Colleagues and Students:

François Brémond has supervised more than 100 students and visiting researchers: 26 PhD students (21 PhDs have already been completed and 5 are on-going) of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, visiting researchers, master students and research engineers including postdoctoral fellows.

Open positions

  • For a new Doctorate Student : to start in September 2021. Emotion Detection using Deep Learning. You can apply for UCA-EDSTIC-EUR-DS4H fellowship in spring 2021.
  • Teaching

  • MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence : Data Science and AI - MSc program at Université Côte d'Azur.
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2019-2020].
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2020-2021].
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2021-2022].
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2022-2023].
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2023-2024].
  • Computer Vision and Deep Learning : Course given by Stars team [2024-2025].
  • Doctorate Students (Current)

  • Seongro Yoon : from 1st October 2024 till 30st September 2027. Deep Learning for Detecting Emotion through Video Analysis . 80% supervisor with Carlos F. Crispim-Junior (Fellowship 3IA: AI for Integrative Computational Medicine).
  • Tanay Agrawal : from 1st January 2024 till 30st December 2026. Feature Extraction for Video Understanding in Group Interaction Scenario using Transformer based Architectures. 80% supervision with Antitza (Fellowship Gain).
  • Tomasz Stanczyk : from 1st February 2023 till 31st January 2026. Deep Learning for Multiple Object Tracking . 100% (Fellowship 3IA: AI for Smart City).
  • Snehashis Majhi : from 1st January 2023 till 31st December 2025. Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition in Real-World Videos. 70% supervision with Gianpiero Francesca (TME) (Fellowship Toyota).
  • Valeriya Strizhkova : from 1st October 2021 till 30st September 2024. Emotion Detection using Deep Learning. 70% supervision with Antitza Dantcheva (Fellowship 3IA: AI for Integrative Computational Medicine).
  • Doctorate Students (Completed)

    1. Abid Ali : from 1st November 2020 till 19th December 2024. ACt4Autism: Action detection for improving the diagnosis of autism. 80% supervision with Susanne Thummler (BoostUrCAreer CoFund Ph.D Programme in e-health - Université Côte d'Azur). Defense on the 19th December 2024. PhD jury: L. Busé, S. Duffner, I.A. Hameed, JM. Odobez, S. Thummler and F. Brémond. PhD presentation
    2. Mohammed Guermal : from 1st December 2020 till 28th May 2024. Video activity understanding to improve collaboration between humans and robots. 100% supervision (Fellowship liChIE) PhD jury: E. Malis, T. Chateau, B. Luvison, and F. Bremond. PhD presentation.
    3. Di Yang : from 1st November 2020 till 1st February 2024. Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition in Real-World Videos. 100% supervision with Gianpiero Francesca (TME) (Fellowship Toyota). PhD jury: M. Cord, K. Alahari, J. Gall, W. Ouyang, G. Francesca and F. Bremond. PhD presentation.
    4. Rui Dai : from 1st September 2019 till 13th September 2022. Action Detection for Untrimmed Videos based on Deep Neural Networks. 100% Fellowship UCA. Defense on the 13th September 2022. PhD jury: Y. Laptev, K. Alahari, D. Damen, M.H Yang and F. Bremond. PhD presentation.
    5. Hao Chen : from 1st Mai 2019 till 12 April 2022. People Re-identification using Deep Learning methods. 80% supervision with Benoit Lagadec (Fellowship CIFRE - ESI starting on the 15th April 2019). Defense on the 12th of May 2022. PhD jury: F. Jurie, V. Murino, S. Zhang, R. Munos, F. Bremond and B. Lagadec. PhD presentation.
    6. Yaohui Wang : from 1st December 2017 till April 2021. Computer Vision for Automated Holistic Analysis of Humans. 40% supervision with Antitza Dantcheva (Fellowship ANR ENVISION). Defense on the 30th of September 2021. PhD jury: G. Drettakis, I. Laptev, E. Ricci, S. Tulyakov, M. Georgiou, S. Shan, F. Bremond and A. Dantcheva. PhD presentation.
    7. Srijan Das : from 1st of December 2017 till 1st of October 2020. Spatio-temporal Attention for Activity Recognition. 70% supervision with Monique Thonnat (Fellowship UCA). Defense on the 1st of October 2020. PhD jury: M. Cord, C. Wolf, D. Damen, M. Ryoo, M. Thonnat and F. Bremond. PhD presentation.
    8. Ujjwal Ujjwal : from 1st September 2016 till November 2019. Pedestrian detection to dynamically populate the map of a crossroad. 90% supervisor (Fellowship VEDECOM with B. Leroy). Presentation on DL libraries. Presentation on NEF GPU cluster. Defense on the 13th of November 2019. PhD jury: F. Precioso, A. Alahi, C. Wolf, T. Chateau, A. Dziri and F. Bremond.
    9. Farhood Negin : from January 2015 till 15 October 2018. People detection and Activity Recognition using RGBD sensors. 100% supervisor (Fellowship Inria PAL). PhD jury: F. Precioso, C. Wolf, F. Charpillet, M. Cord and F. Bremond.
    10. Thi Lan Anh Nguyen : from December 2014 till 17 July 2018. People tracking in camera network. 100% supervisor (Fellowship Region, Aroma therapeutics). Defense on the 17th of July 2018. PhD jury: F. Precioso, S. Miguet, JM. Odobez, J. Gonzalez and F. Bremond.
    11. Auriane Gros (Speech therapist - Orthophoniste - at Nice Hospital): from September 2014 till the 4th of December 2017. Utilisation de la reconnaissance automatique d'activité dans l'évaluation et la prise en charge spécifique des troubles de nature émotionnelle chez les patients atteints de la Maladie d'Alzheimer. 40% supervisor with Renaud David (Nice Hospital University). Defense on the 4th of December 2017. PhD jury: P. Robert, J. Benois-Pineau, AM. Rigaud, C. Arbus, R. David and F. Bremond.
    12. Michal Koperski : from April 2014 till the 9th of November 2017. Action recognition using RGBD sensors. In collaboration with Toyota. 100% supervisor. Defense on the 9th of November 2017. PhD jury: F. Precioso, M. Cord, L. Sigal, JM. Odobez, GP. Francesca and F. Bremond.
    13. Minh Khue Phan Tran : from 29 nov 2013 till 20 April 2017. Man-machine interaction for older adults with dementia - Interaction Homme-Machine pour les personnes âgées atteintes de démence. 60% supervisor (Fellowship CIFRE), with Thierry Toure, Philippe Valle and Rafik Goulamhoussen (Genious). Defense on the 20th of April 2017. PhD jury: P. Robert, M. Mokhtari, X. Roca, F. Solari and F. Bremond.
    14. Julien Badie : from October 2011 till November 2015. PhD topic. Optimizing people tracking for a video camera network (manuscript). 100% supervisor (Fellowship Region, Interactive 4D). Defense Presentation. Defense on the 17th of November 2015. PhD jury: F. Precioso, L. Tougne, X. Roca, T. Chateau and F. Bremond. Then, he became an engineer at Neosensys in Sophia Antipolis.
    15. Piotr Bilinski : from March 2010 till December 2014. Action recognition from videos. 100% supervisor (Fellowship Region, Keeneo). Defense 5th of December 2014. PhD jury: R. Nevatia, F. Jurie, I. Laptev, F. Precioso and F. Bremond.
    16. Malik Souded : from December 2009 till December 2013. Suivi d'individu a travers un réseau de caméras vidéo. 80% supervisor with the participation of Keeneo/ Digital Barriers (Fellowship CIFRE). Defense 20th of December 2013. PhD jury: M. Thonnat, J. Ferryman, C. Regazzoni, P. Bouthemy, F. Bremond. Then, he became an engineer at Amadeus in Sophia Antipolis.
    17. Rim Romdham : from March 2009 till 30 September 2013. Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in Video Scenes Applied to Health Care Monitoring. 70% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat, P. Robert (CHU Nice). Defense 30th of September 2013. PhD jury: C. Garbay, M. Mokhtari, N.E. Ben Amara, P. Robert, F. Bremond, M. Thonnat.
    18. Slawomir Bak : from February 2009 till July 2012. People detection in temporal video sequences by defining a generic visual signature of individuals. 90% supervisor with J. Weglarz (Poznan Technology University, Poland). Defense 5th of July 2012. PhD jury: B. Merialdo, M. Shah, F. Jurie, C. Schimd, F. Bremond. Then, he became an engineer at Disney Research in Pittsburgh.
    19. Guido-Tomas Pusiol : from October 2008 till May 2012. Event Learning based on Trajectory Clustering. 100% supervisor. Defense 30th of May 2012. PhD jury: F. Precioso, R. Neviata, X. Roca, F. Charpillet, F. Bremond, (see the manuscript).Then, he did a Post-Doc at Stanford California.
    20. Duc Phu Chau : from December 2008 till Mars 2012. Optimizing tracking algorithms for scene understanding. 80% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. Defense 30th of Mars 2012. PhD jury: J.P. Rigault, C. Motamed, F. Lerasle, J. Crowley, M. Thonnat, F. Bremond. Then, he became an engineer at Amadeus in Sophia Antipolis.
    21. Anh Tuan Nghiem : from November 2006 till June 2010. Video interpretation and algorithm parameter tuning. 90% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. Defense 9th of June 2010. PhD jury: A. Lux, X. Roca, J. Piater, B. Georis, M. Thonnat, F. Bremond. Then, he did a Post-Doc, University of Montreal, Canada.
    22. Nadia Zouba Valentin: from November 2006 to 25th of January 2010. Multisensor Fusion for Monitoring Elderly Activities at Home. 75% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. PhD jury: P. Robert, A. Saffiotti, J. Crowley, J. Benois-Pineau. Then, she became an engineer at Apple in San Franscico.
    23. Mohamed Becha Kaaniche : from April 2006 till November 2009. Gesture recognition for human activity interpretation. 100% supervisor. PhD jury: B. Merialdo, P. Remagnino, K. Hamrouni, P. Joly. Then, he became an Assistant Professor, ENIT, Tunis.
    24. Marcos Zuniga : from January 2005 till November 2008. Primitive Event Learning and Recognition in Video . 75% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. PhD Jury: P. Common, G.L. Foresti, D. Hogg, C. Awanzino. Then, he became Professor at - Instructor Academico - Telematica - UTFSM, Chile.
    25. Bernard Boulay : from October 2003 till December 2006. Posture recognition for human activity interpretation. 80% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. Then, he became an engineer at Neosensys in Sophia Antipolis.
    26. Benoit Georis : from September 2002 till January 2006. Program Supervision Techniques for Easy Configuration of Video Understanding Systems. PhD of Catholic University of Louvain la neuve (UCL) Belgium. Defended in January 2006. 75% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat and B. Macq. Then, he became the CEO at Keeneo SAS.
    27. Thinh Van Vu : from October 2001 till October 2004. Temporal Scenario for Automatic Video Interpretation. Defended in October 2004. 75% co-supervisor with M. Thonnat. Then, he became engineer at Thales in Paris, then in a bank in London.
    28. Somboon Hongeng : from January 1998 till January 2004. A Unified Bayesian and Logical Approach for Video-Based Event Recognition. PhD of the University of Southern California. Defended in May 2003. 40% co-supervisor with R. Nevatia. Then, he did a Post-Doc in Hamburg.

    Post-doctorate Researchers and Visiting Doctorate Students

    1. Tanvi Banerjee : May 2010 to August 2010. Doctorate Researcher from the University of Missouri working in Gait Analysis from homecare videos.
    2. Hector Gomez : April 2010 to July 2010. Doctorate Researcher from the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador) and from Universidad de Almeria (Spain) working in performance evaluation for video processing.
    3. Pau Baiget : in November 2009. Post-doctorate Researcher from the Computer Vision Center at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
    4. Gal Lavee : August 2008 till October 2008. Doctorate Researcher from Computer Science Department, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Technion City, Israel, in Understanding Video Events.
    5. Suresh Sundaram : August 2007 till August 2008. Post-doctorate Researcher from IIT-Delhi, India, in machine learning and on-line learning system for visual tracking .
    6. Tomi Raty : February 2007 till February 2008. Doctorate Researcher from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, in Scalable Video Transmission for Surveillance Systems .

    Research Engineers (Current)

    1. January 2007 - January 2013: Leonardo Rocha, engineer for the CIU-sante project on motion detection.
    2. January 2010 - January 2013: Julien Gueytat, engineer for the SWEET HOME project on people detection.
    3. January 2007 - May 2012: Jose-Luis Patino_Vilchis, engineer for the CARETAKER and COFRIEND projects on event learning for apron monitoring.
    4. January 2007 - September 2012: Bernard Boulay, engineer for the COFRIEND project on activity recognition for apron monitoring.
    5. January 2009 - September 2011: Daniel Zullo, engineer for the CIU project on elderly people monitoring.
    6. May 2008 - May 2010: Erwan Demairy, engineer for the ADT SUP project on Scene Understanding Platform development.
    7. April 2006 - November 2011: Etienne Corvee, engineer for the CARETAKER project on 3D coherence thoughout time and for Video-Id on people detection in videos.

    Research Engineers (Completed)

    1. September 2003-September 2009: Valery Valentin, engineer for the ETISEO project, on performance evaluation for video processing and engineer for the AVITRACK and SIC project, on activity recognition for apron monitoring and on smart video cameras.
    2. August 2001 to December 2008: Alberto Avanzi, Bull engineer for the ADVISOR project since August 2001.
    3. October 2003 to February 2008: Binh Bui, 4D interpretation and machine learning techniques for an autonomous system for people classifying and counting as engineer for the RATP project since February 2001.
    4. Novembre 2005 - July 2008: Ruihua Ma, engineer for the SERKET project, on improvement of segmentation algorithms for video processing.
    5. April 2004 - April 2006: Gabriel Davini, engineer for the SAMSIT project, on behaviour recognition in trains.
    6. September 2003-September 2006: Florent Fusier, engineer for the AVITRACK project, on apron monitoring.
    7. January 2002-March 2006: Magali Maziere, engineer for the CASSIOPEE project, on behaviour recognition for bank agency monitoring.
    8. April 2002- March 2005: Christophe Tornieri, engineer for the ALSTHOM project, on behaviour recognition in train.
    9. Juillet 2000-December 2002: Frédéric Cupilla, Engineer for the ADVISOR project.
    Figure 1. Colleagues and Students from all over the world.

    Master Students (Completed)

    1. April 2010 to September 2010: Wojciech Piatek, Poznan University of Technology Poland, internship on people detection and tracking.
    2. May 2009 to October 2009: Carolina Garate, University of Concepcion, Chile, internship on Crowd Behaviour Analysis techniques.
    3. May 2009 to July 2009 and from May 2010 to July 2010 : Saurabh Goyal, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur India, internship on people detection techniques.
    4. March 2009 to September 2009: Piotr Bilinski, Poznan University of Technology Poland, internship on feature point tracking techniques.
    5. December 2008 to March 2009: Rim Romdhame, Institut Superieur des Technologies Medicales de Tunis, internship on event recognition techniques.
    6. March-September 2008: Chau Duc Phu, DEPA IFI Hanoi, internship on Unsupervised learning of behaviour patterns for event recognition.
    7. March-September 2008: Slawomir Bak, Poznan University of Technology Poland, internship on Incremental learning for video understanding.
    8. March-September 2008: Guido PUSIOL, UNC Córdoba Argentine, internship on people detection for elderly monitoring at home.
    9. February-August 2008: Mohamed Siala, Tunis University, internship on people detection in complex environment.
    10. January-July 2008: Claudio COSTAGLIOLA, Santiago University Chile, internship on Reliable Object Tracking considering Dynamic Occlusion.
    11. April-September 2007: Masaki Yoshimura, Soka University Tokyo Japan, internship on crowd behaviour recognition.
    12. May-August 2006: SAXENA Shobhit, ITT NewDehli, internship on crowd motion detection.
    13. April-September 2006: JACQ Patrice, DEA Paris VI, internship on learning temporal event patterns using a graph.
    14. March-September 2006: ZOUBA Nadia, DES Paris X, internship on information fusion with heterogeneous sensors.
    15. March-September 2006 : NGHIEM Anh Tuan, DEPA IFI Hanoi, internship on performance evaluation for video processing.
    16. October 2005-April 2006: Mohamed Becha Kaaniche, master of ENIT Tunis, internship on behaviour recognition for trichogramma wasps.
    17. January-August 2005: Alexander Toshev, diploma thesis of Karlsruhe University, internship on learning frequent temporal event patterns.
    18. April-September 2004: Le Son Pham, DEPA, IFI Hanoi, internship on a video event ontology.
    19. March-August 2004: Jihene Bannour, DEA Saint-Etienne, internship on automatique generation of 3D animation.
    20. April-September 2003: Bernard Boulay, DEA, ESSI UNSA, internship on posture recognition.
    21. April-September 2003: Thi-Thanh-Tu Bui, DEPA, IFI Hanoi, internship on coherence verification of scenario models.
    22. April-December 2003: Florent Fusier, DESS Bordeaux II, internship on the detection of people's head in videos.
    23. March-Juillet 2002: Nicolas Moenne-Loccoz, DEA Informatique UNSA, internship on behaviour recognition with dynamique Bayesian network.
    24. April 2002- March 2005: Christophe Tornieri, ESSI-UNSA, internship on image reference updating.
    25. April 2001-October 2001: Thinh Van Vu, Internship on 3D visualisation for video interpretation. Internship de l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique de Hanoï.
    26. Juillet-August 2001: Olivier Bertrand, internship ENS-Lyon, internship on color information for video interpretation.
    27. April 2000-December 2000 and August 2001 to December 2002: Alberto Avanzi, Internship Supélec on video interpretation for Mediaspace applications. Then Bull engineer for the ADVISOR project since August 2001.
    28. April 2000-October 2003: Binh Bui, Classification of mobile regions. Internship de l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique de Hanoï. Then engineer for the RATP project since February 2001.
    29. May-August 1996: Elliott Brooks, Knowledge Inference Engine. Internship Master of Sciences, University of Edinburgh (U.K.).
    30. May-September 1995: Thiéry Nade, Representation of static environnement (MARES). Internship de D.E.S.S.-I.S.I., Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis.