Shared-Data Overlay Network
Java, OSGi, GWT
13 000 Java lines
2008, 2009 first version
1 engineer
Application of Georefenced services
Application of Social-Based P2P Recommandation system
- Peer-to-Peer Distributed OSGi
- Service-oriented Network Architecture (SONA)
- Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Peer-to-Peer computing (P2P)
- Structured Overlay Networks (SON)
- JXTA technologie (Virtual Pipes)
- Social Network
SmartTools Software Factory
Article:Domain-Driven Development: the SmartTools Software Factory
DSL, Java, OSGi, XML, Eclipse
100 000 Java lines
2000, 2002 first SOA version, 2007 Eclipse version
1 Phd, 4 engineers
- Object-oriented languages
- Visitor Design Patterns
- Aspect-Oriented programming (AOP)
- Aspect-Oriented Compiler (AOP) [Moor1999]
- Generative programming
- Component programming
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
- XML technologies, DTD and Schema
- language-based editors, XLST technologie
- Domain-Specific Languages (DSL)
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)
- Software Factories
Attribue Grammar: FNC-2 Attribute grammar system
Article : Attribute grammar paradigms---a high-level methodology in language implementation
Olga, C; 70 000 lines
1986, 1989 first version
7 Phd
- Attribute grammar system, design language (Olga language)
- Dynamic attribute grammar
- Incremental Attribute Evaluation
- Parallel Attribute Evaluation
- Deforestation, partial evaluation, transformation of functional programming
- Lazy and lenient evaluation of functional programming
- Grammar Flow Analysis, Data Flow Analysis
- Polytypic programming, shapely types, Generic attribute grammar, Modular attribute grammar
- Natural Semantic, Evolving Algebras
- Tree Transducers, Primitive Recursive Scheme
- Object-oriented languages, Chocolate language, Design Patterns (Visitor Patterns)
- Parser, Abstract Tree Constructor (Atc language)
- language-based editors, Pretty printer (Ppat language)
- Compiler Construction, Cosy platform