G. Huiban.
Le problème de la reconfiguration dans les réseaux WDM multifibres.
PhD thesis,
École doctorale STIC, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
M-E. Voge.
Optimisation des réseaux de télécommunications: réseaux multicouches, tolérance aux pannes et surveillance de trafic.
PhD thesis,
École doctorale STIC, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
November 17 2006.
J.-C. Bermond and D. Coudert.
The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs (2nd edition),
chapter VI.27, Grooming.
CRC Press,
C.J. Colbourn and J.H. Dinitz edition,
Note: To appear.
J.-C. Bermond,
L. Braud,
and D. Coudert.
Traffic Grooming on the Path.
Theoretical Computer Science,
Note: To appear.
J.-C. Bermond and M.-L. Yu.
Vertex disjoint routings of cycles over tori.
Note: To appear.
Y. Brehon and D. Kofman.
Optimal Virtual Topology Design using Bus-Label Switched Paths.
JSAC-Multilayer Routing,
Note: To appear.
D. Coudert,
P. Datta,
S. Pérennes,
H. Rivano,
and M-E. Voge.
Shared Risk Resource Group: Complexity and Approximability issues.
Parallel Processing Letters,
Note: To appear.
C. Duhamel and P. Mahey.
Multicommodity flow problems with a bounded number of paths : a flow deviation approach.
2006, to appear.
J.-C. Bermond,
M. Cosnard,
D. Coudert,
and S. Pérennes.
Optimal Solution of the Maximum All Request Path Grooming Problem.
In Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT06,
Guadeloupe, France,
February 2006.
] [PDF
J.-C. Bermond,
D. Coudert,
X. Muñoz,
and I. Sau.
Traffic Grooming in Bidirectional WDM ring networks.
In IEEE/COST 293 annual conference on GRAphs and ALgorithms in communication networks,
volume 3,
pages 19--22,
June 2006.
Y. Brehon and D. Kofman.
Bus-Label Switched Paths, an approach to reduce the cost of multilayer networks.
In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),
June 2006.
D. Coudert,
S. Pérennes,
H. Rivano,
and M.-E. Voge.
Shared Risk Resource Groups and Survivability in Multilayer Networks.
In IEEE/COST 293 annual conference on GRAphs and ALgorithms in communication networks,
volume 3,
pages 235--238,
June 2006.
Note: Invited Paper.
J. Truffot,
C. Duhamel,
and Philippe Mahey.
Bounding the number of lightpaths for robust LSP routing via a Branch-and-price technique.
In NOW Conference,
Saint-Rémy de Provence,
Note: Extended version submitted to Networks.
M.-E. Voge.
How to transform a multilayer network into a colored graph.
In IEEE ICTON/COST 293 annual conference on GRAphs and ALgorithms in communication networks,
June 2006.
] [PDF
M.-E. Voge.
Graphes Colorés - Arbre Couvrant Coloré.
In Huitièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'06),
pages 41--44,
May 2006.
] [PDF
M. Diallo,
P. Mahey,
and J. Truffot.
Minimisation d'arborescences couvrant un trafic MPLS avec reroutage sur chemins de backup.
Technical report,
F. Ben Hfaiedh.
Reconfiguration dans les réseaux WDM.
Master's thesis,
Master STIC 2 RSD,
I. Sau Valls.
Minimizing the number of ADMs in WDM Optical Rings with Traffic Grooming.
Master's thesis,
Université Polytechnique de Barcelone, Espagne,
Jérôme Truffot and Christophe Duhamel.
Multicommodity flow problems with a bounded number of paths : a flow deviation approach.
Rapport de Recherche LIMOS RR-06-04, submitted to Discrete Optimization,
A. Jarry.
Connexité dans les réseaux de télécommunications.
PhD thesis,
École doctorale STIC, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
March 2005.
J.-C. Bermond,
C. Colbourn,
D. Coudert,
G. Ge,
A. Ling,
and X. Muñoz.
Traffic grooming in unidirectional WDM rings with grooming ratio C=6.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,
S. Choplin,
A. Jarry,
and S. Pérennes.
Virtual network embedding in the cycle.
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Jean-Pierre Dussault,
Oumar Gueye,
and Philippe Mahey.
Separable augmented lagrangian algorithm with multidimensional scaling for monotropic programming.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
M.C. Souza,
P. Mahey,
and B. Gendron.
Global optimization of multicommodity flow problems with separable non convex costs.
Mathematical Programming,
2005, en révision.
J.-C. Bermond,
L. Braud,
and D. Coudert.
Traffic Grooming on the Path.
In Proceedings of the 12th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2005),
volume 3499 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 34--48,
May 2005.
Springer Verlag.
] [PDF
C. Chaudet,
E. Fleury,
I. Guérin-Lassous,
H. Rivano,
and M.-E. Voge.
Optimal positioning of active and passive monitoring devices.
In CoNEXT 2005,
Toulouse, France,
October 2005.
C. Chaudet,
E. Fleury,
I. Guérin-Lassous,
H. Rivano,
and M.-E. Voge.
Surveillance passive dans l'Internet.
In Septièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'05),
Presqu'île de Giens,
pages 121--124,
May 2005.
D. Coudert,
S. Pérennes,
Q.-C. Pham,
and J.-S. Sereni.
Rerouting requests in WDM networks.
In Septièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'05),
Presqu'île de Giens,
pages 17--20,
May 2005.
] [PDF
J. Galtier,
A. Laugier,
and P. Pons.
Algorithms to evaluate the reliability of a network.
In The 5th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks,
pages 93--100,
G. Huiban and G. Robson Mateus.
A multiobjective approach of the virtual topology design and routing problem in WDM networks.
In ICT International Conference on Telecommunications,
May 2005.
G. Huiban and G. Robson Mateus.
A MILP model for the reconfiguration problem in multi-fiber WDM networks.
In SBRC Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores,
May 2005.
J.-F. Lalande,
M. Syska,
and Y. Verhoeven.
Arrondi aléatoire et protection des réseaux WDM.
In Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours, editor,
number 6,
Tours, France,
pages 241--242,
] [PDF
S. Petat and M.-E. Voge.
Groupage sur un chemin orienté.
In Septièmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel'05),
Presqu'île de Giens,
pages 21--24,
May 2005.
J. Truffot and C. Duhamel.
Flot maximum avec nombre de chemins borné.
In Conférence ROADEF,
J. Truffot,
C. Duhamel,
and P. Mahey.
Branch-and-price for the $k$-splittable flow problem.
In INOC Conference,
Lisbonne, Portugal,
Note: Extended version submitted to Discrete Optimization.
J.-C. Bermond,
M. Cosnard,
D. Coudert,
and S. Pérennes.
Optimal Solution of the Maximum All Request Path Grooming Problem.
Research report,
INRIA Research Report 5627 (.ps.gz) and I3S Research Report I3S/RR-2005-18-FR (.pdf),
] [PDF
D. Coudert,
P. Datta,
H. Rivano,
and M.-E. Voge.
Minimum Color Problems and Shared Risk Resource Group in Multilayer Networks.
Technical report,
I3S Research Report I3S/RR-2005-37-FR,
C. Gomes and H. Rivano.
WDM Mesh Networks with Dynamic Traffic.
Research report,
INRIA Research Report 5713,
] [PDF
G. Huiban and P. Datta.
Virtual topology reconfiguration issues in evolution of WDM optical networks.
Research report,
INRIA Research Report 5711 and I3S Research Report I3S/RR-2005-29-FR,
] [PDF
G. Huiban and G. Robson Mateus.
Optimization aspects of the reconfiguration problem in WDM networks.
Research report,
INRIA Research Report 5730 and I3S Research Report I3S/RR-2005-33-FR,
] [PDF
C. Lepelletier.
Problèmes de charge et de longueur d'onde sur des réseaux tolérants des pannes.
Mémoire de DEA, 3 mois, encadrants J.-C. Bermond and S. Bessy,
DEA MDFI, Marseille,
S. Beker.
Optimization Techniques for the Dimensioning and Reconfiguration of MPLS Networks.
PhD thesis,
Telecom Paris (ENST),
Paris, France,
April 2004.
J.-F. Lalande.
Conception de réseaux de télécommunications : optimisation et expérimentations.
PhD thesis,
École doctorale STIC, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Décembre 2004.
J.-C. Bermond,
C.J. Colbourn,
A. Ling,
and M.-L. Yu.
Grooming in unidirectional rings : $K_4 -e$ designs.
Discrete Mathematics, Lindner's Volume,
S. Beker,
N. Puech,
and V. Friderikos.
A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Off-Line MPLS Reduced Complexity Layout Design Problem.
In IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference,
volume 3042 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Athens, Grece,
pages 514-525,
May 2004.
Springer Verlag.
F. Chauvet,
P. Chrétienne,
P. Mahey,
and B. Vatinlen.
Decomposing a flow into a minimal set of paths.
In $4^{ ext{{\`e}me}}$ conférence Francoro,
Fribourg, Suisse,
pages 19,
August 2004.
Note: Extended version sumitted to EJOR.
F. Chauvet,
P. Chrétienne,
P. Mahey,
and B. Vatinlen.
Decomposing a flow into a minimal set of paths.
In Francoro,
Fribourg, Suisse,
Note: Extended version to appear in EJOR.
C. Duhamel and P. Mahey.
Multicommodity flow problems with a bounded number of paths : a flow deviation approach.
In Optimization Conference,
Lisbonne, Portugal,
A. Ferreira and A. Jarry.
Complexity of Minimum Spanning Tree in Evolving Graphs and the Minimum-Energy Broadcast Routing Problem.
In Proceedings of WiOpt'04 -- Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks,
March 2004.
dynamic networks,
evolving graphs,
A. Jarry and A. Laugier.
On the minimum number edges of two-connected graphs with given diameter.
In GT04,
Paris, France,
July 2004.
A. Jarry and Z. Lotker.
Connectivity in Evolving Graph with Geometric Properties.
In Dial MPOMC 2004 The Second ACM/SIGMOBILE Annual International Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing,
A. Jarry.
Integral Symmetric 2-Commodity Flows.
In Proceedings of STACS'04,
March 2004.
J. Truffot,
C. Duhamel,
and P. Mahey.
Le problème de flot maximal avec contrainte sur le nombre de chemins.
In $4^{ ext{{\`e}me}}$ conférence Francoro,
Fribourg, Suisse,
pages 43,
August 2004.
B. Bachelet,
P. Mahey,
and J. Truffot.
Modélisation des problèmes de routage dans les réseaux GMPLS.
Technical report RR/04-24,
C. Duhamel,
P. Mahey,
and J. Truffot.
Minimal congestion, approximation algorithms and the flow deviation method with a bounded number of paths.
Technical report RR/04-15,
J.P. Dussault,
O. Gueye,
and P. Mahey.
Separable augmented lagrangian algorithm with multidimensional scaling for monotropic programming.
Technical report RR/04-12,
Note: En révision pour le Journal of Optimization.
J-F. Lalande,
Y. Verhoeven,
and M. Syska.
Mascopt - A Network Optimization Library: Graph Manipulation.
Technical report RT-0293,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
2004 route des lucioles - BP 93 - FR-06902 Sophia Antipolis,
April 2004.
Note: Http://www-sop.inria.fr/mascotte/mascopt.
P. Mahey and M.C. Souza.
Solving multicommodity flow problems with piecewise convex costs.
Technical report,
Note: Soumis à Mathematical Programming.
L. Braud.
Groupage de trafic sur le chemin.
Rapport de stage de Magistère d'Informatique, 2 mois, encadrant D. Coudert,
ENS Lyon,
A. Davert.
Reroutage incrémental sur réseau optique.
Rapport de stage de DEA RSD, 4 mois, encadrant D. Coudert,
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
C. Mosse.
Implémentation d'algorithmes pour les réseaux optiques WDM.
Rapport de fin d'études d'Elève Ingénieur Maître, 4 mois, encadrants D. Coudert et M. Syska,
IUP GMI d'Avignon,
Q. C. Pham.
Etude d'un problème algorithmique intervenant dans la reconfiguration des réseaux WDM.
Rapport de stage de Magistère d'Informatique, 2 mois, encadrants D. Coudert et S. Pérennes,
ENS Paris,
H. Rivano.
Algorithmique et télécommunications : coloration et multiflot approchés et applications aux réseaux d'infrastructure.
PhD thesis,
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
November 2003.
D. Coudert and X. Muñoz.
Recent Research Developments in Optics, 3,
chapter 37, Graph Theory and Traffic Grooming in WDM Rings,
pages 759--778.
Research Signpost. Kerala, India,
Note: ISBN: 81-271-0028-5.
J.-C. Bermond and S. Ceroi.
Minimizing SONET ADMs in unidirectional WDM rings with grooming ratio 3.
J.-C. Bermond,
D. Coudert,
and M-L. Yu.
On DRC-Covering of $K_n$ by cycles.
Journal of Combinatorial Designs,
B. Bui-Xuan,
A. Ferreira,
and A. Jarry.
Computing shortest, fastest, and foremost journeys in dynamic networks.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
April 2003.
A. Ferreira,
S. Pérennes,
A. W. Richa,
H. Rivano,
and N. Stier.
Models, Complexity and Algorithms for the Design of Multi-fiber WDM Networks.
Telecommunication Systems,
October 2003.
S. Beker,
D. Kofman,
and N. Puech.
Off-Line Reduced Complexity Layout Design for MPLS Networks.
In Proceedings of IPOM,
pages 99-105,
S. Beker,
D. Kofman,
and N. Puech.
Off-line MPLS layout design and reconfiguration: Reducing complexity under dynamic traffic conditions.
In Proceedings INOC,
pages 61-66,
J-C. Bermond and D. Coudert.
Traffic Grooming in Unidirectional WDM Ring Networks using Design Theory.
volume 2,
Anchorage, Alaska,
pages 1402--1406,
May 2003.
Note: ON07-3.
J.-C. Bermond,
D. Coudert,
and X. Muñoz.
Traffic grooming in Unidirectional WDM Ring Networks: the all-to-all unitary case.
In ONDM 03, 7th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling,
pages 1135--1153,
3-5 February 2003.
M. Bouklit,
D. Coudert,
J.-F. Lalande,
C. Paul,
and H. Rivano.
Approximate multicommodity flow for WDM networks design.
In J. Sibeyn, editor,
number 17 of Proceedings in Informatics,
Umea, Sweden,
pages 43--56,
June 2003.
Carleton Scientific.
M. Bouklit,
D. Coudert,
J.-F. Lalande,
and H. Rivano.
Approximation combinatoire de multiflot fractionnaire : améliorations.
In AlgoTel'03,
Banyuls-sur-mer, France,
May 2003.
D. Coudert,
H. Rivano,
and X. Roche.
A combinatorial approximation algorithm for the multicommodity flow problem.
In K. Jansen and R. Solis-Oba, editors,
WAOA 03,
number 2909 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Budapest, Hungary,
pages 256--259,
September 2003.
A. Jarry and A. Laugier.
Graphes 2-connexes à diamètre donné.
In ROADEF 2003,
number 5 of Proceedings in Informatics,
Avignon, France,
pages 102--104,
June 2003.
Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse.
J.-F. Lalande,
S. Pérennes,
and M. Syska.
Groupage dans les réseaux dorsaux WDM.
In ROADEF 2003,
number 5 of Proceedings in Informatics,
Avignon, France,
pages 254--255,
June 2003.
Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse.
A. Laugier and S. Petat.
Network Design and b-matching.
In Proc. of International Network Optimization Conference,
pages 374--379,
O. de Rivoyre.
Optimisation du groupage dans les réseaux de télécommunication.
Rapport de DEA RSD, 5 mois, encadrants J.-C. Bermond et M. Syska,
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
X. Roche.
Approximation du multiflot fractionnaire.
Rapport de Magistère d'Informatique, 5 semaines, encadrants D. Coudert et H. Rivano,
ENS Lyon,
M.-E. Voge.
Conception de réseaux SDH en anneaux.
Rapport de DEA ROCO, 4 mois, encadrants M.Burlet et A.Laugier,
INP Grenoble,
M. Diallo,
C. Duhamel,
P. Mahey,
and J. Truffot.
Rapport LIMOS/PRESTO mi-parcours, Annexes techniques.
S. Beker,
R. Casellas,
and D. Kofman.
Optimization Techniques for the Dimensioning and Reconfiguration of MPLS Networks.
Note: To be submitted to a journal.
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Last modified: Tue Jun 10 23:28:29 2014
Author: dcoudert.
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