

Getting back to our first example, let us consider the definition of the function revflat which flattens a tree and then reverses the obtained list. In this composition the result of flat is a deforestable intermediate list, since it is consumed by rev.


Intuitively, in the context of our attribute grammar notation, the composition of rev and flat involves the two following sets of attributes:


More generally, consider an attribute grammar, say tex2html_wrap_inline1629 (e.g., flat), producing an intermediate data structure to be consumed by another attribute grammar, say tex2html_wrap_inline1631 (e.g., rev). Two sets of attributes are involved in this composition. The first one, tex2html_wrap_inline1633 , contains all the attributes used to construct the intermediate data-structure. The second one, tex2html_wrap_inline1635 , contains the attributes of tex2html_wrap_inline1631 .

As in the descriptional composition, the idea of the symbolic composition is to project the attributes of tex2html_wrap_inline1635 (e.g., tex2html_wrap_inline1641 ) everywhere an attribute of tex2html_wrap_inline1633 (e.g., tex2html_wrap_inline1645 ) is defined. This global operation brings the equations that specify a computation over the intermediate data-structure on its construction. The basic step of this projection is presented in Figure 7. Then, the application of the symbolic evaluation (Figure 6) will eliminates the useless constructors.

Figure 7: Projection step

However, a point remains undefined: how find the application sites for the projection steps? As attended, the constraint in the Check predicate avoiding expressions like (x.a).b to arise is temporarily relaxed. In fact, all these expressions are precisely the sites where deforestation could be performed (e.g., tex2html_wrap_inline1665 ).

With this relaxed Check predicate, and from the revflat function definition, we obtained the following blocks (first is for the revflat profile, and others correspond to the flat and the rev attribute grammars). In the blocks building the intermediate data structure, the application sites for the projection step are underlined, and a * highlights the constructions to be deforested.


The application of (Proj) is illustrated below on the pattern tex2html_wrap_inline1671 .


All possible applications of these projection steps yield the following blocks:


Now, symbolic evaluation (Figure 6) could be applied on annotated sites, performing the real deforestation. New attributes are created by renaming attributes a.b into tex2html_wrap_inline1679 (when tex2html_wrap_inline1681 and tex2html_wrap_inline1683 ). More precisely, (x.a).b is transformed into tex2html_wrap_inline1687 . Then, the basic constituents of the symbolic composition are defined:


Thus, for the revflat function, the symbolic composition yields the deforested attribute grammar that is presented below, together with its equivalent function definition, corresponding to a functional evaluator generated for this attribute grammar  [18, 29]. Four attributes have been generated. The final list is constructed with tex2html_wrap_inline1691 and tex2html_wrap_inline1693 ; this construction corresponds to the function revflat1. Then it is propagated backward, with tex2html_wrap_inline1695 and tex2html_wrap_inline1693 , before being assigned to result; this corresponds to the function revflat2. We will present in section 3.4 a way to eliminate most of these propagations, but henceforth, no longer intermediate list is constructed.


Web page maintained by Didier Parigot
Fri Feb 27 17:28:38 MET 1998