36 références sur: Simulateur


Advani S. and others .
Design of a hexapod motion cueing system for the NASA Ames vertical motion simulator.
In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conf., Monterey, 5-8 Août 2002
Keywords: simulator,design,applications.
Advani S. and others .
A full-flight simulator of the 1903 Wright flyer.
In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conf., Austin, 11-14 Août 2004
Keywords: simulator,applications.
Ares J., Brazales A., and Busturia J.M.
Tuning and validation of the motion platform washout filter parameters for a driving simulator.
In Driving simulation Conf (DSC), pages 295–304, Sophia-Antipolis, 5-7 Septembre 2001
Keywords: simulator,control.
Artz B. and others .
The design and construction of the visual subsystem for VIRTTEX, the driving simulator at the Ford research laboratories.
In Driving simulation Conf (DSC), pages 255–262, Sophia-Antipolis, 5-7 Septembre 2001
Keywords: simulator.
Baret M.
Six degrees of freedom large motion system for flight simulators, piloted aircraft environment simulation techniques.
In AGARD Conference Proceeding ${\rm n^\circ 249}$, Piloted aircraft environment simulation techniques, pages 22–1/22–7, Bruxelles, 24-27 Avril 1978
Keywords: simulator,applications.
Barroso A.R. and others .
Smooth path planner for dynamic simulators based on cable-driven parallel robots.
In Int. Conf. on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,simulator,trajectory planning,applications,marine.
Cappel K.L.
Motion simulator, 3 Janvier 1967
United States Patent ${\rm n^\circ}$ 3,295,224 The Franklin Institute.
Keywords: applications,patent,simulator.
Claudinon B. and Lievre J.
Test facility for rendez-vous and docking.
In 36th Congress of the IAF, pages 1–6, Stockholm, 7-12 Octobre 1985
Keywords: simulator,mechanical architecture,optimal design,design,force sensor,workspace,applications.
Drosdol J. and Panik F.
The Daimler-Benz driving simulator. A tool for vehicle development, 25 Février-1 Mars, 1985
SAE Technical Paper Series.
Keywords: applications,simulator,hardware.
Dubowsky S. and others .
A laboratory test bed for space robotics: the VES mod. II.
In IROS, pages 1562–1569, München, 12-16 Septembre 1994
Keywords: applications,hardware,simulator,control.
Gotelli A. and others .
A Gazebo simulator for continuum parallel robots.
In ARK, Bilbao, 26-30 Juin 2022
Keywords: truss,planar robot,simulator.
Hahn S. and Kalb E.
The Daimler-Benz driving simulator set-up and results of first experiments.
In Summer Computer Simulation Conf., pages 993–997, Montréal, 23-30 Juillet 1987
Hoffman R.
Dynamics and control of a flight simulator motion system.
In Canadian Conf. on Automatic Control, pages 1–10, Montréal, 23-25 Mai 1979
Keywords: vibration,control,simulator.
Huang J-Y. and Gau C-Y.
A PC cluster high-fidelity mobile crane simulator.
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(1):7–20, 2002.
Keywords: applications,simulator.
Katliar M., Fischer J., Frison G, Diehl M., Teufel H., and Bülthoff H.H.
Nonlinear model predictive control of a cable-robot-based motion simulator.
In 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,control,simulator.
King R.F.
A flight simulator for advanced aircraft-servo: design to realization.
In Summer Computation Simulation Conf., pages 248–253, Montréal, 13-19 Juillet 1973
Keywords: simulator,applications.
Koevermans W.P. and others .
Design and performance of the four d.o.f. motion system of the NLR research flight simulator.
In AGARD Conf. Proc. No 198, Flight Simulation, pages 17–1/17–11, La Haye, 20-23 Octobre 1975
Keywords: simulator,applications,4 dof robot.
Lewkowicz R. and Kowaleczko G.
Kinematic issues of a spatial disorientation simulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 138, 2019.
Keywords: simulator,applications.
Lorenzo J. and others .
Hydraulic excavator dynamic model for a real time training simulator.
In Driving simulation Conf (DSC), pages 201–211, Sophia-Antipolis, 5-7 Septembre 2001
Keywords: simulator,dynamics.
Mattiazzo G. and others .
A pneumatically actuated motion simulator.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications,pneumatic,simulator.
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1990.
Merlet J-P.
Les robots parallèles, 21 Juin 1993
Habilitation à diriger les recherches, UNSA, Nice.
Merlet J-P.
Les Robots parallèles.
Hermès, Paris, 1997.
Miermeister P. and others .
The CableRobot simulator large scale motion platform based on cable robot technology.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, 9-14 Octobre 2016
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,simulator.
Mimura N. and Y. Funahashi.
A new analytical system applying 6 dof parallel link manipulator for evaluating motion sensation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 227–233, Nagoya, 25-27 Mai 1995
Keywords: forward kinematics with redundant sensors,mechanical architecture,hardware,orientation workspace,simulator,medical.
Nguyen C.C. and others .
Adaptive control of a Stewart platform-based manipulator.
J. of Robotic Systems, 10(5):657–687, Juillet 1993
Keywords: control,applications,simulator,kinematics,hybrid robot.
Park M.K. and others .
Development of the PNU vehicle driving simulator and its performance evaluation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 2325–2330, Seoul, 23-25 Mai 2001
Keywords: applications,simulator.
Parrish R.V. and others .
Motion software for a synergistic six-degree-of-freedom motion base.
Research Report D-7350, NASA, Décembre 1973
Keywords: simulator.
Peterson R. and Hobson J.C.
High frequency motion simulator.
In SPIE, Aerosense 2001, pages 225–237, Orlando, 16-20 Avril 2001
Keywords: applications,simulator,hardware.
Peterson R. and others .
6 dof high-frequency motion simulator phaseII.
In SPIE, Aerosense 2002, pages 56–66, Orlando, 1-5 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,simulator,hardware.
Salcudean S.E. and others .
A six degree-of-freedom, hydraulic, one person motion simulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 2437–2443, San Diego, 8-13 Mai 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,simulator,design,forward kinematics,actuators,hardware,hydraulics.
Tadokoro S. and others .
A parallel cable-driven motion base for virtual acceleration.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: wire robot,control,simulator.
Thompson C.J. and Campbell P.D.
Tendon suspended platform robot, 17 Décembre 1996
United States Patent ${\rm n^\circ}$ 5,585,707, McDonnel Douglas Corporation.
Keywords: wire robot,applications,simulator,patent.
Watson P.
Fligth simulators-the grand illusion.
Electron. Aust., 46(4):12–17, 1984.
Keywords: simulator.
Zarkandi S.
Dynamic modeling and power optimization of a 4R$\underline{P}$PSP+PS parallel flight simulator machine.
Robotica, 40:616–671, Mars 2022
Keywords: dynamics,4 dof robot,simulator.
Zhan C. and Zhang L.
Kinematic analysis and workspace investigation of a novel 2-dof parallel manipulator applied on vehicle driving simulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):113–120, Février 2013
Keywords: 2 dof robot,applications,simulator.
J-P. Merlet