276 références sur: Robot `a 3 ddl
- 1
Ma Y. and others .
Static and dynamic performance evaluation of a 3-DOF spindle head
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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 41:1–12, 2018.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,machine-tool,statics,dynamics,performance
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Machida K. and others .
New robotic mechanism using a parallel moving platform.
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Keywords: applications,mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
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Machida K.
Space-borne smart end effector.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):605, Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,3 dof robot.
- 4
Macho E. and others .
Designing a translational parallel manipulator based on the 3ss
kinematic joint.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(5),
Octobre 2019
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,kinematics.
- 5
Majou F.
Analyse cinétostatique des machines parallèles à
Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole Centrale, Nantes,
24 Septembre 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,performance analysis,stiffness,optimal
- 6
Marco D, Torfason L., and Tesar D.
Computer simulation and design of a three d.o.f. shoulder module.
In NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 5, pages
273–282, Pasadena, 31 Janvier 1989
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 7
Marlow K. and others .
Workspace analysis of two similar 3-dof axis-symmetric parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Chicago, 14-18 Septembre 2014
Keywords: 3 dof robot,workspace.
- 8
Marquet F. and others .
Archi: a new redundant parallel mechanism -modeling, control and
first results.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: mechanical architecture,redundant robot,3 dof
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- 9
Marquet F. and others .
Control of a 3-dof over-actuated parallel mechanism.
In ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montréal,
29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: control,3 dof robot.
- 10
Martin Y.S. and others .
VERNE, a new 5-axes hybrid architecture machining center.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 657–676,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,5 dof robot,3 dof
robot,hybrid robot,calibration.
- 11
Martinez O., Soto I., and Campa R.
Mathematical modeling of a 3-CUP parallel mechanism using the
Fermat point.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 161, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,forward kinematics,dynamics.
- 12
Martini A. and others .
Static balancing of a parallel kinematics machine with Linear Delta
architecture: theory, design and numerical investigation.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 90:128–141, 2015.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,balancing.
- 13
Maass J. and others .
Control strategies for enlarging a spatial parallel robot's workspace
by change of configuration.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 515–530,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: control,singularity,workspace,3 dof robot.
- 14
Matich S. and others .
3-d force measurement using single axis force sensors in a new single
port parallel kinematics surgical manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Daejeon, 9-14 Octobre 2016
Keywords: medical,mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,force
- 15
Mattiazzo G. and others .
A pneumatically actuated motion simulator.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications,pneumatic,simulator.
- 16
Mazare M., Taghizadeh M., and Najafi M.R.
Contouring control of a 3-[P2(US)] parallel manipulator.
Advanced Robotics, 31(9):496–508, 2017.
Keywords: control,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 17
Mazare M., Taghizadeh M., and Najafi M.R.
Inverse dynamics of a 3-P[2(US)] translational parallel robot.
Robotica, 37:708–728, 2019.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics.
- 18
Mazare M. and Taghizadeh M.
Geometric optimization of a Delta type parallel robot using harmony
search algorithm.
Robotica, 37:1494–1512, 2019.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design.
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Menon C. and others .
Geometrical optimization of parallel mechanism based on natural
frequency evaluation. application to a spherical mechanism for future space
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design.
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Merlet J-P.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,micro robot,3 dof
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Michael N., Fink J., and Kumar V.
Cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots.
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Keywords: wire robot,3 dof
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Maximization of workspace volume of 3-DOF spatial parallel
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Keywords: workspace,optimal design,3 dof robot.
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Mitova T. and Vatkitchev A.
Analysis of a closed space mechanism with three degree of mobility.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,workspace.
- 28
Molinari-Tosatti L. and others .
An integrated tool for parallel kinematic machine design.
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Chemnitz, 12-13 Avril 2000
Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 29
Mottola G., Gosselin C., and Carricato M.
Dynamically-feasible elliptical trajectories for fully constrained
3-dof cable-suspended parallel robots.
In 3rd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Québec, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,trajectory planning,dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 30
Mottola G., Gosselin C., and Carricato M.
Dynamically feasible periodic trajectories for generic spatial
three-degree-of-freedom cable-suspended parallel robots.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3), 2018.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,dynamics.
- 31
Mottola G., Gosselin C., and Carricato M.
Dynamically feasible motions of a class of purely-translational
cable-suspended parallel robots.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 132:193 – 206, 2019.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,dynamics.
- 32
Natal G.S., Chemori A., and Pierrot F.
Dual space adaptive control of redudantly actuated parallel
manipulators for extremely fast operations with changes.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 253–259,
Saint Paul, 14-18 Mai 2012
Keywords: redundant robot,control,3 dof robot.
- 33
Navarro J.S and others .
Kinematics of a robotic 3UPS1S spherical wrist designed for
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Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 6, 2010.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,applications,medical.
- 34
Nayak A., Caro S., and Wenger P.
Comparison of 3-[PP]S parallel manipulators based on their
singularity free orientation workspace, parasitic motions and complexity.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 129:293–315, 2018.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity,workspace,performance
- 35
Neugebauer R. and others .
The 3rd generation of an actuator-sensor unit for tripod structures.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 325–340,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: machine-tool,3 dof
- 36
Neumann R. and others .
Parallel robots with pneumatic drives.
In 2nd Int. Colloquium, Collaborative Research Centre 562,
pages 171–184, Braunschweig, 10-11 Mai 2005
Keywords: pneumatic,3 dof robot.
- 37
Neumann K.E.
Robot, 22 Mars 1988
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,4 dof robot,3 dof
- 38
Nguyen V.L., Lin C-Y., and Kuo C-H.
Gravity compensation design of Delta parallel robots using
gear-spring modules.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 154, 2020.
Keywords: balancing,3 dof robot.
- 39
Nurahmi L. and others .
Motion capability of the 3-RPS cube parallel manipulator.
In ARK, Ljulbjana, 29 Juin-3 Juillet, 2014
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mobility.
- 40
Olea G., Takamasu K., and Hirose K.
Development of parallel positioning systems for precise micro/mini
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Keywords: planar robot,applications,2 dof robot,3 dof robot.
- 41
Orsino R.M.M. and others .
Analytical mechanical approaches in the dynamic modelling of Delta
Robotica, 33(4):953–973, Mai 2015
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics.
- 42
Ottaviano E.
Progettazione ottimizzata di manipulatori paralleli.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cassino, Cassino,
Novembre 2001
Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design,mechanical architecture.
- 43
Ottaviano E., Gosselin C.M., and Ceccarelli M.
Singularity analysis of CaPaMan: a three-degree of freedom spatial
parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity.
- 44
Ouerfelli M. and Kumar V.
Optimization of a spherical five bar parallel drive linkage.
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22-25 Septembre 1991
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,design.
- 45
Ouerfelli M. and Kumar V.
Optimization of a spherical five bar parallel drive linkage.
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Mars 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 46
Paganelli D.
Avoiding parallel singularities of 3UPS and 3UPU spherical
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,spherical robot,singularity.
- 47
Palpacelli M. and others .
Analysis and design of a reconfigurable 3-dof parallel manipulator
for multimodal tasks.
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 20(4):1975–1985,
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,modular robot,mechanical
- 48
Pashkevic A., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Design strategies for the geometric synthesis of Orthoglide-type
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Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,isotropy.
- 49
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Kinematics and workspace analysis of a three-axis parallel
manipulator: the Orthoglide.
Robotica, 24(1):39–49, Janvier 2006
Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics.
- 50
Pashkevic A., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Kinematic and stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide, a PKM with
simple, regular workspace and homogeneous performances.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 549–554,
Roma, 10-14 Avril 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness.
- 51
Pashkevic A., Wenger P., and Chablat D.
Stiffness analysis of 3-d.o.f. overconstrained translational parallel
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1562–1567, Pasadena, 19-23 Mai 2008
Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot.
- 52
Pashkevic A. and others .
Parallel manipulators, New Developments, chapter Calibration of
3-d.o.f. translational parallel manipulator using leg observations, pages
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: 3 dof robot,calibration.
- 53
Pashkevic A. and others .
Performance evaluation of parallel manipulators for milling
In 20th CIRP Design conference, pages 675–682, Nantes,
19-20 Avril 2010
Keywords: machine-tool,optimal design,stiffness,accuracy,3 dof
- 54
Pastorelli S. and Batterezzato A.
Singularity analysis of a 3 degrees-of-freedom parallel manipulator.
In Computational Kinematics, pages 331–340, Duisburg,
6-8 Mai 2009
Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity.
- 55
Paty T. and others .
Cable-driven parallel robot modelling considering pulley kinematics
and cable elasticity.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 159, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,kinematics,accuracy.
- 56
Peirs J., Reynaerts D., and Van Brussel H.
Design of miniature parallel manipulators for integration in a
self-propelling endoscope.
Sensors and Actuators, A(85):409–417, 2000.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,micro
- 57
Peng B. and others .
Kinematics and orientation capability of a family of 3-dof parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 142, 2019.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,workspace.
Perssonn JG. and Andersson K.
Modeling and model based performance prediction for parallel
kinematics manipulators.
In Mechatronics Meeting, Gothenburg,
28-29 Août 2003
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 59
Pfreundschuch G.H., Kumar V., and Sugar T.G.
Design and control of a 3 d.o.f. in-parallel actuated manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,hardware.
- 60
Pierrot F., Reynaud C., and Fournier A.
DELTA: a simple and efficient parallel robot.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 61
Ping-Lang Y. and Hung S.S.
Cooperative force control of a hybrid cartesian parallel manipulator
for bone slicing.
Robotica, 31(2):183–191, Mars 2013
Keywords: medical,applications,hybrid robot,force feedback,3
dof robot.
- 62
Ping-Lang Y. and others .
Optimization design for a compact redundant hybrid parallel kinematic
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 58:172–180,
Keywords: hybrid robot,machine-tool,3 dof robot,redundant
robot,optimal design.
- 63
Pisla D., Plitea N., and Vaida C.
Kinematic modeling and workspace generation for a new parallel robot
used in minimally invasive surgery.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 64
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Kinematical analysis and design of a new surgical parallel robot.
In Computational Kinematics, Duisburg,
6-8 Mai 2009
Keywords: mechanical
architecture,medical,applications,kinematics,3 dof robot.
- 65
Pollard W.L.V.
Position controlling apparatus, 16 Juin 1942
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,4 dof
- 66
Pond G. and Carretero J.A.
Quantitative dexterous workspace comparison of parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: jacobian,isotropy,3 dof robot,performance analysis.
- 67
Pond G. and Carretero J.A.
Architecture optimisation of three
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parallel kinematic machining.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25(1):64–72,
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,machine-tool,optimal design.
- 68
Préault C. and others .
Optimal design and evaluation of a dexterous 4 dofs haptic device
based on Delta architecture.
Robotica, 37:1267–1288, 2019.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,haptic device,optimal design.
- 69
Prieto P.J. and others .
Proxy-based sliding mode control on platform of 3 degree of freedom
Advanced Robotics, 27(10):773–784, 2013.
Keywords: control,3 dof robot,pneumatic.
- 70
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A new Gantry-Tau-based mechanism using spherical wrist and model
predictive control-based motion cueing algorithm.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,hybrid robot,control.
- 71
Qian S, Bao K., Zi B., and Zhu W.
Dynamic trajectory planning for a 3-dof cable-driven parallel robot
using quintic B-splines.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, pages 1–10, 2019.
Keywords: dynamics,control,3 dof robot.
- 72
Qu H., Fang Y., and Guo S.
A new method for isotropic analysis of limited parallel manipulators
with terminal constraints.
Robotica, 29(4):563–569, Juillet 2011
Keywords: 3 dof robot,4 dof robot,isotropy.
- 73
Qu H., Zhang C., and S. Guo.
Structural synthesis of a class of kinematically redundant parallel
manipulators based on modified G–K criterion and RDOF criterion.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 130:47–70, 2018.
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,4 dof robot.
- 74
Rachedi M. and Hermici M., B.and Bouri.
Design of an
controller for the Delta robot:
experimental results.
Advanced Robotics, 29(18):1165–1181, 2015.
Keywords: control,3 dof robot.
- 75
Rachedi M., Bouri M., and Hermici B.
Robust control of a parallel robot.
In International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2015.
Keywords: control,3 dof robot.
- 76
Racila L. and Dahan M.
Bricard mechanism used as translator.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 77
Rahman T. and others .
Kinematic synthesis of nonspherical orientation manipulators:
maximization of dexterous regular workspace by multiple response
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,structural synthesis,optimal design.
- 78
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Design of a parallel robot actuated by shape memory alloy wires.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,actuators,hardware.
- 79
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A robot actuated by shape memory alloy wires.
In Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pages 420–423,
L'Aquila, 8-11 Juillet 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,actuators,hardware.
- 80
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Mechnical design of a 3-dof parallel robot actuated by smart wires.
In 2nd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), Cassino,
17-20 Septembre 2008
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 81
Reboulet C., Lambert C., and Nombrail N.
A parallel redundant manipulator: SPEED-R-MAN and its control.
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11-13 Novembre 1992
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,control,redundant
- 82
S. Refaat and others .
Asymmetrical three-dof rotational-translational parallel-kinematic
mechanism based on Lie group theory.
European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 25(3):550–558,
Mars- Avril, 2004
Keywords: 3 dof robot,structural synthesis.
- 83
S. Refaat and others .
Two-mode overconstrained three-dofs rotational-translational
linear-mode-based parallel-kinematics mechanism for machine tool
Robotica, 25(4):461–466, Juillet 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,structural
- 84
Rezaei A., Akbarzadeh A., and Akbarzah-T M-R.
An investigation on stiffness of a 3-PSP spatial parallel mechanism
with flexible moving platform using invariant form.
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Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot.
- 85
Rezaei A. and Akbarzadeh A.
Position and stiffness analysis of a new asymmetric 2PRR–PPR
parallel CNC machine.
Advanced Robotics, 27(2):133–145, 2013.
Keywords: machine-tool,accuracy,stiffness,3 dof robot.
- 86
Rezaei A. and Akbarzadeh A.
Influence of joints flexibility on overall stiffness of a
compliant parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 126:108–140, 2018.
Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot.
- 87
Rezagi A. and others .
Position, jacobian and workspace analysis of a 3-PSP spatial
parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(1):158–173,
Février 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical
- 88
Romdhane L., Affi Z., and Fayet M.
Design and singularity analysis of a 3-translational-dof in-parallel
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 124(3):419–426,
Septembre 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,singularity.
- 89
Rosenzveig V., Briot S., and Martinet P.
Minimal representation for the control of the adept quattro with
rigid platform via leg observation considering a hidden robot model.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
pages 430–435, Tokyo, 3-7 Novembre 2013
Keywords: accuracy,control,redundant robot,3 dof robot.
- 90
Rubbert L.
Conception de mécanismes compliants pour la robotique
Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 2012.
Keywords: medical,3 dof robot,passive compliance,optimal
- 91
Ruggiu M.
Position analysis, workspace and optimization of a
spatial manipulator.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 131(5):051010–1/051010–9,
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics.
- 92
Ruggiu M. and Kong X.
Mobility and kinematic analysis of a parallel mechanism with both
PPR and planar operation modes.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 55:77–90, 2012.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,planar
- 93
Ruiz-Torres M.F., Castillo-Castaneda E., and Briones-Leon J.A.
Design and analysis of CICABOT, a novel translation parallel
manipulator based on two 5-bars mechanisms.
Robotica, 30(3):449–456, Mai 2012
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,mobility.
- 94
Russo M. and others .
Kinematic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a 3-UPR
parallel mechanism for a robotic leg.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 120:192–202, 2018.
Keywords: kinematics,optimal design,3 dof robot.
- 95
Sadjadian H. and Taghirad H.D.
Comparison of different methods for computing the forward kinematics
of a redundant parallel manipulator.
J. of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 44(3),
Novembre 2005
Keywords: forward kinematics,redundant robot,3 dof robot.
- 96
Sadjadian H. and Taghirad H.D.
Kinematics, singularity and stiffness analysis of the hydraulic
shoulder: a 3-dof redundant parallel manipulator.
Advanced Robotics, 20(7):763–781, 2006.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,spherical robot,hydraulics.
- 97
Schmidt V., Kraus W., and Pott A.
Presentation of experimental results on stability of a 3 dof 4-cable
parallel robot without constraints.
In 2nd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Duisburg, 24-27 Août 2014
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,planar robot.
- 98
Schneider U.
Compensation of errors in robot machining with a parallel 3D-piezo
compensation mechanism.
In 46th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pages
305–310, Sesimbra, 29-31 Mai 2013
Keywords: 3 dof robot,piezo-electric,machine-tool.
- 99
Schönherr J. and Weidermann F.
Bewertung und optimale auslegung von bewegunssystem mit
In New machine concepts for handling and manufacturing devices
on the basis of parallel structures, pages 35–49, Braunschweig,
10-11 Novembre 1998
Keywords: 3 dof robot,6 dof robot,isotropy,planar robot,optimal
- 100
Schorr S.B. and Okamura A.M.
Three-dimensional skin deformation as force substitution: Wearable
device design and performance during haptic exploration of virtual
IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 10(3):418–430, 2017.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications,medical.
- 101
Schöttler K., Raatz A., and hesselbach J.
Parallel manipulators, Towards new applications, chapter Size
adapted parallel and hybrid parallel robot for sensor guided micro-assembly,
pages 225–244.
ITECH, Avril 2008
Keywords: planar robot,passive joints,3 dof robot,4 dof
robot,micro robot,hybrid robot.
- 102
Sefrioui J. and Gosselin C.
Étude et représentation des lieux de singularités des
manipulateurs parallèles sphériques à trois degrés de liberté avec
actionneurs prismatiques.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 29(4):559–579,
Mai 1994
Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot.
- 103
Sellaouti R., Konno A., and Ouezdou F.B.
Design of a 3 DOFs parallel actuated mechanism for a biped hip
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1161–1166, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: wrist,3 dof robot,2 dof robot,applications.
- 104
Sellaouti R. and Ouezdou F.B.
Design and control of a 3DOFs parallel actuated mechanism for biped
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(12):1367–1393,
Décembre 2005
Keywords: applications,3 dof robot,wrist,kinematics,orientation
- 105
Shah M. N. and others .
Forward kinematics modelling and verification of a 3-dof cable driven
ankle rehabilitation robot.
International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics
Engineering, 17(3), Juin 2017
Keywords: 3 dof robot,medical,mechanical architecture.
- 106
Shahidi S.A. and others .
A survey on precision of redundantly actuated DELTA-type parallel
kinematic mechanisms.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Vancouver, 24-28 Septembre 2017
Keywords: accuracy,3 dof robot.
- 107
Shareef Z. and others .
Design and control of cooperative ball juggling DELTA robots
without visual guidance.
Robotica, 35:384–400, 2017.
Keywords: control,3 dof robot,applications.
- 108
Sharifzadeh M. and others .
An experimental study on the direct & indirect dynamic
identification of an over-constrained 3-dof decoupled parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 116:178–202, 2017.
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot,decoupled robot.
- 109
Sharifzadeh M. and others .
An experimental dynamic identification & control of an
overconstrained 3-dof parallel mechanism in presence of variable friction and
feedback delay.
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- 110
Shen H. and others .
Structure and analysis of a novel three-translation parallel
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 111
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Kinematic sensitivity, parameter identification and calibration of a
non-fully symmetric parallel Delta robot.
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Keywords: calibration,3 dof robot.
- 112
Shiau T-N., Tsai Y-J., and Tsai M-S.
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a parallel mechanism with consideration
of joint effects.
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Keywords: dynamics,machine-tool,passive joints,3 dof robot.
- 113
Siciliano B.
A study on the kinematics of a class of parallel manipulators.
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29 Juin-4 Juillet, 1998
Keywords: 3 dof robot,hybrid robot,kinematics.
- 114
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The Tricept robot: inverse kinematics, manipulability analysis and
closed-loop direct kinematics algorithm.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,singularity.
- 115
Siciliano B., Villani L., and Caccavale F.
Kinematics, dynamics and control for a class of parallel robots.
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Keywords: forward kinematics,3 dof robot,dynamics,control.
- 116
Sinatra R.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 117
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Design of a redundantly actuated leg mechanism.
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4348–4353, Taipei, 14-19 Septembre 2003
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- 118
Sokolov A. and Xirouchakis P.
Singularity analyis of a 3-dof parallel manipulator with R-P-S
joint structure.
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Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot.
- 119
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Dynamic analysis of a 3-dof parallel manipulator with R-P-S
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Mai 2007
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 120
Song Y., Li Y., and Huang T.
Inverse dynamics of 3-RPS parallel mechanism based on virtual work
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 121
Song Y. and others .
Type synthesis of 1T2R and 2R1T parallel mechanisms employing
conformal geometric algebra.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121:475–486, 2018.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,structural synthesis.
- 122
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Extremely high-resolution tip-tilt-piston mirror mechanism for the
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- 123
Spencer S.J. and others .
A low cost parallel robot and trajectory optimization method for
wrist and forearm rehabilitation using the Wii.
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- 124
Srivatsan R.A. and Bandyopadhyay S.
On the position kinematics analysis of MaPaMan, a reconfigurable
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- 125
Staicu S., Zhang H., and Rugesu R.
Dynamic modelling of a 3-dof parallel manipulator using recursive
matrix relations.
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Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 126
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A novel dynamic modelling approach for parallel mechanisms analysis.
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Keywords: dynamics,wrist,3 dof robot.
- 127
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Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 128
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- 129
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- 130
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- 131
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- 132
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- 133
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- 134
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- 135
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,calibration.
- 136
Tang L. and others .
Singularity analysis on a special class of cable-suspended parallel
mechanisms with pairwise cable arrangement and actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,redundant robot,singularity.
- 137
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- 138
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kinematic machine-based hybrid machine tool for large aeronautic components.
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- 139
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- 140
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,redundant robot,hybrid
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- 141
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 142
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 143
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Visual servoing for the Robotenis system: a strategy for a 3 dof
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 144
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- 145
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Inverse dynamics analysis for a 3-PRS parallel mechanism based on a
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- 146
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- 147
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,kinematics,isotropy,optimal design.
- 148
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Comparison study of architectures of four 3 degree-of-freedom
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- 149
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Kinematic analysis of 3-dof position mechanisms for use in hybrid
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,inverse kinematics,mechanical
architecture,stiffness,performance analysis.
- 150
Tsumaki Y., Ono F., and Tsukuda T.
The 20-dof miniature humanoid MH-2, a wearable communication
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Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,wrist,applications.
- 151
Tsumaki Y., Eguchi H., and Tsukuda T.
A novel Delta-type parallel mechanism with wire-pulley.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,passive joints.
- 152
Uchiyama M., Tsumaki Y., and Yoon W-K.
Design of a compact 6-dof haptic device to use parallel mechanisms.
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Keywords: haptic device,3 dof robot,stiffness,hardware.
- 153
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Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,machine-tool,stiffness.
- 154
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Anisotropic soft robots based on 3d printed meso-structured
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,hardware,3 dof
- 155
Verner M., Xi F., and Mechefske C.
Optimal calibration of parallel kinematic machines.
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Keywords: calibration,3 dof robot.
- 156
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Argos: a novel 3-dof parallel wrist mechanism.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,wrist,3 dof robot.
- 157
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On the design of a three-dof cable-suspended parallel robot based on
a parallelogram arrangement of the cables.
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Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,performance
analysis,3 dof robot.
- 158
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pages 2289–2294, Taipei, 18-22 Octobre 2010
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dof robot.
- 159
Wang C. and others .
Design and kinematical performance analysis of a 3- R US/ R RR
redundantly actuated parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,medical,applications.
- 160
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Design and kinematic analysis of redundantly actuated parallel
mechanisms for ankle rehabilitation.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,medical,applications.
- 161
Wang D., Fan R., and Chen W.
Performance enhancement of a three-degree-of-freedom parallel tool
head via actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,singularity,workspace.
- 162
Wang D., Wu J., and Wang L.
Research on the error transfer characteristics of a 3-dof parallel
tool head.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,machine-tool,accuracy,performance
- 163
Wang J.S. and others .
Error analysis on a tripod parallel machine tool based on D-H
parameters differential transform.
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: accuracy,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 164
Wang L., Xu H., and Guan L.
Optimal design of a 3-PUU parallel mechanism with 2R1T dofs.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,optimal design,performance analysis.
- 165
Wang L., Chang Y., and Zhu H.
Internal model control and experimental study of ankle rehabilitation
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,medical,hybrid
- 166
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Design and analysis of novel 2R1T generalized parallel mechanisms
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,performance
- 167
Wang L-P. and others .
Kinematic calibration of the 3-dof parallel module of a 5 axis hybrid
milling machine.
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Keywords: calibration,3 dof robot,machine-tool,hybrid robot.
- 168
Wang M. and Ceccarelli M.
Topology search of 3-dof translation parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot.
- 169
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Evaluation of the kinematic performance of a 3-
parallel mechanism.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,performance analysis,optimal design.
- 170
Wang Q-M., Wang J., Liu X-J, and Zhang H.
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a new cylindrical 3-dof parallel
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29 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2002
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics.
- 171
Wang X., Baron L., and Cloutier G.
Topological and geometrical synthesis of three-degree-of-freedom
fully parallel manipulators by intantaneous kinematics.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,design theory,3 dof robot.
- 172
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Kinematic analysis and optimum design of a novel 2PUR-2RPU parallel
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant
robot,machine-tool,kinematics,optimal design,workspace.
- 173
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Singularity loci of a special class of spherical 3-dof parallel
mechanisms with prismatic actuators.
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Keywords: singularity,3 dof robot,spherical robot.
- 174
Wang J. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematic analysis and design of kinematically redundant parallel
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Janvier 2004
Keywords: redundant robot,planar robot,singularity,3 dof
robot,spherical robot,wrist,6 dof robot.
- 175
Wang J. and others .
Workspace and singularity analysis of a 3-dof planar parallel
manipulator with actuation redundancy.
Robotica, 27(1):51–57, Janvier 2009
Keywords: 3 dof robot,singularity,redundant robot.
- 176
Wang J., Liu X., and Wu C.
Optimal design of a new spatial 3-dof parallel robot with respect
to a frame-free index.
Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences,
52(4):986–999, Avril 2009
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,performance
analysis,optimal design.
- 177
Wang J. and Liu X-J.
Analysis of a novel cylindrical 3-dof parallel robot.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 178
Wang L., Xi F., and Zhang D.
A parallel robotic attachment and its remote manipulation.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,control,applications.
- 179
Wen K., Seo T., and Lee J.W.
A geometric approach for singularity analysis of 3-dof planar
parallel manipulators using Grassmann–Cayley algebra.
Robotica, 35:511–520, 2017.
Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,singularity.
- 180
Wendlandt J.M. and Sastry S.S.
Design and control of a simplified Stewart platform for endoscopy.
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Buena Vista, 14-16 Décembre 1994
Keywords: applications,micro robot,wire robot,3 dof
robot,inverse kinematics,control,dynamics,medical.
- 181
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Kinematic analysis of a new parallel machine-tool: the Orthoglide.
In ARK, pages 305–314, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: 3 dof
- 182
Wenger P. and Chablat D.
Design of a three-axis isotropic parallel manipulator for machining
applications: the Orthoglide.
In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions
for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 16–23, Québec,
3-4 Octobre 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,isotropy,3 dof robot.
- 183
Williams II R.L. and Hexter E.R.
Maximizing kinematic motion for a 3-dof VGT module.
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Juin 1998
Keywords: 3 dof robot,workspace,optimal design.
- 184
Wolf A. and others .
Application of line geometry and linear complex approximation to
singularity analysis of the 3-dof CaPaMan manipulator.
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Keywords: singularity,statics,3 dof robot.
- 185
Wu G., Caro S., Bai S., and Kepler J.
Dynamic modeling and design optimization of a 3-dof spherical
parallel manipulator.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62(10):1377–1386,
Octobre 2014
Keywords: dynamics,spherical robot,optimal design,3 dof robot.
- 186
Wu G. and Niu B.
Dynamic stability of a tripod parallel robotic wrist featuring
continuous end-effector rotation used for drill point grinder.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 129:36–50, 2018.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics,machine-tool,wrist.
- 187
Wu H. and others .
Kinetostatics modeling and elasto-geometrical calibration of
overconstrained parallel manipulators.
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Keywords: ,flexible robot,calibration,3 dof robot.
- 188
Wu J., Wang J., Wang L., and Li T.
Dynamics and control of a planar 3-dof parallel manipulator with
actuation redundancy.
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Keywords: dynamics,planar robot,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 189
Wu J. and others .
Study on the stiffness of a 5-dof hybrid machine-tool with actuation
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(2):289–305,
Février 2009
Keywords: 5 dof robot,stiffness,3 dof
robot,machine-tool,redundant robot.
- 190
Wu J. and others .
Dynamic model and force control of the redudantly actuated parallel
manipulator of a 5-dof hybrid machine-tool.
Robotica, 27(1):59–65, Janvier 2009
Keywords: 5 dof robot,3 dof robot,machine-tool,redundant
robot,hybrid robot,control,accuracy,dynamics.
- 191
Wu J. and others .
Performance analysis and comparison of planar 3-dof parallel
manipulators with one and two additional branches.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 192
Wu J. and others .
Stiffness and natural frequency of a 3-dof parallel manipulator with
consideration of additional leg candidates.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61:868–875, 2013.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,vibration,redundant robot.
- 193
Wu J. and others .
A 3-dof quick-action parallel manipulator based on four linkage
mechanisms with high-speed cam.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 115:168–196,
Septembre 2017
Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,applications.
- 194
Wu M. and others .
Vibration reduction of delta robot based on trajectory planning.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 153, 2020.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,vibration,trajectory planning.
- 195
Wu Y. and Gosselin C.M.
Kinematic analysis of spatial 3-dof parallelepiped mechanisms.
In ARK, pages 423–432, Caldes de Malavalla,
29 Juin-2 Juillet, 2002
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 196
Wu Y. and Carricato M.
Synthesis and singularity analysis of
wrists: a symmetric space approach.
J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9(5), Octobre 2017
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,workspace,singularity,optimal
- 197
Xi F. and others .
Development of a sliding-leg tripod as an add-on device for
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,hardware.
- 198
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A comparison study on tripod units for machine tools.
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- 199
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Global kinetostatic modelling of tripod-based parallel kinematic
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,isotropy.
- 200
Xi F., Angelico O., and Sinatra R.
Tripod dynamics and its inertia effect.
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Janvier 2005
Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 201
Xi F., Xu Y., and Xiong G.
Design and analysis of a re-configurable parallel robot.
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Février 2006
Keywords: mechanical architecture,modular robot,3 dof robot,4
dof robot,5 dof robot,6 dof robot.
- 202
Xiang Y., Li Q., and Jiang X.
Dynamic rotational trajectory planning of a cable-driven parallel
robot for passing through singular orientations.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,singularity,dynamics,trajectory planning,3
dof robot,aerial.
- 203
Xiang S., Gao Z., H.and Liu, and Gosselin C.
Dynamic transition trajectory planning of three-DOF cable-suspended
parallel robots via linear time-varying MPC.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 146, 2020.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,dynamics,trajectory planning.
- 204
Xiao S. and Li Y.
Model-based sliding mode control for a 3-dof translational micro
parallel positioning stage.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong-Kong,
31 Février-Juin, 2014
Keywords: micro robot,3 dof robot,control,dynamics.
- 205
Xie C. and others .
Deep reinforcement learning based cable tension distribution
optimization for cable-driven rehabilitation robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics,
Chongqing, 3-5 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,statics,neurons networks,3 dof robot.
- 206
Xu K. and others .
Design of 3-dof zero coupling degree planar parallel manipulator
based on coupling-reducing and its kinematic performance improvement.
In EUCOMES, pages 400–408, Aachen,
4-6 Septembre 2018
Keywords: planar robot,3 dof robot,decoupled robot,mechanical
- 207
Xu L. and others .
Tex3: An 2R1T parallel manipulator with minimum dof of joints and
fixed linear actuators.
International Journal of Precision Engineering and
Manufacturing, 19(2), 2018.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 208
Xu L. and others .
Design, analysis and optimization of Hex4, a new 2R1T
overconstrained parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy.
Robotica, 37(2), 2019.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 209
Xu Q. and Li Y.
A novel design of a 3-PRC compliant parallel micromanipulator for
Robotica, 24(4):527–528, Juillet 2006
Keywords: 3 dof robot,flexible robot,micro robot.
- 210
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Design and analysis of a new three-prismatic-revolute-cylindrical
translational parallel manipulator.
Proc. Instn Mech Engrs, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering
Science, 221(5):565–576, 2007.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 211
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Influences of constraint errors on the mobility of a 3-dof
translational parallel manipulator.
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Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: mobility,3 dof robot.
- 212
Xu Q. and Li Y.
Error analysis and optimal design of a class of translational
parallel kinematic machine using particle swarm optimization.
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,optimal
- 213
Xu Y. and others .
Type synthesis of the 2R1T parallel mechanisms with two continuous
rotational axes and study on the principle of motion decoupling.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 108:27–40, 2017.
Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,decoupled robot.
- 214
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Type synthesis of overconstrained 2R1T parallel mechanisms with the
fewest kinematic joints based on the ultimate constraint wrenches.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot,redundant robot.
- 215
Xu Z. and others .
Dynamics analysis of a novel 3-PSS parallel robot based on linear
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Keywords: dynamics,3 dof robot.
- 216
Yang G. and others .
Analysis and design of a 3-dof flexure-based zero-torsion parallel
manipulator for nano-alignment applications.
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- 217
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A finite screw approach to type synthesis of three-dof translational
parallel mechanisms.
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Keywords: structural synthesis,3 dof robot.
- 218
A. Yasir, Kiper G., and Can Dede M.I.
Kinematic design of a non-parasitic 2R1T parallel mechanism with
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical
architecture,medical,applications,optimal design.
- 219
Yen P-L. and Hung S.S.
Cooperative force control of a hybrid Cartesian parallel
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robot,force feedback.
- 220
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Design and experiment of a 3-DOF parallel micro-mechanism utilizing
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- 221
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- 222
Yong Y.K. and Lu T-F.
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- 223
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Autonomous human tracking of mutiple robotic lamps.
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- 224
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Optimal trajectory generation of serially-linked parallel biped
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- 225
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- 226
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Geometric approach to the accuracy analysis of a class of 3-dof
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- 227
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Stiffness modeling approach for a 3-dof parallel manipulator with
consideration of nonlinear joint stiffness.
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- 228
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a spray-painting equipment.
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- 229
Yu W. and others .
Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-translational-dof spatial
parallel mechanism based on polyhedra.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture,kinematics.
- 230
Yu Y. and Liang W.
Design optimization for parallel mechanism using on human hip joint
power assisting based on manipulability inclusive principle.
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- 231
Yue Y. and others .
Relationship among input-force, payload, stiffness and displacement
of a 3-DOF perpendicular parallel micro-manipulator.
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- 232
Yun Y. and Li Y.
Optimal design of a 3-PUPU parallel robot with compliant hinges for
micromanipulator in a cubic workspace.
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design,micro-macro robot,piezo-electric.
- 233
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Experimental study on the control of a suspended cable-driven
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- 234
Zarkandi S.
A new geometric method for singularity analysis of spherical
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- 235
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- 236
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Tri-pyramid robot: Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-dof
translational parallel manipulator.
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,mechanical architecture.
- 237
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Tri-pyramid robot: stiffness modeling of a 3-dof tranlational
parallel manipulator.
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- 238
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design,performance analysis.
- 239
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Design optimization of parallel kinematic toolheads with genetic
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- 240
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Optimum design of parallel kinematic toolheads with genetic
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,performance analysis,optimal
- 241
Zhang D. and Wang L.
Conceptual development of an enhanced tripod mechanism for machine
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,stiffness,optimal design.
- 242
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Keywords: stiffness,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 243
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Parallel kinematic machines: design, analysis and simulation in an
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Keywords: optimal design,3 dof robot,machine-tool.
- 244
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- 245
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 246
Zhang D. and Zhang F.
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled 3-dof spherical parallel
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,spherical robot,wrist,decoupled robot.
- 247
Zhang D. and Lei J.
Kinematic analysis of a novel 3-dof actuation redundant parallel
manipulator using artificial intelligence approach.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1):157–163,
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Keywords: 3 dof robot,redundant robot,forward kinematics.
- 248
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Static balancing and dynamic modeling of a three-degree-of-freedom
parallel kinematic manipulator.
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- 249
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Kinematic accuracy research of 2(3HUS+S) parallel manipulator for
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- 250
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- 251
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Geometry and constraint analysis of the three-spherical kinematic
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- 253
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- 256
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- 257
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- 258
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- 259
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- 260
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- 262
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- 263
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- 274
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- 276
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J-P. Merlet