Publications of J-C. Maureira Bravo

  1. J-C Maureira Bravo. Internet on Rails. THESE, Ecole doctorale STIC, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, January 2011. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    Keywords: Train communications, WiFi, horizontal handover, layer 2 routes update, infrastructure network, combined chordal topologies, simulations.. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. P. Uribe, J-C. Maureira Bravo, and O. Dalle. Extending INET Framework for Directional and Asymmetrical Wireless Communications. In Proc. of the 2010 Intl. ICST Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++ 2010), Torremolinos, Spain, pages 1--8, 15-19 March 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  2. J-C. Maureira Bravo, D. Dujovne, and O. Dalle. Generation of Realistic 802.11 Interferences in the OMNeT++ INET Framework Based on Real Traffic Measurements. In Second International Workshop on OMNeT++, Rome, Italy, pages 8p, March 2009. [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. J-C. Maureira Bravo, P. Uribe, O. Dalle, T. Asahi, and J. Amaya. Component based approach using OMNeT++ for Train Communication Modeling. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunication, Lille, France, pages 6p, October 2009. [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. P. Uribe, J-C. Maureira Bravo, and O. Dalle. Extending INET Framework for Directional and Asymmetrical Wireless Communications. Research Report RR-7120, INRIA, 03 2010. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    Keywords: OMNeT++, INET Framework, Directional Radios, Asymmetrical communication. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. J-C. Maureira Bravo, D. Dujovne, and O. Dalle. Network Provisioning for High Speed Vehicles Moving along Predictable Routes - Part 1: Spiderman Handover. Research Report RR-6850, INRIA, 2009. [WWW ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  1. S. Jafer, G. Wainer, J-C. Maureira Bravo, and O. Dalle. Event Behavior of Discrete Event Simulations in CD++ Vs. NS-2. 2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (Spring Sim'08)- Poster Sessions (SCS-Poster sessions 2008), April 2008. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]


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