Publications of Julian Monteiro
Julian Monteiro.
Modeling and Analysis of Reliable Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems.
PhD thesis,
Ecole doctorale STIC, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
November 2010.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
A. Ferreira,
A. Goldman,
and J. Monteiro.
Performance evaluation of routing protocols for MANETs with known connectivity patterns using evolving graphs.
Wireless Networks,
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
S. Caron,
F. Giroire,
D. Mazauric,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
P2P Storage Systems: Study of Different Placement Policies.
ELSEVIER Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer,
Note: To appear.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Araujo,
F. Giroire,
and J. Monteiro.
Hybrid Approaches for Distributed Storage Systems.
In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems (Globe'11),
Toulouse, France,
September 2011.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
S. Caron,
F. Giroire,
D. Mazauric,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Data Life Time for Different Placement Policies in P2P Storage Systems.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conference on Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems (Globe),
volume 6265 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Bilbao, Spain,
pages 75--88,
September 2010.
P2P storage system,
data placement,
data durability,
Markov chain model.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
S. Caron,
F. Giroire,
D. Mazauric,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
P2P Storage Systems: Data Life Time for Different Placement Policies.
In Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru et Hervé Rivano, editor,
12èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (AlgoTel),
Belle Dune France,
pages 4p,
] [PDF
P2P storage system,
data placement,
data durability,
Markov chain model.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems: a Practical Guideline to be Lazy.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),
Miami, EUA,
pages 1-6,
12 2010.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Monteiro and S. Pérennes.
Systèmes de stockage P2P : un guide pratique.
In 11es Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux (JDIR 2010),
Sophia Antipolis France,
pages 15--20,
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analyse des Corrélations entre Pannes dans les Systèmes de Stockage Pair-à-Pair.
In Augustin Chaintreau and Clemence Magnien, editors,
11ème rencontres francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (Algotel'2009),
Carry-Le-Rouet France,
pages 4p,
Note: Best Student Paper Award.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analysis of Failure Correlation Impact on Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems.
In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P),
pages 184--193,
September 2009.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
P2P Storage Systems: How Much Locality Can They Tolerate?.
In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN),
pages 320--323,
October 2009.
P2P storage system,
data placement,
performance evaluation,
data durability.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Monteiro.
The use of Evolving Graph Combinatorial Model in Routing Protocols for Dynamic Networks.
In Proceedings of the XV Concurso Latinoamericano de Tesis de Maestrìa (CLEI'08),
Santa Fe, Argentina,
pages 41--57,
September 2008.
Note: Third prize in the CLEI'08 Master's Thesis Contests.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
A. Ferreira,
A. Goldman,
and J. Monteiro.
On the evaluation of shortest journeys in dynamic networks.
In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications,
Cambridge, MA, USA,
pages 3--10,
July 2007.
Note: Invited Paper.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
A. Ferreira,
A. Goldman,
and J. Monteiro.
Using Evolving Graphs Foremost Journey to Evaluate Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols.
In Proceedings of 25th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC'07),
Belem, Brazil,
pages 17--30,
June 2007.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
A. Ferreira,
A. Goldman,
and J. Monteiro.
Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Networks using an Evolving Graph Combinatorial Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2006),
Montreal, CA,
pages 173--180,
June 2006.
Note: Best Student Paper Award.
] [bibtex-entry]
F. Giroire,
S. K. Gupta,
R. Modrzejewski,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analysis of the Repair Time in Distributed Storage Systems.
Research Report RR-7538,
02 2011.
] [PDF
P2P storage systems,
data lifetime,
queuing model,
regenerating codes per- formance evaluation.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
S. Caron,
F. Giroire,
D. Mazauric,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
P2P Storage Systems: Data Life Time for Different Placement Policies.
Research Report RR-7209,
February 2010.
] [PDF
P2P storage system,
data placement,
data life time,
mean time to data loss,
performance evaluation,
Markov chains.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
P2P Storage Systems: How Much Locality Can They Tolerate?.
Research Report RR-7006,
July 2009.
] [PDF
P2P storage system,
data placement,
performance evaluation,
data durability.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J-C. Bermond,
I. Caragiannis,
D. Coudert,
F. Diedrich,
L. Hogie,
F. Huc,
C. Molle,
J. Monteiro,
P. Leone,
H. Rivano,
and I. Sau.
Algorithmic solutions for critical resource sharing: third year.
Technical report Deliverable 2.2.3,
IST FET AEOLUS, Integrated Project IST-015964,
] [bibtex-entry]
O. Dalle,
F. Giroire,
J. Monteiro,
and S. Pérennes.
Analysis of Failure Correlation in Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems.
Technical report RR-6761,
December 2008.
] [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Ribault,
F. Peix,
J. Monteiro,
and O. Dalle.
OSA: an Integration Platform for Component-Based Simulation.
Second Intl. Conf. on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools09),
March 2009.
Note: Poster abstract. [PDF
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
J. Monteiro and O. Dalle.
CORRAL: Stackable Copy-on-Write Versioning Device using Linux Device-Mapper.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX'08),
June 2008.
Note: Poster.
Last modified: Thu Oct 10 14:10:02 2013
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