\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
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Periodic_3Offset_3 Concept Reference


The concept Periodic_3Offset_3 describes a three-dimensional integer vector with some specialized access functions and operations.

Has Models:
See Also


 Periodic_3Offset_3 ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Periodic_3Offset_3 (int x, int y, int z)
 Constructs the offset (x,y,z). More...


Periodic_3Offset_3 operator+ (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Return the vector sum of o and other. More...
Periodic_3Offset_3 operator- (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Return the vector difference of o and other. More...
Periodic_3Offset_3 operator- () const
 Return the negative vector of o. More...
void operator+= (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Add other to o using vector addition. More...
void operator-= (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Subtract other from o using vector subtraction. More...
bool operator== (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Return true if other and o represent the same vector. More...
bool operator!= (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Return true if other and o do not represent the same vector. More...
bool operator< (const Periodic_3Offset_3 &other) const
 Compare o and other lexicographically. More...

Access Functions

int operator[] (int i)
 Return the \( i\)-th entry of o. More...
int x () const
 Return the \( x\)-entry of o. More...
int y () const
 Return the \( y\)-entry of o. More...
int z ()
 Return the \( z\)-entry of o. More...
bool is_null () const
 Returns true if o is equal to (0,0,0). More...
istream & operator>> (istream &is, Periodic_3_offset_3 &off)
 Inputs an offset from is. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, Periodic_3_offset_3 &off) const
 Outputs an offset from os. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Periodic_3Offset_3::Periodic_3Offset_3 ( )

Default constructor.

Periodic_3Offset_3::Periodic_3Offset_3 ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Constructs the offset (x,y,z).

Member Function Documentation

bool Periodic_3Offset_3::is_null ( ) const

Returns true if o is equal to (0,0,0).

bool Periodic_3Offset_3::operator!= ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Return true if other and o do not represent the same vector.

Periodic_3Offset_3 Periodic_3Offset_3::operator+ ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Return the vector sum of o and other.

void Periodic_3Offset_3::operator+= ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Add other to o using vector addition.

Periodic_3Offset_3 Periodic_3Offset_3::operator- ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Return the vector difference of o and other.

Periodic_3Offset_3 Periodic_3Offset_3::operator- ( ) const

Return the negative vector of o.

void Periodic_3Offset_3::operator-= ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Subtract other from o using vector subtraction.

bool Periodic_3Offset_3::operator< ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Compare o and other lexicographically.

ostream& Periodic_3Offset_3::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
Periodic_3_offset_3 &  off 
) const

Outputs an offset from os.

bool Periodic_3Offset_3::operator== ( const Periodic_3Offset_3 other) const

Return true if other and o represent the same vector.

istream& Periodic_3Offset_3::operator>> ( istream &  is,
Periodic_3_offset_3 &  off 

Inputs an offset from is.

int Periodic_3Offset_3::operator[] ( int  i)

Return the \( i\)-th entry of o.

int Periodic_3Offset_3::x ( ) const

Return the \( x\)-entry of o.

int Periodic_3Offset_3::y ( ) const

Return the \( y\)-entry of o.

int Periodic_3Offset_3::z ( )

Return the \( z\)-entry of o.