\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.4 - Geometric Object Generators
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CombinationElement Concept Reference


A CombinationElement can be used as template parameter for the class Combination_enumerator<CombinationElement>.

Has Models:

Any integer type (char, short, int, long, etc.)


Random access iterators

See Also


 CombinationElement (const CombinationElement &e2)
 Copy constructor. More...


typedef unspecified_type value_type
 the type of point being generated. More...


void operator++ ()
 Incrementation. More...
void operator-- ()
 Decrementation. More...
bool operator< (const CombinationElement &e2)
 Total order comparison. More...
bool operator== (const CombinationElement &e2)
 Equality test. More...
CombinationElement operator+ (int i)
 Equivalent to calling ++(*this) i times if i is positive. More...
int operator- (const CombinationElement &e2)
 Equivalent to calling ++(*this) i times if i is positive. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

the type of point being generated.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CombinationElement::CombinationElement ( const CombinationElement e2)

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

CombinationElement CombinationElement::operator+ ( int  i)

Equivalent to calling ++(*this) i times if i is positive.

Equivalent to calling --(*this) -i times if i is negative.

void CombinationElement::operator++ ( )


int CombinationElement::operator- ( const CombinationElement e2)

Equivalent to calling ++(*this) i times if i is positive.

Equivalent to calling –(*this) -i times if i is negative.

void CombinationElement::operator-- ( )


bool CombinationElement::operator< ( const CombinationElement e2)

Total order comparison.

bool CombinationElement::operator== ( const CombinationElement e2)

Equality test.