57 références pour: 2021
- 1
Antonov A. and Glazunov V.
Position, velocity, and workspace analysis of a novel 6-dof parallel
manipulator with “piercing” rods.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 161, 2021.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 2
Baron N., Philippides A., and Rojas N.
A dynamically balanced kinematically redundant planar parallel robot.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 143(8), Août 2021
Keywords: planar robot,balancing,redundant robot,dynamics.
- 3
Beiranvand A., Kalhor A., and Tale Masouleh M.
Modeling, identification and minimum length integral sliding mode
control of a 3-dof cartesian parallel robot by considering virtual flexible
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 157, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,dynamics,control.
- 4
Ben Hamida I. and others .
Multi-objective optimal design of a cable driven parallel robot for
rehabilitation tasks.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,structural
synthesis,optimal design,applications,medical.
- 5
Ben Yahia I., Merlet J-P., and Papegay Y.
Mixing neural networks, Newton method and inverval analysis for the
kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots with sagging cables.
In ICAR, Ljulbjana, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,neurons networks,kinematics.
- 6
Bordalba R., Ros L., and Porta J.M.
A randomized kinodynamic planner for closed-chain robotic systems.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 37(1), Février 2021
Keywords: trajectory planning.
- 7
Carabin G. and others .
An energy-efficient approach for 3d printing with a linear Delta
robot equipped with optimal springs.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 67, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications.
- 8
Cervantes-Culebro H. and others .
Concurrent design of a 2 dof five-bar parallel robot a hybrid design
of rigid and flexible links.
IEEE Access, 2021.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,2 dof robot,flexible robot.
- 9
Chablat D. and others .
Workspace analysis in the design parameter space of a 2-dof spherical
parallel mechanism for a prescribed workspace: Application to the otologic
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 157, 2021.
Keywords: spherical robot,2 dof
- 10
Chawla I. and others .
Effect of selection criterion on the kineto-static solution of a
redundant cable-driven parallel robot considering cable mass and elasticity.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics.
- 11
Chawla I. and others .
Neural network-based inverse kineto-static analysis of cable-driven
parallel robot considering cable mass and elasticity.
In 5th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
virtual, 7-9 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,neurons networks,kinematics.
- 12
Chawla I. and others .
Workspace analysis and design of large-scale cable-driven printing
robot considering cable mass and mobile platform orientation.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 165, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,workspace.
- 13
Chen M. and others .
Kinematic, dynamic, and performance analysis of a new 3-DOF
over-constrained parallel mechanism without parasitic motion.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,redundant
- 14
Du X. and others .
Design and optimization of solar tracker with U-PRU-PUS parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,2 dof robot,applications.
- 15
Eugster M., Merlet J-P., Gerig N., Cattin P. C., and Rauter G.
Miniature parallel robot with submillimeter positioning accuracy for
minimally invasive laser osteotomy.
Robotica, pages 1–28, 2021.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,medical.
- 16
Ganesh M. and others .
Static characteristic analysis of spatial (non-planar) links in
planar parallel manipulator.
Robotica, 39(1):88–105, 2021.
Keywords: planar robot,mechanical architecture,optimal
- 17
Guo F., Cheng G., and Yuan X.
Fatigue life and reliability analysis of a parallel hip joint
Robotica, 39:2079–2093, 2021.
Keywords: medical,statics,dynamics,4 dof robot.
- 18
Hess-Coelho T.A., Orsino R.M.M., and Malvezzi F.
Modular modelling methodology applied to the dynamic analysis of
parallel mechanisms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 161, 2021.
Keywords: dynamics.
- 19
Huo T. and others .
A family of novel rcm rotational compliant mechanisms based on
parasitic motion compensation.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.
Keywords: passive compliance.
- 20
Huo X. and others .
Dynamic identification of a tracking parallel mechanism.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,redundant robot,dynamics,calibration.
- 21
Hussein H. and others .
Smallest maximum cable tension determination for cable-driven
parallel robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 37(4), 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 22
Jamshidifar H., Rushton M., and Khajepour A.
A reaction-based stabilizer for nonmodel-based vibration control of
cable-driven parallel robots.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 37(2), Avril 2021
Keywords: wire robot,vibration,control.
- 23
Kong L. and others .
Kinematic calibration of a
manipulator based on the complete, minimal and continuous error model.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 71,
Octobre 2021
Keywords: 3 dof robot,accuracy,calibration.
- 24
Li L. and others .
Type synthesis of single-loop 3T1R-parallel mechanisms with a
multi-dof drive system.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 163, 2021.
Keywords: structural synthesis,4 dof robot.
- 25
Liu J. and others .
Investigation of a novel 2R1T parallel mechanism and construction
of its variants.
Robotica, 39:1834–1848, 2021.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof robot,performance
- 26
Liu X. and others .
Coordination dynamics and model-based neural network synchronous
controls for redundantly full-actuated parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 160, 2021.
Keywords: redundant robot,dynamics,control,5 dof robot,neurons
- 27
Martinez O., Soto I., and Campa R.
Mathematical modeling of a 3-CUP parallel mechanism using the
Fermat point.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 161, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,forward kinematics,dynamics.
- 28
Merlet J-P.
Efficient kinematics of a 2-1 and 3-1 CDPR with non-elastic sagging
In 5th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
virtual, 7-9 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics.
- 29
Merlet J-P.
Maximal cable tensions of a N-1 cable-driven parallel robot with
elastic or ideal cables.
In 5th Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
virtual, 7-9 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics.
- 30
Morlock M.B. and others .
Real-time trajectory tracking control of a parallel robot with
flexible links.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: planar robot,flexible robot,hybrid robot,control.
- 31
Nag A. and Bandyopadhyay S.
Singularity-free spheres in the position and orientation workspaces
of Stewart platform manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: workspace,singularity.
- 32
Nag A., V S., and Bandyopadhyay S.
A uniform geometric-algebraic framework for the forward kinematic
analysis of 6-6 Stewart platform manipulators of various architectures and
other related 6-6 spatial manipulators.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: forward kinematics.
- 33
Ottaviano E., Arena A., and Gattuli V.
Geometrically exact three-dimensional modeling of cable-driven
parallel manipulators for end-effector positioning.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,kinematics.
- 34
Paty T. and others .
Cable-driven parallel robot modelling considering pulley kinematics
and cable elasticity.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 159, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof robot,kinematics,accuracy.
- 35
Pulloquinga J.L.
Experimental analysis of Type II singularities and assembly change
points in a
parallel robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: singularity,4 dof robot,medical.
- 36
Shen H. and others .
Kinematic sensitivity, parameter identification and calibration of a
non-fully symmetric parallel Delta robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 161, Juillet 2021
Keywords: calibration,3 dof robot.
- 37
Sun G. and others .
Direct method for tension feasible region calculation in
multi-redundant cable-driven parallel robots using computational geometry.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 38
Sun H. and others .
Research on the configuration of cable-driven parallel robots for
vibration suppression of spatial flexible structures.
Aerospace Science and Technology, 109, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,applications,vibration.
- 39
Tang T. and others .
Chebyshev inclusion function based interval kinetostatic modeling and
parameter sensitivity analysis for Exechon-like parallel kinematic machines
with parameter uncertainties.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 157, 2021.
Keywords: accuracy,uncertainties.
- 40
Tang T. and others .
Type synthesis, unified kinematic analysis and prototype validation
of a family of Exechon inspired parallel mechanisms for 5-axis hybrid
kinematic machine tools.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 72, 2021.
Keywords: structural synthesis,5 dof robot,machine-tool,inverse
- 41
Tian C. and others .
Structure synthesis of reconfigurable generalized parallel mechanisms
with configurable platforms.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 160, 2021.
Keywords: structural synthesis,hybrid robot,5 dof robot.
- 42
Ueland E., T. Sauder., and Skjetne R.
Optimal force allocation for overconstrained cable-driven parallel
robots: continuously differentiable solutions with assessment of
computational efficiency.
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 37(2):659–666,
Avril 2021
Keywords: wire robot,statics.
- 43
Wang C. and others .
A novel index to evaluate the mapping of parallel mechanisms from
internal to external wrenches.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155, 2021.
Keywords: statics,performance analysis.
- 44
Wang M. and others .
Evaluation of the kinematic performance of a 3-
parallel mechanism.
Robotica, 39(606-617), 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,performance analysis,optimal design.
- 45
Wang X., Wu J., and Wang Y.
Dynamics evaluation of 2UPU/SP parallel mechanism for a 5-dof
hybrid robot considering gravity.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 135, 2021.
Keywords: dynamics,5 dof robot,hybrid robot.
- 46
Wu G. and others .
Fuzzy sliding mode variable structure control of a high-speed
parallel PnP robot.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: 4 dof robot,control,dynamics.
- 47
Xiang Y., Li Q., and Jiang X.
Dynamic rotational trajectory planning of a cable-driven parallel
robot for passing through singular orientations.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 158, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,singularity,dynamics,trajectory planning,3
dof robot,aerial.
- 48
Xie C. and others .
Deep reinforcement learning based cable tension distribution
optimization for cable-driven rehabilitation robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics,
Chongqing, 3-5 Juillet 2021
Keywords: wire robot,statics,neurons networks,3 dof robot.
- 49
Xie Z. and others .
continuity toolpath smoothing for a 5-dof machining
robot with parallel kinematics.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 67, 2021.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,machine-tool,control.
- 50
Xu Y. and others .
Force analysis of the redundantly actuated parallel mechanism
2RPR+P considering different control methodologies.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 142, 2021.
Keywords: statics,control,planar robot.
- 51
Yang C., Li Q., and Q. Chen.
Natural frequency analysis of parallel manipulators using global
independent generalized displacement coordinates.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.
Keywords: dynamics,vibration.
- 52
Yang Y. and others .
Kinematic stability of a 2-dof deployable translational parallel
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 160, 2021.
Keywords: 2 dof robot,mechanical
architecture,aerial,performance analysis.
- 53
You J. and others .
A novel Stewart-type parallel mechanism with topological
reconfiguration: Design, kinematics and stiffness evaluation.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: mechanical architecture,stiffness,modular robot,6 dof
- 54
Zake Z.
Design and stability analysis of visual servoing on cable-driven
parallel robots for accuracy improvement.
Ph.D. Thesis, LS2N, Nantes, 2021.
Keywords: wire robot,statics,stiffness,accuracy,control.
- 55
Zhang S. and others .
A novel compliance modeling method for compliant parallel mechanisms
and its application.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 162, Août 2021
Keywords: passive compliance,flexible robot.
- 56
Zhao Y. and others .
A new hierarchical approach for the optimal design of a 5-dof hybrid
serial-parallel kinematic machine.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 150, 2021.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,hybrid robot,mechanical
architecture,optimal design,stiffness.
- 57
Zhao Y., J. Mei., and Niu W.
Vibration error-based trajectory planning of a 5-dof hybrid machine
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 69, 2021.
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,3 dof robot,vibration.
J-P. Merlet