Book in Hermes Editions

Course taught at ISAE/Supaero

Courses delivered at the Von Karman Institute, Brussels

  • Compressible Flow Solvers using unstructured grids :
    delivered in 1985. Notes with Alain Dervieux appeared later link.
    This course was also given at the University of Pise (1995).

  • Hierarchical Methods for Shape Optimization in Aerodynamics – Part I : Multilevel algorithms for parametric shape optimization (29 p.), JAD & Alain Dervieux, in : Introduction to optimization and multidisciplinary design, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series 2006-03, ISBN 2-930389-65-6, Brussels, 2006 pdf

  • Hierarchical Methods for Shape Optimization in Aerodynamics – Part II : Additive methods in Aerodynamics , Alain Dervieux & JAD (26 p.), in : Introduction to optimization and multidisciplinary design, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series 2006-03, ISBN 2-930389-65-6, Brussels, 2006 pdf

Course delivered at College de Polytechnique

  • Approximation Error Analysis in Classical PDE Problems in Mechanics of Continuous Media
    a 3hr advanced course for graduate engineers within the two-day shortcourse on "Verification of Numerical Simulation in Mechanics of Continuous Media", co-organize by Jacques Peter (ONERA DSNA) and myself for Collège de Polytechnique (X, Paris). Classnotes (2010): pdf

Course delivered at Karlsruhe University of Technology

  • HIERARCHICAL SHAPE OPTIMIZATION: Cooperation and Competition in Multi-Disciplinary Approaches
    Summer school in Fluid Mechanics (2010) pdf

Former courses taught at the University of Nice

  • Introduction to Numerical Analysis
    a 21hr undergraduate-level course given in two classes of Polytech'Nice (MAM3 : Applied Mathematics and Modeling; MAM3 and GE3 (Water Ressource Engineering) pdf

  • Advanced PDE-constrained Optimization :
    a 30hr master-degree-level course given at Polytech'Nice (MAM5 : Applied Mathematics and Modeling, final year)

  • Mathematical Models in Mechanics
    In Mastere de Mecanique, Ecole des Mines, Sophia Antipolis. Classnotes (1999): pdf

  • Finite-volume methods for hyperbolic systems
    J.-A. D. and H.Guillard (2000). Computational Mechanics (Ecole des Mines). Classnotes: pdf

Several other courses were delivered in the following former master's degree programs of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

  • Mathematics (Approximation schemes for PDEs: 1984-; later: Riemann solvers)

  • Mathematics and Informatics (Numerical methods for PDEs, 1995)

  • Mechanics and Dynamics Systems (Compressible flows)

  • Shapes and Geometry (Approximation and Optimization)

INRIA Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée Centre, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis (FRANCE) - Tel : (+33) 4 92 38 77 93 - Fax : (+33) 4 92 38 79 80 Jean-Antoine.Desideri(at)