The ESTEREL Language |
The Esterel v5 compiler can be used to generate a software or hardware implementation of a reactive program. It can generate C-code to be embedded as a reactive kernel in a larger program that handles the interface and data manipulations. It can also generate hardware in the form of netlists of gates, which can then be embedded in a larger system. Extensive optimization is available. We provide a graphical symbolic debugger for Esterel. We also provide support for explicit or BDD-based verification tools that perform either bisimulation reduction or safety property checking.
Esterel is now experimentally used by several companies and taught in several universities. It has been chosen by the Polis group as one of their input languages for their hardware/software co-design system.
Esterel Compiler | Related Tools |
Getting Esterel v5_21. | BASICOPT: Esterel code optimizer (version 1.1) |
Release Notes. | Esterel Programs Verification Tools |
Known Bugs and Fixes. | Esterel mode for XEmacs |
An Esterel to TeX setting environment. | |
Synchronous Charts (SyncCharts): a visual representation of reactive behavior. | |
A Boolean datapath generator for Esterel programs | |
Java code generator | |
Program your Lego Mindstorms robot using Esterel or Lustre !!! |
The Esterel v5 Language Primer [
] [
Gérard Berry.
This document presents Esterel in a precise but informal way
that should make most users happy in their use of the language and system.
However, this is not a full-fledged reference manual. (Note: this document
is also delivered with the Esterel system.)
The Foundations of Esterel [
] [
Gérard Berry.
To appear in Proof, Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour
of Robin Milner, G. Plotkin, C. Stirling and M. Tofte, editors, MIT
Press, 1998.
Using Esterel and Formal Methods
to Increase the Confidence in the Functional Validation of a Commercial
Compressed PostScript ] [
] [
Joint work with Texas Intruments, Villeneuve-Loubet, France.
In proceedings of ERCIM workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial
Critical Systems, Trento, Italy, 1999.
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