7 références pour: 1983
- 1
Earl C.F. and Rooney J.
Some kinematics structures for robot manipulator designs.
J. of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design,
105(1):15–22, Mars 1983
Keywords: mechanical architecture,mobility.
- 2
Gadfly .
- The answer to electronic component assembly.
Assembly Automation, pages 20–22, Février 1983
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,asssembly.
- 3
Hunt K.H.
Structural kinematics of in parallel actuated robot arms.
J. of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design,
105(4):705–712, Mars 1983
Keywords: mechanical architecture.
- 4
Mohamed M.G., Sanger J., and Duffy J.
Instantaneous kinematics of fully-parallel devices.
In 6th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 77–80, New-Delhi, 15-20 Décembre 1983
Keywords: kinetics,jacobian.
- 5
Potton S.L.
Gec advanced device for assembly.
Manufacturing systems, 13(2):130–144, 1983.
Keywords: hardware,mechanical
- 6
Potton S.L.
Gec advanced device for assembly.
In Proc. of the CIRP Conf. on Assembly Automation, pages
126–128, 20-22 Juin 1983
Keywords: hardware,mechanical
- 7
Rooney J. and Earl C.F.
Manipulator postures and kinematics assembly configurations.
In 6th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 1014–1020, New Dehli, 1983.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics,planar robot.
J-P. Merlet