration canceling of a cable-driven parallel robot in modal
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26-30 Mai 2015
Keywords: wire robot,vibration,control.
- 364
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Commande modale de robots parallèles à câbles flexibles.
Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
11 Juillet 2016
Keywords: wire robot,control,vibration.
- 365
Weck M. and Staimer D.
On the accuracy of parallel kinematic machine tools: design
compensation and calibration.
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Chemnitz, 12-13 Avril 2000
Keywords: calibration,machine-tool.
- 366
Weck M. and Giesler M.
Task oriented multi-objective-optimization of parallel kinematics for
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,optimal design,2 dof robot.
- 367
Weck M. and Stainer D.
Application experience with a hexapode machine-tool for machining
complex aerospace parts.
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pages 808–815, Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 368
Wehbeh J., Rahman S., and Sharf I.
Distributed model predictive control for uavs collaborative payload
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Las Vegas, 25-29 Octobre 2020
Keywords: wire robot,control,aerial.
- 369
Wei J. and Dai J.S.
Reconfiguration-aimed and manifold-operation based type synthesis of
metamorphic parallel mechanisms with motion between 1R2T and 2R1T.
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Keywords: mobility,structural synthesis.
- 370
Wei L., Limin T., and Zhengnan J.
Research on anti-swing characteristic of redundancy cable-driven
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Keywords: wire robot,redundant
- 371
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Keywords: hardware,mechanical
- 372
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Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 373
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: calibration.
- 374
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Keywords: spherical robot,kinematics.
- 375
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- 376
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Keywords: applications,redundant robot,kinematics,performance
analysis,mechanical architecture.
- 377
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Keywords: singularity.
- 378
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot.
- 379
Wen K., Seo T., and Lee J.W.
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Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,singularity.
- 380
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The study of model predictive control algorithm based on the
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,redundant robot,control.
- 381
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Fuzzy identification and delay compensation based on the force/
position control scheme of the 5-dof redundantly actuated parallel robot.
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,redundant robot,control.
- 382
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Fractional-order internal model control algorithm based on the
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Keywords: control,redundant robot,simulation.
- 383
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 384
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Keywords: applications,micro robot,wire robot,3 dof
robot,inverse kinematics,control,dynamics,medical.
- 385
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Keywords: workspace.
- 386
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Kinematics of parallel manipulators with ground-mounted
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Keywords: kinematics.
- 387
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Workspace and assembly modes in fully parallel manipulators: a
descriptive study.
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29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
Keywords: workspace,singularity,planar robot,trajectory
- 388
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Kinematic analysis of a new parallel machine-tool: the Orthoglide.
In ARK, pages 305–314, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: 3 dof
- 389
Wenger P., Gosselin C., and Chablat D.
A comparative study of parallel kinematic architecture for machining
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pages 249–258. EJCK, 20-22 Mai 2001
Keywords: planar robot,2 dof robot,workspace,machine-tool.
- 390
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Design of a three-axis isotropic parallel manipulator for machining
applications: the Orthoglide.
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for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 16–23, Québec,
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,isotropy,3 dof robot.
- 391
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Degeneracy study of the forward kinematics of planar
parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: planar robot,forward kinematics.
- 392
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Kinematic analysis of a class of analytic planar
parallel manipulators.
In Computational Kinematics, pages 43–50, Duisburg,
6-8 Mai 2009
Keywords: planar robot,singularity,forward kinematics.
- 393
Wenjie T. and others .
Kinematic calibration of a 5-DOF hybrid kinematic machine tool by
considering the ill-posed identification problem using regularisation method.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 60:49–62,
Keywords: 5 dof robot,machine-tool,calibration,hybrid robot.
- 394
Weule H. and others .
Computer-aided optimization of the static and dynamic properties of
parallel kinematics.
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Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: optimal design.
- 395
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Erfahrungen mit einer Hexapod-Werkzeugmaschine in der
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 271–285, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 396
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Keywords: dynamics.
- 397
Wiens G.J., Shamblin S.A., and Oh Y.H.
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Keywords: dynamics,calibration.
- 398
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,wrist,spherical robot,2 dof
- 399
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Design of an overconstrained and dextrous spherical wrist.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,wrist,spherical robot,2 dof
- 400
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Keywords: calibration,machine-tool.
- 401
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Keywords: calibration.
- 402
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Keywords: workspace,planar robot.
- 403
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,workspace,optimal design.
- 404
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Keywords: wire robot,haptic device.
- 405
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Baltimore, 10-13 Septembre 2000
Keywords: 6 dof robot,kinematics.
- 406
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Pittsburgh, 9-12 Septembre 2001
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot.
- 407
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Keywords: wire robot,planar robot.
- 408
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Keywords: wire robot,planar robot.
- 409
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,forward
- 410
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Salt Lake City, 2004.
Keywords: wire robot.
- 411
Williams II R.L.
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Keywords: crane,wire robot,kinematics,workspace.
- 412
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Three-cable haptic interface.
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Philadelphia, 10-13 Septembre 2006
Keywords: wire robot,haptic device.
- 413
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A three-dimensional geometric model of the knee for the study of
joint forces in gait.
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Keywords: applications,medical.
- 414
Wilson D.R., Feikes J.D., and O'Connor J.J.
Ligaments and articular contact guide passive knee flexion.
J. of Biomechanics, 31(12):1127–1136, 1998.
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 415
Wingert A., M.D. Lichtel, and Dubowsky S.
On the kinematics of parallel mechanisms with bi-stable polymer
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29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: binary robot,actuators.
- 416
Y. Wischnitzer, Shvalb N., and Shoham M.
Wire-driven parallel robot: permitting collisions between wires.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 27(9):1007–1026,
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Keywords: wire robot.
- 417
Wang W. and others .
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter A
reconfigurable mobile robot system based on a parallel mechanism, pages
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: 2 dof robot,applications.
- 418
Wobbe F., Nguyen D.H., and Schumacher W.
Anti-windup design for trajectory tracking of a parallel robot - an
holistic approach.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
4001–4008, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: control,dynamics,2 dof robot.
- 419
Woernle C.
Trajectory tracking for a three-cable suspension manipulator by
nonlinear feedforward and linear feedback control.
In 1st Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Stuttgart, 3-4 Septembre 2012
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 420
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Displacement analysis of the general spherical Stewart platform.
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Mai 1994
Keywords: kinematics,singularity,decoupled robot.
- 421
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Kinematotropic linkages.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,mobility.
- 422
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Degrees of shakiness.
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Octobre 1999
Keywords: accuracy,singularity.
- 423
Wohlhart K.
Architectural shakiness or architectural mobility of platforms.
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Keywords: singularity,singular robot.
- 424
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29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: singular robot.
- 425
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Keywords: singularity,singular robot.
- 426
Wolf A., Shoham M., and Park F.C.
Investigation of singularities and self-motions of the 3-UPU robot.
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29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: singularity.
- 427
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Investigation of parallel manipulators using linear complex
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Keywords: singularity,statics.
- 428
Wolf A. and others .
Application of line geometry and linear complex approximation to
singularity analysis of the 3-dof CaPaMan manipulator.
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Keywords: singularity,statics,3 dof robot.
- 429
Wolf A. and Shoham M.
Screw theory for the synthesis of the geometry of a parallel robot
for a given instantaneous task.
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Juin 2006
Keywords: jacobian,optimal design.
- 430
Wu C. and others .
New measure for 'closeness' to singularities of parallel robots.
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5135–5140, Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: singularity.
- 431
Wu G., Bai S., and Kepler J.
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flexible limbs.
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Keywords: performance analysis,spherical robot.
- 432
Wu G., Caro S., Bai S., and Kepler J.
Dynamic modeling and design optimization of a 3-dof spherical
parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62(10):1377–1386,
Octobre 2014
Keywords: dynamics,spherical robot,optimal design,3 dof robot.
- 433
Wu G., Caro S., and Wang J.
Design and transmission analysis of an asymmetrical spherical
parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 94, 2015.
Keywords: spherical robot,mechanical architecture,statics.
- 434
Wu G., Bai S., and Hjornet P.
Parametric optimal design of a parallel Schönflies-motion robot
under pick-and-place trajectory constraints.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Hamburg, Germany, 28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2015
Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot,optimal design.
- 435
Wu G. and Zou P.
Comparison of 3-dof asymmetrical spherical parallel manipulators with
respect to motion/force transmission and stiffness.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 105:369–387, 2016.
Keywords: wrist,stiffness,optimal design,statics.
- 436
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A four-limb parallel Schönflies motion generator with full-circle
end-effector rotation.
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Keywords: 4 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 437
Wu G. and others .
Fuzzy sliding mode variable structure control of a high-speed
parallel PnP robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: 4 dof robot,control,dynamics.
- 438
Wu G. and others .
Trajectory tracking by fuzzy-based super-twist sliding mode control
of a parallel PnP robot.
In ARK, Bilbao, 26-30 Juin 2022
Keywords: trajectory planning,control.
- 439
Wu G., Bai S., and Caro S.
Transmission quality evaluation for a class of four-limb parallel
Schönflies-motion generators with articulated platforms.
In Computational Kinematics, Poitiers, Mai 2017
Keywords: 4 dof robot,statics,kinetics,jacobian.
- 440
Wu G. and Zou P.
Stiffness analysis and comparison of a Biglide parallel grinder
with alternative spatial modular parallelograms.
Robotica, 35(6):1310–1326, 2017.
Keywords: machine-tool,stiffness.
- 441
Wu G. and Niu B.
Dynamic stability of a tripod parallel robotic wrist featuring
continuous end-effector rotation used for drill point grinder.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 129:36–50, 2018.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics,machine-tool,wrist.
- 442
Wu G.
Workspace, transmissibility and dynamics of a new 3T3R parallel
pick-and-place robot with high rotational capability.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane,
21-25 Mai 2018
Keywords: mechanical
architecture,workspace,dynamics,kinematics,6 dof robot.
- 443
Wu H., G. ans Shen.
Lateral stability of a 3-dof asymmetrical spherical parallel
manipulator with a universal joint featuring infinite torsional mouvement.
In ARK, pages 233–241, Bologna,
1-5 Juillet 2018
Keywords: mechanical architecture,spherical
- 444
Wu G. and Bai S.
Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-RRR spherical parallel
manipulator reconfigured with four-bar linkages.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 56:55–65,
Keywords: spherical robot,modular robot,mechanical
architecture,performance analysis.
- 445
Wu H. and others .
Design of parallel intersector weld/cut robot for machining processes
in ITER vacuum vessel.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 69(1-4):327–331,
Septembre 2003
Keywords: applications,5 dof robot.
- 446
Wu H. and others .
Development and control towards a parallel water hydraulic weld/cut
robot for machining processes in ITER vacuum vessel.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79:625–631,
Novembre 2005
Keywords: applications,5 dof robot,hydraulics.
- 447
Wu H., Pessi P., Handroos H., and Jones L.
Kinematics and control of a mobile parallel robot machine.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 399–412,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: applications,hybrid robot.
- 448
Wu H., Handroos H., and Pessi P.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter Hybrid
parallel robot for the assembling of ITER, pages 363–378.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: hybrid robot,applications,hydraulics.
- 449
Wu H. and others .
Kinetostatics modeling and elasto-geometrical calibration of
overconstrained parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 191, 2024.
Keywords: ,flexible robot,calibration,3 dof robot.
- 450
Wu J., Wang J-S., L-P. Wang, and Li T-M.
Dexterity and stiffness analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom planar
parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy.
Proc. Instn Mech Engrs, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering
Science, 221(8):961–969, 2007.
Keywords: planar robot,mechanical
- 451
Wu J., Wang J-S., Li T-M., and L-P. Wang.
Analysis and application of a 2-dof planar parallel mechanism.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 129(4):434–437,
Avril 2007
Keywords: planar robot,machine-tool,applications,2 dof robot.
- 452
Wu J., Wang J., and Wang L.
Optimal kinematic design and application of a redundantly actuated
3dof planar parallel manipulator.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 130(5):054503–1/5,
Mai 2008
Keywords: planar robot,machine-tool,optimal
design,isotropy,redundant robot.
- 453
Wu J. and Yin Z.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter A
novel 4-dof parallel manipulator H4, pages 405–448.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: 4 dof robot,mechanical architecture,performance
- 454
Wu J., Wang J., Wang L., and Li T.
Dynamics and control of a planar 3-dof parallel manipulator with
actuation redundancy.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(4):835–849,
Avril 2009
Keywords: dynamics,planar robot,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 455
Wu J. and others .
Study on the stiffness of a 5-dof hybrid machine-tool with actuation
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(2):289–305,
Février 2009
Keywords: 5 dof robot,stiffness,3 dof
robot,machine-tool,redundant robot.
- 456
Wu J. and others .
Dynamic model and force control of the redudantly actuated parallel
manipulator of a 5-dof hybrid machine-tool.
Robotica, 27(1):59–65, Janvier 2009
Keywords: 5 dof robot,3 dof robot,machine-tool,redundant
robot,hybrid robot,control,accuracy,dynamics.
- 457
Wu J., Wang J., and Wang L.
A comparison study of two planar 2-dof parallel mechanisms one with
2-RRR and the other with 3-RRR structures.
Robotica, 28(6):937–942, Octobre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 458
Wu J. and Wang J.
Motion control of the 2-dof parallel manipulator of a hybrid machine
Robotica, 28(6):861–868, Octobre 2010
Keywords: 2 dof robot,machine-tool,control.
- 459
Wu J., Wang J., and You Z.
A comparison study on the dynamics of planar 3-dof 4-RRR, 3-RRR
and 2-RRR parellel manipulators.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1):150–156,
Février 2011
Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,statics,performance analysis.
- 460
Wu J. and others .
Optimal design of a 2-DOF parallel manipulator with actuation
redundancy considering kinematics and natural frequency.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):80–85,
Février 2013
Keywords: 2 dof robot,redundant
- 461
Wu J. and others .
Performance analysis and comparison of planar 3-dof parallel
manipulators with one and two additional branches.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 29(1):73–82,
Octobre 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 462
Wu J. and others .
Stiffness and natural frequency of a 3-dof parallel manipulator with
consideration of additional leg candidates.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61:868–875, 2013.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,vibration,redundant robot.
- 463
Wu J. and others .
A 3-dof quick-action parallel manipulator based on four linkage
mechanisms with high-speed cam.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 115:168–196,
Septembre 2017
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,applications.
- 464
Wu J. and others .
Workspace and dynamic performance evaluation of the parallel
manipulators in a spray-painting equipment.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 44:199–207,
Keywords: planar robot,workspace,dynamics,applications.
- 465
Wu J. and others .
A parametric model of 3-PPR planar parallel manipulators for
optimum shape design of platforms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 118(5),
Décembre 2017
Keywords: planar robot,mechanical architecture,optimal design.
- 466
Wu J. and others .
Mechatronics modeling and vibration analysis of a 2-dof parallel
manipulator in a 5-dof hybrid machine tool.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121:430–445, 2018.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,machine-tool,vibration.
- 467
Wu J. and others .
Kinematics solving of under-constrained cable-driven parallel robots
based on intelligent algorithm.
In 4th Int. Conf. on Control and Robotics Engineering, 2019.
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics.
- 468
Wu J. and others .
A novel dynamic evaluation method and its application to a 4-dof
parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 168, Février 2022
Keywords: dynamics,performance analysis,4 dof robot,mechanical
- 469
Wu L. and others .
An approach for elastodynamic modeling of hybrid robots based on
substructure synthesis technique.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 123:124–136, 2018.
Keywords: stiffness,dynamics,hybrid robot.
- 470
Wu M. and others .
A cable-driven locomotor training system for restoration of gait in
human SCI.
Gait & Posture, 33(2):256–260, Février 2011
Keywords: applications,medical,wire robot.
- 471
Wu M. and others .
A novel cable-driven robotic training improves locomotor function in
individuals post-stroke.
In 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS,
Boston, 2011.
Keywords: applications,medical,wire robot.
- 472
Wu M. and others .
Vibration reduction of delta robot based on trajectory planning.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 153, 2020.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,vibration,trajectory planning.
- 473
Wu T-L. and Chang S-H.
Mechanism design of multi-degrees of freedom nano-positioner.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: micro robot,piezo-electric.
- 474
Wu W.D. and Huang Y.Z.
The direct kinematic solution of the planar Stewart platform with
coplanar ground points.
J. of Computational Mathematics, 14(3):263–272, 1996.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 475
Wu X. and Bai S.
Analytical determination of shape singularities for three types of
parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 149, 2020.
Keywords: singularity,mechanical architecture.
- 476
Wu Y. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematic analysis of spatial 3-dof parallelepiped mechanisms.
In ARK, pages 423–432, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 477
Wu Y. and others .
Topology analysis of closed-chain mechanisms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2856–2860, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: singularity.
- 478
Wu Y. and Gosselin C.M.
Synthesis of reactionless spatial 3-dof and 6-dof mechanisms without
separate counter-rotations.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 23(6):625–642, 2004.
- 479
Wu Y. and others .
Quotient kinematics machines:concept, analysis and synthesis.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 1964–1969, Nice, France, 22-26 Septembre 2008
Keywords: structural synthesis,hybrid robot.
- 480
Wu Y. and others .
Quotient kinematics machines:concept, analysis and synthesis.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2739–2744, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: structural synthesis,hybrid robot.
- 481
Wu Y. and Carricato M.
Synthesis and singularity analysis of
wrists: a symmetric space approach.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9(5), Octobre 2017
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,workspace,singularity,optimal
- 482
Wu Y. and others .
CU-brick cable-driven robot for automated construction of complex
brick structures: From simulation to hardware realisation.
In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling,
and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), pages 166–173, 2018.
Keywords: applications,wire robot,simulation.
- 483
Wu Y. and Carricato M.
Line-symmetric motion generators.
In ARK, Bologna, 1-5 Juillet 2018
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 484
Wu Y. and Carricato M.
Workspace optimization of a class of zero-torsion parallel wrists.
Robotica, 37:1174–1189, 2019.
Keywords: wrist,workspace,optimal design.
- 485
Wu Z. and others .
A 6dof passive vibration isolator using x-shape supporting
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 380:90–111, 2016.
Keywords: vibration.
- 486
Wu Z. and Xu Q.
Design, optimization and testing of a compact XY parallel
nanopositioning stage with stacked structure.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126:171–188, 2018.
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture,optimal design,2
dof robot.
- 487
Wu K.C and Sutter T.R.
Structural analysis of three space crane articulated truss joint
Research Report TM-4373, NASA Research Center, Langley,
Mai 1992
Keywords: truss,crane,applications,statics,optimal
- 488
Wurst K-H. and Peting U.
PKM concept for reconfigurable machine-tools.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 683–695,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,modular robot.
- 489
Xi F.
Dynamic balancing of hexapods for high-speed applications.
Robotica, 17(3):335–342, Mai 1999
Keywords: dynamics,balancing.
- 490
Xi F. and others .
Development of a sliding-leg tripod as an add-on device for
Robotica, 19(3):285–294, Mai 2001
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,hardware.
- 491
Xi F., Zhang D., and Mechefske C.M.
Global kinetostatic analysis of parallel kinematic machines.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 907–922,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: performance analysis,stiffness.
- 492
Xi F. and others .
A comparison study on tripod units for machine tools.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 923–939,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,3 dof robot,stiffness.
- 493
Xi F. and others .
Global kinetostatic modelling of tripod-based parallel kinematic
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Avril 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,isotropy.
- 494
Xi F., Angelico O., and Sinatra R.
Tripod dynamics and its inertia effect.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 127(1):144–149,
Janvier 2005
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 495
Xi F., Xu Y., and Xiong G.
Design and analysis of a re-configurable parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(2):191–211,
Février 2006
Keywords: mechanical architecture,modular robot,3 dof robot,4
dof robot,5 dof robot,6 dof robot.
- 496
Xi F. and others .
Analysis and control of an actuation-redundant parallel mechanism
requiring synchronization.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12, Août 2020
Keywords: redundant robot,kinematics,mechanical
- 497
Xia Z. and others .
A novel 6 dofs generalized parallel manipulator design and analysis
based on humanoid leg.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 176, 2022.
Keywords: 6 dof robot,hybrid robot.
- 498
Xiang Y., Li Q., and Jiang X.
Dynamic rotational trajectory planning of a cable-driven parallel
robot for passing through singular orientations.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,singularity,dynamics,trajectory planning,3
dof robot,aerial.
- 499
Xiang S., Gao Z., H.and Liu, and Gosselin C.
Dynamic transition trajectory planning of three-DOF cable-suspended
parallel robots via linear time-varying MPC.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 146, 2020.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,dynamics,trajectory planning.
- 500
Xiang S., Gao Z., H.and Liu, and Gosselin C.
Trajectory optimization for a six-dof cable-suspended parallel robot
with dynamic motions beyond the static workspace.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Paris,
31 Mai-31 Août, 2020
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,statics,workspace,trajectory
- 501
Xiao H., Lu S., and Ding X.
Tension cable distribution of a membrane antenna frame based on
stiffness analysis of the equivalent 4-SPS-S parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 124:133–149, 2018.
Keywords: 4 dof robot,wire robot,statics,applications.
- 502
Xiao S. and Li Y.
Model-based sliding mode control for a 3-dof translational micro
parallel positioning stage.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong-Kong,
31 Mai-Juin, 2014
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,control,dynamics.
- 503
Xiaoguang W., Shaoyu M., and Qi L.
Hybrid pose/tension control based on stiffness optimization of
cable-driven parallel mechanism in wind tunnel test.
In 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and
Robotics, 2016.
Keywords: wire robot,stiffness,control,dynamics,applications.
- 504
Xie C. and others .
Deep reinforcement learning based cable tension distribution
optimization for cable-driven rehabilitation robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics,
Chongqing, 3-5 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,statics,neurons networks,3 dof robot.
- 505
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Dynamic modeling and performance analysis of a new redundant parallel
rehabilitation robot.
IEEE Access, 2020.
Keywords: ,redundant robot,medical,applications.
- 506
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continuity toolpath smoothing for a 5-dof machining
robot with parallel kinematics.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 67, 2021.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,machine-tool,control.
- 507
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A parallel machining robot and its control method for
high-performance machining of curved parts.
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,machine-tool,trajectory planning.
- 508
Xie D. and Anamato N.M.
A kinematics-based probabilistic roadmap method for high dof closed
chain systems.
Research Report TR03-007, Departement of Computer Science,Texas A&M
University, 14 Novembre 2003
Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 509
Xie D. and Anamato N.M.
A kinematics-based probabilistic roadmap method for high dof closed
chain systems.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans,
28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 510
Xing S. and others .
Component calibration and configuration planning in assembly
automation with a parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 77,
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Keywords: calibration.
- 511
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Comparison of end-to-end and hybrid deep reinforcement learning
strategies for controlling cable-driven parallel robots.
Neurocomputing, 377:73–84, 2020.
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics,statics,applications.
- 512
Xu K. and others .
Design of 3-dof zero coupling degree planar parallel manipulator
based on coupling-reducing and its kinematic performance improvement.
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Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,decoupled robot,mechanical
- 513
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Kinematic analysis and design of a novel
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Keywords: hybrid robot,4 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 514
Xu L. and others .
Tex3: An 2R1T parallel manipulator with minimum dof of joints and
fixed linear actuators.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and
Manufacturing, 19(2), 2018.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 515
Xu L. and others .
Design, analysis and optimization of Hex4, a new 2R1T
overconstrained parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 516
Xu L.J., Fan S-W., and Li H.
Analytical model method for dynamics of N-celled tetrahedron
variable geometry truss manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36(11-12):1271–1279,
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Keywords: truss,dynamics.
- 517
Xu P. and others .
Kinematics analysis of a hybrid manipulator for computer controlled
ultra-precision freeform polishing.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 44:44–56,
Keywords: hybrid robot,applications.
- 518
Xu Q. and Li Y.
A novel design of a 3-PRC compliant parallel micromanipulator for
Robotica, 24(4):527–528, Juillet 2006
Keywords: 3 dof robot,flexible robot,micro robot.
- 519
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Design and analysis of a new three-prismatic-revolute-cylindrical
translational parallel manipulator.
Proc. Instn Mech Engrs, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering
Science, 221(5):565–576, 2007.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 520
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Influences of constraint errors on the mobility of a 3-dof
translational parallel manipulator.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: mobility,3 dof robot.
- 521
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Error analysis and optimal design of a class of translational
parallel kinematic machine using particle swarm optimization.
Robotica, 27(1):67–78, 2007.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,optimal
- 522
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Dahl model-based hysteresis compensation and precise positioning
control of an XY parallel micromanipulator with piezoelectric actuation.
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132(4):041011–1/15, Juillet 2010
Keywords: planar robot,control,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 523
Xu W.L., Pap J-S., and Bronlund J.
Design of a biologically inspired parallel robot for foods chewing.
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Février 2008
Keywords: applications,mechanical architecture,hardware.
- 524
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A method for force analysis of the overconstrained lower mobility
parallel mechanism.
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Juin 2015
Keywords: statics.
- 525
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Type synthesis of the 2R1T parallel mechanisms with two continuous
rotational axes and study on the principle of motion decoupling.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 108:27–40, 2017.
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,decoupled robot.
- 526
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Type synthesis of overconstrained 2R1T parallel mechanisms with the
fewest kinematic joints based on the ultimate constraint wrenches.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 147, 2020.
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 527
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Force analysis of the redundantly actuated parallel mechanism
2RPR+P considering different control methodologies.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 142, 2021.
Keywords: statics,control,planar robot.
- 528
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Principle of force analysis of overconstrained parallel mechanisms
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Keywords: statics,redundant robot.
- 529
Xu Y-X., Kohli D., and Weng T-C.
Direct differential kinematics of hybrid-chain manipulators including
singularities and stability analyses.
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Scottsdale, 13-16 Septembre 1992
Keywords: statics,jacobian,singularity.
- 530
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Dynamics analysis of a novel 3-PSS parallel robot based on linear
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Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 531
Yakey J.H. and others .
Randomized path planning for linkages with closed kinematic chains.
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Décembre 2001
Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 532
Yamada H., Kudomi S., and Muto T.
Development of a hydraulic parallel-link-type force display
(investigation of basis function of the force display).
Int. J. of Robotics and Automation, 19(1):1–5, 2004.
Keywords: hydraulics,actuators,master-slave.
- 533
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4R and 5R parallel mechanism mobile robots.
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3684–3689, New Orleans, 28-30 Avril 2004
Keywords: applications.
- 534
Yamamoto M. and Mohri A.
Inverse kinematic analysis for incompletely restrained parallel wire
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Takamatsu, 30 Octobre-5 Novembre, 2000
Keywords: wire robot.
- 535
Yamamoto M., Yanai N., and Mohri A.
Trajectory control of incompletely restrained parallel-wire-suspended
mechanism based on inverse dynamics.
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Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,control.
- 536
Yamamoto M., Yanai N., and Mohri A.
Inverse dynamics and control of crane-type manipulator.
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pages 1222–1227, Kyongju, 17-21 Octobre 1999
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics.
- 537
Yamane K. and others .
Parallel dynamics computation and
acceleration control
of parallel manipulators for acceleration display.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2301–2306, Louvain, 18-20 Mai 1998
Keywords: dynamics,control,parallel computation.
- 538
Yamane K. and others .
Parallel dynamics computation and
acceleration control
of parallel manipulators for acceleration display.
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127(2):185–191, Juin 2005
Keywords: dynamics,control,parallel computation.
- 539
Yan P. and others .
A 5-DOF redundantly actuated parallel mechanism for large tilting
five-face machining.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof
- 540
Yan S.J., Ong S.K., and Nee A.Y.C.
Stiffness analysis of parallelogram-type parallel manipulators using
a strain energy method.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 37:13–22,
Keywords: stiffness.
- 541
Yang C. and others .
PD control with gravity compensation for hydraulic 6-DOF parallel
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Avril 2010
Keywords: control,hydraulics.
- 542
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Decoupling control for spatial six-degree-of-freedom
electro-hydraulic parallel robot.
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Keywords: control,dynamics,hydraulics.
- 543
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Decoupled-space control and experimental evaluation of spatial
electrohydraulic robotic manipulators using singular value decomposition
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Juillet 2014
Keywords: control,dynamics,hydraulics.
- 544
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Elastostatic stiffness modeling of overconstrained parallel
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Keywords: stiffness,redundant robot.
- 545
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Decoupled elastostatic stiffness modeling of parallel manipulators
based on the rigidity principle.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 145, 2020.
Keywords: stiffness.
- 546
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Natural frequency analysis of parallel manipulators using global
independent generalized displacement coordinates.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.
Keywords: dynamics,vibration.
- 547
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Dimensional synthesis method of parallel manipulators based on the
principle component analysis.
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Keywords: optimal design.
- 548
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Review of the performance optimization of parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 170, Avril 2022
Keywords: optimal design,state of the art.
- 549
Yang G., Chen I-M., and Yeo S.H.
Design consideration and kinematic modeling for modular
reconfigurable parallel robots.
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Mechanisms, pages 1079–1084, Oulu, 20-24 Juin 1999
Keywords: mechanical architecture,hardware,modular
robot,forward kinematics with redundant sensors,forward kinematics.
- 550
Yang G. and others .
Kinematic design of modular reconfigurable in-parallel robots.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,modular robot,workspace.
- 551
Yang G. and others .
Self-calibration of three-legged modular reconfigurable parallel
robots based on leg-end distance errors.
Robotica, 19(2):187–198, Mars 2001
Keywords: calibration,modular robot.
- 552
Yang G. and others .
Singularity analysis of three-legged parallel robots based on
passive-joint velocities.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2407–2412, Seoul, 21-26 Mai 2001
Keywords: singularity.
- 553
Yang G., Chen I-M., and Angeles J.
Singularity analysis of three-legged parallel robots based on passive
joint velocities.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 17(4):413–422,
Août 2001
Keywords: singularity,jacobian,inverse jacobian.
- 554
Yang G. and others .
Simultaneous base and tool calibration for self-calibrated parallel
Robotica, 20(4):367–374, Juillet 2002
Keywords: calibration.
- 555
Yang G., Chen W., and Chen I-M.
A geometrical method for the singularity analysis of 3-RRR planar
parallel robots with different actuation schemes.
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Keywords: singularity,planar robot.
- 556
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Kinematic design of a six-dof parallel-kinematics machine with
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,decoupled robot,6 dof robot.
- 557
Yang G., Yeo S.H., and Pham C.B.
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Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,kinematics,singularity.
- 558
Yang G., Pham C.B., and Yeo S.H.
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- 559
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- 560
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- 561
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Keywords: structural synthesis.
- 562
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,medical.
- 563
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- 564
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Keywords: mechanical
- 565
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- 566
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- 567
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- 568
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- 569
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Keywords: mobility,mechanical architecture.
- 570
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- 571
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- 572
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- 573
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A dual quaternion solution to the forward kinematics of a class of
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 574
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Keywords: vibration,dynamics,control.
- 575
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- 576
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Modified robust dynamic control for a Diamond parallel robot.
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- 577
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- 578
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- 579
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Keywords: singularity,design.
- 580
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- 581
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- 582
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,hybrid robot.
- 583
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- 584
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Keywords: 2 dof robot,mechanical
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- 585
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Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 586
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- 587
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- 588
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- 589
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- 590
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- 591
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- 592
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- 593
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- 594
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- 595
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- 596
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- 597
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- 598
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- 599
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- 600
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- 601
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- 602
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- 603
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- 604
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- 605
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- 606
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- 607
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- 608
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- 609
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- 610
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- 611
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- 612
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- 613
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- 614
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- 615
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- 616
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- 617
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- 618
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- 619
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- 620
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- 621
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- 622
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- 623
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- 624
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- 625
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- 626
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- 627
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- 628
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- 629
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- 630
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- 631
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- 632
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- 633
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- 634
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- 635
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- 636
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- 637
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- 638
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- 639
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- 640
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- 641
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- 642
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- 643
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- 644
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Keywords: structural synthesis,6 dof robot.
- 645
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- 646
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- 647
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- 648
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- 649
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- 650
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- 651
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- 652
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- 653
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- 654
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- 655
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- 656
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- 657
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- 658
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- 659
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- 660
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- 661
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- 662
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- 663
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- 664
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- 665
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro
- 666
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- 667
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- 668
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micromanipulator in a cubic workspace.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(6):977–985,
Décembre 2011
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,optimal
design,micro-macro robot,piezo-electric.
- 669
Yuqi W. and others .
Simulation experiment of flexible parallel robot control by RBF
neural network based on sliding mode robust term.
In 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems,
Keywords: flexible robot,control,neurons networks.
- 670
Zabalza I. and others .
Tri-Scott. a new kinematic structure for a 6-dof decoupled parallel
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 12–15, Québec,
3-4 Octobre 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,decoupled robot.
- 671
Zabalza I. and others .
A variant of a 6-RKS Hunt-type parallel manipulator to easily use
insensitivity position configurations.
In ARK, pages 291–300, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,accuracy.
- 672
Zabalza I. and Ros J.
Synthesis of a 6-RUS parallel manipulator using its stationary
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: optimal design,structural synthesis.
- 673
Zaccaria F., Ida E., Briot S., and Carricato M.
Workspace computation of planar continuum parallel robots.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2),
Avril 2022
Keywords: planar robot,flexible robot,workspace.
- 674
Zago L. and others .
Extremely compact secondary mirror unit for the SOFIA telescope
capable of 6-degree-of-freedom alignment plus chopping.
In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Kona,
20-28 Mars 1998
Keywords: applications,hardware,passive joints.
- 675
Zago L. and others .
Development and testing of a high-precision, high-stiffness linear
actuator for the focus-center mechanism of the SOFIA secondary mirror.
In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Munchen,
27-31 Mars 2000
Keywords: applications,hardware,actuators.
- 676
Zake Z. and others .
Vision-based control and stability analysis of a cable-driven
parallel robot.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2),
Avril 2019
Keywords: wire robot,control,accuracy.
- 677
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Design and stability analysis of visual servoing on cable-driven
parallel robots for accuracy improvement.
Ph.D. Thesis, LS2N, Nantes, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,statics,stiffness,accuracy,control.
- 678
Zamanov V.B and Sotirov Z.M.
Structures and kinematics of parallel topology manipulating systems.
In Proc. Int. Symp. on Design and Synthesis, pages 453–458,
Tokyo, 11-13 Juillet 1984
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot.
- 679
Zamanov V.B and Sotirov Z.M.
Duality in mechanical properties of sequential and parallel robots.
In 20th Int. Symp. on Industrial robots (ISIR), pages
1041–1050, Tokyo, 4-6 Octobre 1989
Keywords: duality.
- 680
Zamanov V.B and Sotirov Z.M.
A contribution to the serial and parallel manipulator duality.
In 8th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machine and
Mechanisms, pages 517–520, Prague, 26-31 Août 1991
Keywords: duality.
- 681
Zamanov V.B and Sotirov Z.M.
Parallel manipulators in robotics.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 409–418, Kobe,
16-20 Septembre 1992
Keywords: state of the art,5 dof robot.
- 682
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
The semigraphical solution of the direct kinematics of general
platform-type parallel manipulators.
In J. Angeles P. Kovacs, G. Hommel, editor, Computational
Kinematics, pages 165–173. Kluwer, 1993.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 683
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Mobility and position analysis of a novel redundant parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3049–3054, San Diego, 8-13 Mai 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
robot,kinematics,redundant robot.
- 684
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Instantaneous kinematics and design of a novel redundant parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3043–3048, San Diego, 8-13 Mai 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
robot,kinetics,redundant robot.
- 685
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
The direct kinematics of general parallel manipulators with minimum
sensor data.
In ISRAM, pages 333–338, Hawa&̈#305;,
14-18 Août 1994
Keywords: forward kinematics with redundant sensors.
- 686
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Instantaneous kinematics of modular parallel manipulators.
In ASME Design Automation Conf., pages 271–277, Minneapolis,
11-14 Septembre 1994
Keywords: kinetics.
- 687
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
On the isotropic design of general six-degree-of-freedom parallel
In J-P. Merlet B. Ravani, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 213–220. Kluwer, 1995.
Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,design.
- 688
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Displacement analysis of a six-degree-of-freedom hand controler.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1281–1286, Minneapolis, 24-26 Avril 1996
Keywords: mechanical architecture,hybrid
- 689
Zanganeh K.E., Sinatra R., and Angeles J.
Dynamics of a six-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator with
revolute legs.
In World Automation Congress, volume 3, pages 817–822,
Montpellier, 28-30 Mai 1996
Keywords: dynamics.
- 690
Zanganeh K.E. and Angeles J.
Kinematic isotropy and the optimum design of parallel manipulators.
Int. J. of Robotics Research, 16(2):185–197,
Avril 1997
Keywords: isotropy,design,optimal design.
- 691
Zanganeh K.E., Sinatra R., and Angeles J.
Kinematics and dynamics of a six-degree-of-freedom parallel
manipulator with revolute legs.
Robotica, 15(4):385–394,
Juillet- Août, 1997
Keywords: mechanical architecture,dynamics.
- 692
Zanotto D. and others .
Sophia-3: a semiadaptive cable-driven rehabilitation device with a
tilting working plane.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 30(4):974–979,
Août 2014
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,applications,medical,modular
- 693
Zare S. and others .
Kinematic analysis of an under-constrained cable- driven robot using
neural networks.
In 28 th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE),
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics,neurons networks.
- 694
Zare S. and others .
Experimental study on the control of a suspended cable-driven
parallel robot for object tracking purpose.
Robotica, 40:3863–3877, 2022.
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,control,neurons networks,3 dof
- 695
Zarei M.
Oscillation damping of non linear control systems based on the phase
trajectory length concept: an experimental case study on a cable-driven
parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126:377–396, 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,control,dynamics.
- 696
Zarkandi S.
A new geometric method for singularity analysis of spherical
Robotica, 40(7):475–504, 2022.
Keywords: spherical robot,3 dof robot,mechanical
architecture,dynamics,optimal design.
- 697
Zarkandi S.
Task-based torque minimization of a 3-P
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Keywords: spherical robot,singularity,3 dof robot.
- 698
Zarkandi S.
Dynamic modeling and power optimization of a
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Robotica, 40:616–671, Mars 2022
Keywords: dynamics,4 dof robot,simulator.
- 699
Zavatta M. and others .
A vision-based referencing procedure for cable-driven parallel
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(4), Août 2020
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 700
Zeid A.A., Overholt J.L., and Beck R.R.
Modeling of multibody systems for control using general purpose
simulation languages.
Simulation, 67(1):7–19, Janvier 1994
Keywords: control.
- 701
Zein M., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Singular curves and cusp points in the joint space of 3-RPR
parallel manipulators.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 777–782,
Orlando, 16-18 Mai 2006
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 702
Zein M., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
An algorithm for computing cusp points in the joint space of
parallel manipulators.
In 1st European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes),
Obergurgl, 21-26 Février 2006
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 703
Zein M., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Singular curves in the joint space and cusp points of
R parallel manipulators.
Robotica, 25(6):712–724, Novembre 2007
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 704
Zein M., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Singularity surfaces and maximal singularity-free boxes in the joint
space of planar 3-R
R parallel manipulators.
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 705
Zein M., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Non-singular assembly-mode changing motions of a
parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43(4):480–490,
Avril 2008
Keywords: planar robot,singularity.
- 706
Zeiwali M. and Notash L.
Fuzzy modelbased adaptive robust control for parallel manipulators.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: control,dynamics,wire robot.
- 707
Zeng Q., Fang Y., and Ehmann K.F.
Design of a novel 4-dof kinematotropic hybrid parallel manipulator.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 133(12):121006–1/9,
Décembre 2011
Keywords: hybrid robot,4 dof robot.
- 708
Zeng Q. and Fang Y.
Structural synthesis and analysis of serial-parallel hybrid
mechanisms with spatial multi-loop kinematic chains.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 49:198–215,
Mars 2012
Keywords: hybrid robot,structural synthesis.
- 709
Zeng Q. and Ehmann K.F.
Design of parallel hybrid-loop manipulators with kinematotropic
property and deployability.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 71:1–26,
Janvier 2014
Keywords: mechanical architecture,structural synthesis.
- 710
Zeng Q., Ehmann K.F., and Cao J.
Tri-pyramid robot: Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-dof
translational parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 30(6):648–657,
Décembre 2014
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 711
Zeng Q., Ehmann K.F., and Cao J.
Design of general kinematropic mechanisms.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 38:67–81,
Keywords: structural synthesis.
- 712
Zeng Q., Ehmann K.F., and Cao J.
Tri-pyramid robot: stiffness modeling of a 3-dof tranlational
parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 34(2):383–402, Février 2016
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,stiffness.
- 713
Zeng-x2020 .
A parallel-guided compliant mechanism with variable stiffness based
on layer jamming.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 148, 2020.
Keywords: passive compliance,pneumatic.
- 714
Zeng D., Huang Z., and Lu W.
Performance analysis and optimal design of a 3-dof 3-RUR parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 130(4):042307–1/9,
Avril 2008
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,optimal
design,performance analysis.
- 715
Zhai S.
User performance in relation to 3D input device design.
Computer Graphics, 32(4):50–54, Novembre 1998
Keywords: applications.
- 716
Zhan Z. and others .
Error modelling and motion reliability analysis of a planar parallel
manipulator with multiple uncertainties.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 124:55–72, 2018.
Keywords: planar robot,uncertainties,kinematics.
- 717
Zhan Z. and others .
Unified motion reliability analysis and comparison study of planar
parallel manipulators with interval joint clearance variables.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 138:58–75, 2019.
Keywords: uncertainties,performance analysis,planar
- 718
Zang B. and others .
Design and implementation of fast terminal sliding mode control with
synchronization error for cable-driven parallel robots.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 182:105228,
Avril 2023
Keywords: wire robot,control.
- 719
Zang B. and others .
Synthetic design and analysis of the new feed cabin mechanism in
five-hundred-meter aperture spherical radio telescope (FAST).
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 191, 2024.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 720
Zhan C. and Zhang L.
Kinematic analysis and workspace investigation of a novel 2-dof
parallel manipulator applied on vehicle driving simulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):113–120,
Février 2013
Keywords: 2 dof robot,applications,simulator.
- 721
Zhang D. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinetostatic modeling of N-DOF parallel mechanisms with a passive
constraining leg and prismatic actuators.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 123(3):375–384,
Septembre 2001
Keywords: 5 dof robot,4 dof robot,stiffness.
- 722
Zhang D. and others .
Design optimization of parallel kinematic toolheads with genetic
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 941–956,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,3 dof robot,stiffness,optimal design.
- 723
Zhang D. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinetostatic modeling of parallel mechanims with a passive
constraining leg and revolute actuators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 37(6):599–617,
Juin 2002
Keywords: flexible robot,4 dof robot,5 dof robot,stiffness.
- 724
Zhang D. and Gosselin C.M.
Parallel kinematic machine design with kinetostatic model.
Robotica, 20(4):429–438, Juillet 2002
Keywords: flexible robot,4 dof robot,stiffness.
- 725
Zhang D. and others .
Optimum design of parallel kinematic toolheads with genetic
Robotica, 22(1):77–84, Janvier 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,performance analysis,optimal
- 726
Zhang D. and Wang L.
Web-based remote manipulation in advanced manufacturing.
In IEEE Int. Workshop on Business Service Network, Hong-Kong,
Keywords: applications,web.
- 727
Zhang D. and Wang L.
Conceptual development of an enhanced tripod mechanism for machine
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
21(4-5):318–327, Janvier 2005
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,optimal design.
- 728
Zhang D.
On stiffness improvement of the tricept machine-tool.
Robotica, 23(3):377–386, Mai 2005
Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 729
Zhang D., Wang L., and Lang S.Y.T.
Parallel kinematic machines: design, analysis and simulation in an
integrated virtual environment.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 127(4):580–588,
Juillet 2005
Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 730
Zhang D., Wang L., and Esmailzadeh E.
Industrial Robotics, Theory, Modelling and Control, chapter
Web-based remote manipulation of parallel robot in advanced manufacturing
system, pages 659–694.
pro literatur Verlag, Janvier 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,web.
- 731
Zhang D., Bi Z., and Li B.
Design and kinetostatic analysis of a new parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
25(4-5):782–791, Août 2009
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 732
Zhang D. and Zhang F.
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled 3-dof spherical parallel
Robotica, 29(7):1093–1100, Décembre 2011
Keywords: 3 dof robot,spherical robot,wrist,decoupled robot.
- 733
Zhang D. and Lei J.
Kinematic analysis of a novel 3-dof actuation redundant parallel
manipulator using artificial intelligence approach.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1):157–163,
Février 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,forward kinematics.
- 734
Zhang D. and others .
Static balancing and dynamic modeling of a three-degree-of-freedom
parallel kinematic manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 470–475,
Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: balancing,dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 735
Zhang D. and Gao Z.
Performance analysis and optimization of a five degrees-of-freedom
hybrid parallel micromanipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 34:20–29,
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,optimal design,micro robot.
- 736
Zhang D. and others .
Kinematics, dynamics and stiffness analysis of a novel 3-dof
kinematically/actuation redundant planar parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 116:203–219, 2017.
Keywords: planar robot,mechanical architecture,hybrid
robot,redundant robot,performance analysis.
- 737
Zhang F., Shang W., and Cong S.
Choosing measurement configurations for kinematic calibration of
cable-driven parallel robots.
In 3rd Int. Conf, on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics
(ICARM), 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,calibration.
- 738
Zhang G-F. and Gao X-S.
Planar generalized Stewart platforms and their direct kinematics.
In 5th Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG), pages 198–211,
Gainesville, 16-18 Septembre 2004
Keywords: forward kinematics,planar robot.
- 739
Zhang G-F.
Classification of direct kinematics to planar generalized Stewart
Computational geometry; Theory and Applications, 45:485–473,
Keywords: forward kinematics,planar robot.
- 740
Zhang H. and others .
Kinematic accuracy research of 2(3HUS+S) parallel manipulator for
simulation of hip joint motion.
Robotica, 36:1386–1401, 2018.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 741
Zhang H. and others .
A Newton-Raphson and BP neural network hybrid algorithm for
forward kinematics of parallel manipulator.
In 2nd WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation,
Beijing, 21 Août 2019
Keywords: forward kinematics,4 dof robot,neurons networks.
- 742
Zhang H-X. and others .
Runtime reconfiguration of a modular mobile robot with serial and
parallel mechanisms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 2999–3004, San Diego, 22-26 Septembre 2007
Keywords: hybrid robot,applications.
- 743
Zhang J. and others .
A 6-dof heavy-load parallel manipulator with RFTA and its
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 470–475,
Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: actuators,applications.
- 744
Zhang J. and others .
Kinematic calibration of a 2-dof translational parallel manipulator.
Advanced Robotics, 28(10):707–714, 2014.
Keywords: calibration,2 dof robot.
- 745
Zhang J., Zhao Y., and Jin Y.
Kinetostatic-model-based stiffness analysis of Exechon PKM.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 37:208–220,
Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot.
- 746
Zhang J. and others .
Modeling and experimental study of a novel multi-dof parallel soft
IEEE Access, 2020.
Keywords: flexible robot,mechanical
- 747
Zhang J. and others .
Design and implementation of novel fractional-order controllers for
stabilized platforms.
IEEE Access, 2020.
Keywords: control.
- 748
Zhang K. and Dai J.S.
Geometry and constraint analysis of the three-spherical kinematic
chain based parallel mechanism.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(3), Août 2010
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,mechanical architecture.
- 749
Zhang K., Dai J.S., and Fang Y.
Constraint analysis and bifurcated motion of the 3PUP parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 49:256–269,
Mars 2012
Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity,applications,medical.
- 750
Zhang L. and Song Y.
Optimal design of the Delta robot based on dynamics.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 336–341,
Shangai, 9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics,optimal design.
- 751
Zhang L-J. and others .
Analysis of the workspace of 2-dof spherical 5r parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1123–1128, Orlando, 16-18 Mai 2006
Keywords: spherical robot,2 dof robot,workspace.
- 752
Zhang M.D. and Song S.M.
Study of three-degree-of-freedom parallel platforms for reactional
In ISRAM, pages 373–378, Hawa&̈#305;,
14-18 Août 1994
Keywords: applications,mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 753
Zhang N. and Shang W.
Dynamic trajectory planning of a 3-dof under-constrained cable-driven
parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 98:21–35,
Avril 2016
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,trajectory planning.
- 754
Zhang N., Shang W., and Cong S.
Geometry-based trajectory planning of a 3-3 cable suspended parallel
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 33(2):484–491,
Avril 2017
Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,trajectory planning.
- 755
Zhang N., Huang P., and LI Q.
Modeling, design and experiment of a remote-center-of-motion parallel
manipulator for needle insertion.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 50:193–202,
Keywords: medical,applications.
- 756
Zhang S. and others .
A novel compliance modeling method for compliant parallel mechanisms
and its application.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: passive compliance,flexible robot.
- 757
Zhang X., Mills J.K., and Cleghorn W.L.
Dynamic modeling and experimental validation of a 3-PRR parallel
manipulator with flexible intermediate links.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 50(4):324–340,
Décembre 2007
Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,vibration,flexible robot.
- 758
Zhang X., Mills J.K., and Cleghorn W.L.
Coupling characteristics of rigid body motion and elastic deformation
of a 3-PRR parallel manipulator with flexible links.
Multibody System Dynamics, 21:167–192, 2009.
Keywords: dynamics,planar robot.
- 759
Zhang X., Mills J.K., and Cleghorn W.L.
Investigation of axial forces on dynamic propoerties of a flexible
3-PRR parallel manipulator moving with high speed.
Robotica, 28(4):607–619, Juillet 2010
Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,vibration,flexible robot.
- 760
Zhang Q. and others .
Dynamic model and input shaping control of a flexible link parallel
manipulator considering the exact boundary conditions.
Robotica, 33(6):1201–1230, Juillet 2015
Keywords: planar robot,dynamics,vibration,flexible
- 761
Zhang X. and Zhang X.
A comparative study of planar 3-RRR and 4-RRR mechanisms with
joint clearances.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 40:24–33,
Août 2016
Keywords: clearance,planar robot,accuracy,performance
- 762
Zhang Q. and others .
Smooth adaptive sliding mode vibration control of a flexible parallel
manipulator with multiple smart linkages in modal space.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 411:1–19, 2017.
Keywords: vibration,control,flexible robot,planar robot.
- 763
Zhang X. and Xu Q.
Design, fabrication and testing of a novel symmetrical 3-dof
large-stroke parallel micro/nano-positioning stage.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 54:162–172,
Keywords: micro robot,mechanical architecture.
- 764
Zhang Q. and others .
Pose detection of parallel robot based on improved Hough-K-means and
SURF algorithms.
In Jiangsu Annual Conference on Automation (JACA), 2019.
- 765
Zhang Y. and Hesselbach J.
Piezoelectric rotary-linear-actuators for miniaturised or micro
parallel robot.
In 7th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, pages 371–374, Bremen,
19-20 Juin 2000
Keywords: actuators,piezo-electric,micro robot.
- 766
Zhang Y., Gong J., and Gao F.
Singularity elimination of parallel mechanisms by means of redundant
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: redundant robot,singularity.
- 767
Zhang Y., Liu H., and Wu X.
Kinematics analysis of a novel parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(9):1648–1657,
Septembre 2009
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 768
Zhang Y. and others .
Workspace analysis of a novel 6-dof cable-driven parallel robot.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics,
Guilin, 19-23 Décembre 2009
Keywords: wire robot,workspace,statics.
- 769
Zhang Y. and Duffy J.
The optimum quality index for a redundant 4-4 in parallel
In 12th RoManSy, pages 289–296, Paris,
6-9 Juillet 1998
Keywords: redundant robot,isotropy.
- 770
Zhang Y., Duffy J., and Crane C.
The optimum quality index for a spatial redundant 4-8 in parallel
In ARK, pages 239–248, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: redundant robot,isotropy,design.
- 771
Zhang Y. and others .
Zeroing dynamics based motion control scheme for parallel
Electronic Letters, 53(2):74–75, 2017.
Keywords: control.
- 772
Zhang Y. and others .
CGA-based approach to direct kinematics of parallel mechanisms with
the 3-RS structure.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 124:162–178, 2018.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 773
Zhang Y. and others .
Optimal zeroing dynamics with applications to control of serial and
parallel manipulators.
Optim Control Appl Meth, 39:1393–1406, 2018.
Keywords: dynamics,control.
- 774
Zhang Y. and others .
Acceleration analysis of 6-RR-
-RR parallel
manipulator with offset hinges by means of a hybrid method.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169, Mars 2022
Keywords: ,dynamics.
- 775
Zhang Y-C. and Liu X-W.
Force transmission index based workspace analysis of a six dof
wire-driven parallel manipulator.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: wire robot,optimal design,workspace,performance
- 776
Zhang Z. and others .
Optimal design of a high-speed pick-and-place cable-driven parallel
In 3rd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Québec, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,optimal design.
- 777
Zhang Z., Wang L., and Shao Z.
Improving the kinematic performance of a planar 3-RRR parallel
manipulator through actuation mode conversion.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 139:86–108, 2018.
Keywords: planar robot,hardware,statics,actuators,performance
- 778
Zhang Z., Cheng H.H., and Lau D.
Efficient wrench-closure and interference-free conditions
verification for cable-driven parallel robot trajectories using a ray-based
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(1):8–15,
Janvier 2019
Keywords: wire robot,workspace,trajectory planning.
- 779
Zhang Z., Shao Z., and Wang L.
Optimization and implementation of a high-speed 3-dofs translational
cable-driven parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 145, 2020.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical
- 780
Zhang Z. and others .
Workspace analysis and optimal design of a translational cable-driven
parallel robot with passive springs.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12, Octobre 2020
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 781
Zhang Z. and others .
Kinematic calibration of cable-driven parallel robots considering the
pulley kinematics.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169, Mars 2022
Keywords: wire robot,calibration.
- 782
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
Kinematics of parallel manipulators with a positional subchain.
In ASME Proc. of the 21th Biennial Mechanisms Conference,
volume 2, pages 271–278, Chicago, 16-19 Septembre 1990
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 783
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
Forward kinematics of a class of parallel (Stewart) platforms with
closed-form solutions.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2676–2681, Sacramento, 11-14 Avril 1991
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 784
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
Forward position analysis of parallel mechanisms with 3 general
open-subchains based on selection of independent joints.
In ISRAM, pages 377–384, Santa-Fe,
11-13 Novembre 1992
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 785
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
Forward position analysis of nearly general Stewart platforms.
In 22nd Biennial Mechanisms Conf., volume DE-45, pages 81–87,
Scottsdale, 13-16 Septembre 1992
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 786
Zhang C-D. and Song S.M.
A efficient method for inverse dynamics of manipulators based on the
virtual work principle.
J. of Robotic Systems, 10(5):605–627,
Juillet 1993
Keywords: dynamics.
- 787
Zhang C-D. and Song S-M.
Forward position analysis of nearly general Stewart platform.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 116(1):54–60,
Mars 1994
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 788
Zhao C. and others .
Stiffness modeling of n(3RRlS) reconfigurable series-parallel
manipulators by combining virtual joint method and matrix structural
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 152, 2020.
Keywords: stiffness,hybrid robot.
- 789
Zhao C. and others .
Deformation analysis of a novel 3-dof parallel spindle head in
gravitational field.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 154, 2020.
Keywords: mechanical
- 790
Zhao F. and others .
In-hand manipulation using a 3-PRS-finger-based parallel dexterous
hand with bidirectional pinching capability.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 192, 2024.
Keywords: applications.
- 791
Zhao J-S. and others .
Analysis of the singularity of spatial parallel manipulator with
terminal constraints.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(3):275–284,
Mars 2005
Keywords: singularity.
- 792
Zhao J-S. and others .
Mobility properties of a Schoenflies-type parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 22(1):124–133,
Keywords: 4 dof robot,singularity.
- 793
Zhao J-S., Chu F., and Feng Z-J.
Symmetrical characteristics of the workspace for spatial parallel
mechanisms with symmetric structure.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43(4):427–444,
Avril 2008
Keywords: workspace.
- 794
Zhao J-S., Chu F., and Feng Z-J.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter
Mobility of spatial parallel manipulators, pages 467–496.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: mobility.
- 795
Zhao J-S., Chu F-L., and Feng Z-J.
Kinemaics of spatial parallel manipulators with tetrahedron
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 30(1):233–243,
Février 2014
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 796
Zhao Q., Guo J., and Hong J.
Closed-form error space calculation for parallel/hybrid manipulators
considering joint clearance, input uncertainty, and manufacturing
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 142, 2019.
Keywords: performance analysis,uncertainties,clearance.
- 797
Zhao Q., Guo J., and Hong J.
Time-dependent system kinematic reliability analysis for planar
parallel manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 152, 2020.
Keywords: planar robot,uncertainties,trajectory verification.
- 798
Zhao Q. and others .
A novel approach to kinematic reliability analysis for planar
parallel manipulators.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 142, Août 2020
Keywords: planar robot,uncertainties.
- 799
Zhao R., Wu L., and Chen Y-H.
Robust control for nonlinear delta parallel robot with uncertainty:
an online estimation approach.
IEEE Access, 2020.
Keywords: control,trajectory planning,dynamics,simulation.
- 800
Zhao T. and others .
Type synthesis and analysis of rotational parallel mechanisms with a
virtual continuous axis.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 109:139–154, 2017.
Keywords: structural synthesis,wrist,3 dof robot.
- 801
Zhao T. and others .
Design and analysis of a cable-driven parallel robot for waist
In Int. Conf. on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation, 2018.
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 802
Zhao T. and others .
Typical configuration analysis of a modular reconfigurable
cable-driven parallel robot.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2019.
Keywords: wire robot,modular robot,dynamics.
- 803
Zhao T-S. and others .
Stiffness and singularity analysis of foldable parallel mechanisms
for ship-based stabilized platform.
Robotica, 34(4):913–924, Avril 2016
Keywords: stiffness,singularity,applications.
- 804
Zhao X. and Peng S.
Uncertainty configurations of parallel manipulators.
Robotica, 18(2):209–211, Mars 2000
Keywords: singularity.
- 805
Zhao X. and Peng S.
Direct displacement analysis of parallel manipulators.
J. of Robotic Systems, 17(6):341–345, 2000.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 806
Zhao X., Zi B., and Quian L.
Design, analysis, and control of a cable-driven parallel platform
with a pneumatic muscle active support.
Robotica, 35(4):744–765, Avril 2017
Keywords: wire
robot,medical,stiffness,control,applications,hybrid robot.
- 807
Zhao X. and others .
Type synthesis and analysis of parallel mechanisms with
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 120:140–165, 2018.
Keywords: structural synthesis.
- 808
Zhao Y. and others .
Dynamics analysis of a 5-UPS/PRPU parallel machine tool.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: 5 dof robot,dynamics,machine-tool,applications.
- 809
Zhao Y. and Gao F.
Inverse dynamics of the 6-dof out-parallel manipulator by means of
the principle of virtual work.
Robotica, 27(2):259–268, Mars 2009
Keywords: dynamics,state of the art.
- 810
Zhao Y. and Gao F.
Dynamic formulation and performance evaluation of the redundant
parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
25(4-5):770–781, Août 2009
Keywords: dynamics,performance analysis,redundant robot.
- 811
Zhao Y. and others .
Elastodynamic charateristics comparison of the 8-PSS redundant
parallel manipulator and its non-redundant counterpart- the 6-PSS parallel
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Février 2010
Keywords: dynamics,redundant robot.
- 812
Zhao Y. and Gao F.
The joint velocity, torques and power capability evaluation of a
redundant parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 29(3):483–493, Mai 2011
Keywords: redundant robot,performance analysis.
- 813
Zhao Y., Liu J.F., and Huang Z.
A force analysis of a 3-RPS parallel mechanism by using screw
Robotica, 29(7):959–965, Décembre 2011
Keywords: dynamics,statics.
- 814
Zhao Y.
Dimensional synthesis of a three translational degrees of freedom
parallel robot while considering kinematic anisotropic property.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):169–179,
Février 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design.
- 815
Zhao Y.
Singularity isotropy and velocity transmission evluation of a three
translational degree-of-freedo parallel robot.
Robotica, 31(2):193–202, Mars 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,isotropy,singularity.
- 816
Zhao Y.
Dynamic optimum design of a three translational degrees of freedom
parallel robot while considering anisotropic property.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):100–112,
Février 2013
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot,optimal design.
- 817
Zhao Y. and others .
Inverse kinematics and rigid-body dynamics for a three rotational
degrees of freedom parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 31:40–50,
Février 2015
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics,wrist.
- 818
Zhao Y.
Dynamic optimum design of a
parallel robot.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016.
Keywords: 4 dof robot,optimal design,dynamics.
- 819
Zhao Y. and others .
Constant motion/force transmission analysis and synthesis of a class
of translational parallel mechanisms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 108:57–74, 2017.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,performance analysis,statics,optimal
- 820
Zhao Y. and Cheng G.
Dimensional synthesis of a 3UPS-PRU parallel robot.
Robotica, 35(12):2319–2329, 2017.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,optimal design.
- 821
Zhao Y. and others .
The constant balancing 6UPS/(3PRRR)+S parallel mechanism and its
balancing performance analysis.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126:79–91, 2018.
Keywords: balancing.
- 822
Zhao Y. and others .
A new hierarchical approach for the optimal design of a 5-dof hybrid
serial-parallel kinematic machine.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 150, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,hybrid robot,mechanical
architecture,optimal design,stiffness.
- 823
Zhao Y., J. Mei., and Niu W.
Vibration error-based trajectory planning of a 5-dof hybrid machine
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 69, 2021.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,3 dof robot,vibration.
- 824
Zhao M. and others .
Development of a redundant robot manipulator based on three dof
parallel platform.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 221–226,
Nagoya, 25-27 Mai 1995
Keywords: redundant robot,forward kinematics,hardware.
- 825
Zhao M. and others .
Development of an advanced manufacturing system based on parallel
robot manipulators.
In 27th Int. Symposium on Robotics, pages 96–100, Birmingham,
24 Avril-1 Mai, 1998
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,balancing.
- 826
Zhen H.
Modeling formulation of six-dof multi-loop parallel manipulator.
In SYROM, volume II-1, pages 155–162, Bucarest,
4-9 Juillet 1985
Keywords: jacobian,dynamics.
- 827
Zheng Y. and others .
A Stewart isolator with high-static-low-dynamic stiffness struts
based on negative stiffness magnetic springs.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 422:390–408, 2018.
Keywords: vibration,statics,dynamics,actuators.
- 828
Zheng K. and Zhang Q.
Comprehensive analysis of the position error and vibration
characteristics of Delta robot.
Advanced Robotics, 30(20):1322–1340, 2016.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,accuracy,vibration.
- 829
Zhuyong Y. and others .
Digital platform-based multi-domain virtual prototype simulation on a
high-speed parallel manipulator.
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Keywords: planar robot,2 dof robot,simulation.
- 830
Zhou Q. and others .
Enumeration and optimum design of a class of translational parallel
mechanisms with prismatic and parallelogram joints.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,optimal design,3 dof robot.
- 831
Zhou S., Sun J., and Gao F.
Influence of flexible spherical joints parameters on accuracy of the
six-axis force/torque sensor with three-three orthogonal parallel mechanism.
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Keywords: force sensor.
- 832
Zhou W. and others .
A new forward kinematic algorithm for a general Stewart platform.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 87:177–190, 2015.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 833
Zhou X., Tang C.P., and Krovi V.
Analysis framework for cooperating mobile cable robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3128–3133, Saint Paul, 14-18 Mai 2012
Keywords: wire robot,optimal design,mechanical architecture.
- 834
Zhou X., S-K. Jun, and Krovi V.
Tension distribution shaping via reconfigurable attachment in planar
mobile cable robots.
Robotica, 32(2):245–256, Mars 2014
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,statics.
- 835
Zhou X., S-K. Jun, and Krovi V.
Stiffness modulation exploiting configuration redundancy in mobile
cable robots.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong-Kong,
31 Mars-Juin, 2014
Keywords: wire robot,planar robot,statics,modular robot.
- 836
Zhou Y.
A closed-form algorithm for the least-squares trilateration problem.
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 837
Zhou H., Xi J., and Mechefske C.K.
Modeling of a fully flexible 3PRS manipulator for vibration
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,vibration.
- 838
Zhou K. and others .
Singularity loci research on high speed travelling type of double
four-rod spatial parallel mechanism.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot,singularity.
- 839
Zhu G. and others .
Cga-based novel modeling method for solving the forward displacement
analysis of 3-rpr planar parallel mechanism.
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Keywords: planar robot,kinematics.
- 840
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Computer-aided mobility analysis of parallel mechanisms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 148, 2020.
Keywords: mobility.
- 841
Zhu S-J., Huang Z., and Zhao M-Y.
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,singularity.
- 842
Zhu S-J., Huang Z., and Zhao M-Y.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,medical,mechanical architecture.
- 843
Zhu S-J., Huang Z., and Zhao M-Y.
Singularity analysis for six practicable 5-dof fully-symmetrical
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Keywords: 5 dof robot,singularity.
- 844
Zhuang H. and Roth Z.S.
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Keywords: calibration.
- 845
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Keywords: calibration.
- 846
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Keywords: calibration.
- 847
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Keywords: applications,kinematics,workspace,5 dof robot,3 dof
robot,mechanical architecture.
- 848
Zhuang H.
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Keywords: calibration.
- 849
Zhuang H., Yan J., and Masory O.
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Keywords: calibration.
- 850
Zi B. and others .
Dynamic modeling and active control of a cable-suspended parallel
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Keywords: wire robot,dynamics,control,applications.
- 851
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Keywords: wire robot,control,dynamics.
- 852
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Integrated mechanism design and control for completely restrained
hybrid-driven based cable parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: wire robot,hybrid robot,optimal design.
- 853
Zi B., Lin J., and Quian S.
Localization, obstacle avoidance planning and control of a
cooperative cable parallel robot for multiple mobile cranes.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 34:105–123,
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Keywords: wire robot,trajectory planning,forward kinematics
with redundant sensors.
- 854
Zi B., Su H., and Zhang D.
Design, analysis and control of a winding hybrid-driven cable
parallel manipulator.
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Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,hybrid
- 855
Zibil A. and others .
An explicit method for determining the force-moment capabilities of
redundantly actuated planar-parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: planar robot,statics,performance analysis,redundant
- 856
Zitzewitz J. and others .
A versatile wire robot concept as a haptic interface for sport
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14-16 Mai 2009
Keywords: wire robot,applications,hardware.
- 857
Zlatanov D., Dai M.Q., Fenton R.G., and Benhabib B.
Mechanical design and kinematics analysis of a three-legged six
degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator.
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529–536, Scottsdale, 13-16 Septembre 1992
Keywords: mechanical architecture,decoupled robot.
- 858
Zlatanov D., Fenton R.G., and Benhabib B.
A unifying framework for classification and interpretation of
mechanism singularities.
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Keywords: singularity.
- 859
Zlatanov D., Fenton R.G., and Benhabib B.
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Keywords: singularity.
- 860
Zlatanov D. and Gosselin C.M.
A family of new parallel architectures with four degrees of freedom.
In F.C. Park C.C. Iurascu, editor, Computational Kinematics,
pages 57–66. EJCK, 20-22 Mai 2001
Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot.
- 861
Zlatanov D., Bonev I.A., and Gosselin C.M.
Constraint singularities as configuration space singularities.
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Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot.
- 862
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Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot.
- 863
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Constraint singularities as configuration space singularities.
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Keywords: singularity.
- 864
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Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: singularity.
- 865
Zobel P.B., Di Stefano P., and Raparelli T.
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Milan, 6-8 Octobre 1996
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 866
Zoppi M. and others .
Constraint singularities of force transmission in nonredundant
parallel robots with less than six degrees of freedom.
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Keywords: singularity,statics.
- 867
Zoppi M., Bruzzone L.E., and Molfino R.M.
Position analysis of a class of translational parallel mechanisms.
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 868
Zoppi M., Bruzzone L.E., and Molfino R.M.
A novel 5-dof interconnected-chains PKM for manufacturing revolute
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Keywords: machine-tool,5 dof robot.
- 869
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Forward kinematics equations of a 3-dof hybrid PM for underwater
camera active support.
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Keywords: forward kinematics,3 dof robot,applications,marine.
- 870
Zoppi M., Zlatanov D., and Molfino R.M.
On the velocity analysis of non-parallel closed chain mechanisms.
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Keywords: jacobian.
- 871
Zoppi M., Sieklicki W., and Molfino R.
Design of a micro-robotic wrist for needle laparoscopic surgery.
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Keywords: medical,applications,3 dof robot,micro robot.
- 872
Zoso N. and Gosselin C.M.
Point-to-point motion planning of a parallel 3-dof underconstrained
cable-suspended robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2325–2330, Saint Paul, 14-18 Mai 2012
Keywords: 3 dof robot,control,dynamics,wire robot.
- 873
Zsombor-Murray P., Husty M., and Hartmann D.
Singular Stewart-Gough platforms with spherocylindrical and
spheroconical hip joint trajectories.
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Keywords: singularity,singular robot.
- 874
Zsombor-Murray P. and Gfrerrer A.
Kinematics of a two-legged manipulator with actuated spherical
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pages 11–20. EJCK, 20-22 Mai 2001
Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics,6 dof robot.
- 875
Zsombor-Murray P.J. and Cervantes-Sanchez J.
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Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 876
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Keywords: 6 dof robot,forward kinematics.
- 877
Zubizarreta A. and others .
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Keywords: control,2 dof robot,forward kinematics with redundant
- 878
Zubizarreta A. and others .
Dynamic modeling of planar parallel robots considering passive joint
sensor data.
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Keywords: dynamics,planar robot,control,forward kinematics with
redundant sensors.
- 879
Zubizarreta A. and others .
A procedure to evaluate extended computed torque control
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Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59:770–781, 2011.
Keywords: control.
- 880
Zubizarreta A. and others .
Redundant sensor based control of the 3RRR parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 54:1–17, Août 2012
Keywords: planar robot,control,forward kinematics with
redundant sensors.
- 881
Zubizarreta A. and others .
A redundant dynamic model of parallel robot for model-based control.
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Keywords: dynamics,control.
- 882
Zucconn G. and others .
Vibrations of cable-suspended rehabilitation robots.
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,medical,dynamics,planar
- 883
Zuo A., Wu Q.M.J., and Gruver W.A.
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Keywords: control.
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