Charles ANDRÉ, Jean-Paul RIGAULT
The goal of this paper is to study concepts underlying graphical instant-based models. They are useful for reactive system modeling. They should be formal models (mathematical semantics). Some are able to express in an unambiguous and concise way complex reactive behaviors. The expressiveness may be an impediment to the readability and the intuitive understanding. We analyze the influence of some primitives on the computation (compilation or interpretation) of the behavior.
Reactive system, semantics, state-transition system, visual modeling, synchronous programming.
AUTHOR = "C. Andr\'e and J-P. Rigault",
TITLE = "Variations on the Semantics of Graphical
Models for Reactive Systems",
sorte= "colin" ,
BOOKTITLE = {SMC'02, ISBN: 2-9512309-4-x},
NOTE = {On CD-ROM, index: TA2L2},
YEAR = {2002},
ADDRESS = {Hammamet (TN)},
MONTH = {October}