Syrf tools for combination of synchronous formalisms

Welcome to Synchronous Reactive Programming and our tools working on DC common representation format ...
This page introduces tools developed at Inria Sophia-Antipolis in the Meije project to deal with DC format. DC format  is a common compilation format for synchronous reactive languages (Lustre, Signal, Mode Automata, Esterel). DC format is intended to promote combination of programming styles and merging of code from different synchronous formalisms, as well as
to allow sharing of software processors at this level.

Table of contents


Declarative code (DC for short) is intended to be a common exchange format shared by several synchronous languages.

In DC code, programs are expressed by equation systems handling valued flows and clocks in a data flow style. Esterel language has a clear constructive semantics into boolean equation systems and an internal compilation format SC to represent such systems. To compile Esterel programs into DC a processor scdc has been defined and is avalaible from this page.

Synchronous reactive languages can be compiled into hardware description languages and we implement a dchdl processor dedicated to this translation. The processor generates either Vhdl or Verilog code for reactive programs written in DC.

The SCDC processor


The scdc translator is dedicated to the compilation of Esterel programs into DC format. Esterel is a "control dominated" imperative language and during its compilation phasis control and data are strongly separated. Basically, a SC program is a boolean equation system raising actions (i.e operations on the memory) stored in a side action table. The scdc has to insert the action table into the boolean equation system to get a DC program. To be consistent with the DC semantics, the processor duplicates the variable each time it is written in an action raised from the equation system. As a consequence, the datapath of each memory variable is computed and the equation system is sorted wrt the data path of each variable. By the time, to sort the SC code a separate processor scsort has been defined and must be run before calling a scsdc processor. scsort and scsdc are provided together in the distribution. Typical use is:
    esterel -sc game.strl
    scsort > game.scs
    scsdc game.scs > game.dc or scsdc  -B game game.scs


The following options are interpreted by scsdc:
-version Print the version name on the standard error output stream and terminate ignoring all other arguments.
-info Print various informations about the processor compilation on the standard error output stream and terminate, ignoring all other arguments.
-access Print access rights to the processor on the standard error output stream and terminate, ignoring all other arguments.
-s Silent mode: perform parsing and type-checking but do not generate the sc code.
-v Verbose mode: print the name of each input module on the standard error stream.
-B <name> Specify an output file base name. The suffix ".dc" is added automatically (and possibly a working directory name --see the following option). If this option is omitted the output code is printed in file scdc_out.dc.
-D <directory> Specify a directory where the output file will be placed. The default is the current directory.
-import_action Import the SC action table in the DC code and generate actcall statements in the DC definition table instead of inserting actions from action table into SC boolean equations.
-header Generate an additional file (named game.header) to get the prototype of the node created in order to import it in a surround application.

Getting scdc

The scdc processor is available for the following architectures: Distributions contain scsort and scdc executable files and the manual page scdc.1. Just copy the executables in the <Esterel dir>/bin directory and the manual page in the <Esterel dir>/man/man1 directory.

Related publications

The DCHDL processor

  • Description
  • Options
  • Getting dchdl
  • Related publications

  • Description

    The dchdl processor generates either Vhdl or Verilog code for reactive programs expressed in DC format.

    The DC format belongs to the family of common formats for synchronous languages. It is a high level format dedicated to both the representation of data flow synchronous programs, and to boolean equational representation of imperative languages. It is used as internal format for programs written in Lustre, Signal and Esterel and so allows tools to be shared.
    The main object handled in DC format are flows. A program receives input flows and computes output flow, possibly using internal flows; each flow being computed wrt an activation condition(i.e. a boolean flow) acting as clock. Systems of flow definitions are structured into \fInodes\fR and nodes are themself gathered into packages.

    The dchdl processor translates each node of a package into a Verilog module or a Vhdl pair entity/architecture. For the time being, full DC format is not translated into HDL code. Some restrictions occur concerning procedure calls and sub node calls. Nevertheless, the DC format remains "abstract" since it supports external user defined types, constants and functions. So, concrete definitions of these external objects must be provided to complement the HDL code generated. Moreover, each external function call generates a verilog module call or a Vhdl function call, and so the user must supply the definition of such modules and functions. By default, dchdl generates Verilog code. Typical use is:

        dchdl game.dc


    The following options are interpreted bydchdl:
    -datafile Generates an include directive to import definitions of user types and constants declared in the DC node. The included file is named: node_name_data.v
    -8bit Declares integer being 8 bits length using a `define directive --Verilog only.
    -16bit Declares integer being 16 bits length using a `define directive --Verilog only.
    -32bit Declares integer being 32 bits length using a `define directive --Verilog only.
    -initial Generates an initial statement in order to initialize registers. This option is useful to enter simulators and some verification tools as smv model checker. --Verilog only.
    -sorted Generates the combinatorial part of the output code as a concurrent statement (within a process in Vhdl and within an always statement in Verilog). This option requieres the DC equation system to be sorted. Default is to generate a concurrent statement for each equation (i.e concurrent signal assignment in Vhdl and continous assignement in Verilog) which don't need the DC equation system being sorted.
    -vhdl Generates Vhdl output code instead of Verilog code (the default).

    Getting dchdl

    The dchdl processor is available for the following architectures: Distributions contain dchdl executable file and the manual page dchdl.1. Just copy the executables in the <Esterel dir>/bin directory and the manual page in the <Esterel dir>/man/man1 directory.

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    Send bug reports to Annie Ressouche.