Didier Parigot

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Implementing declarative overlays. Boon Thau Loo, Tyson Condie, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Petros Maniatis, Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica. In SOSP, pages 75-90, 2005. (URL)


Overlay networks are used today in a variety of distributed systems ranging from file-sharing and storage systems to communication infrastructures. However, designing, building and adapting these overlays to the intended application and the target environment is a difficult and time consuming process.To ease the development and the deployment of such overlay networks we have implemented P2, a system that uses a declarative logic language to express overlay networks in a highly compact and reusable form. P2 can express a Narada-style mesh network in 16 rules, and the Chord structured overlay in only 47 rules. P2 directly parses and executes such specifications using a dataflow architecture to construct and maintain overlay networks. We describe the P2 approach, how our implementation works, and show by experiment its promising trade-off point between specification complexity and performance.

Bibtex entry

    AUTHOR = { Boon Thau Loo and Tyson Condie and Joseph M. Hellerstein and Petros Maniatis and Timothy Roscoe and Ion Stoica },
    TITLE = { Implementing declarative overlays },
    YEAR = { 2005 },
    EDITOR = { Andrew Herbert and Kenneth P. Birman },
    PAGES = { 75--90 },
    PUBLISHER = { ACM },
    ABSTRACT = { Overlay networks are used today in a variety of distributed systems ranging from file-sharing and storage systems to communication infrastructures. However, designing, building and adapting these overlays to the intended application and the target environment is a difficult and time consuming process.To ease the development and the deployment of such overlay networks we have implemented P2, a system that uses a declarative logic language to express overlay networks in a highly compact and reusable form. P2 can express a Narada-style mesh network in 16 rules, and the Chord structured overlay in only 47 rules. P2 directly parses and executes such specifications using a dataflow architecture to construct and maintain overlay networks. We describe the P2 approach, how our implementation works, and show by experiment its promising trade-off point between specification complexity and performance. },
    BIBDATE = { 2006-02-15 },
    BIBSOURCE = { DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sosp/sosp2005.html#LooCHMRS05 },
    FILE = { Loo2005.pdf:Loo2005.pdf:PDF },
    ISBN = { 1-59593-079-5 },
    REVIEW = { Utlise un langage logique pour decrire les protocoles. (datalog) Fait reference a MACEDON et RTAG Attribute grammar },
    URL = { http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1095810.1095818 },

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