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@PHDTHESIS{ , AUTHOR = {A. LEJAY}, TITLE = {M{\'e}thodes probabilistes pour l'homog{\'e}n{\'e}isation des op{\'e}rateurs sous forme divergence{~}: cas lin{\'e}aires et semi-lin{\'e}aires}, YEAR = 2000, SHOOL = {Universit{\'e} de Provence} } |
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@TECHREPORT{ , AUTHOR = {A. LEJAY}, TITLE = {Approche probabiliste de l'homog{\'e}n{\'e}isation des op{\'e}rateurs sous forme divergence en milieu p{\'e}riodique}, YEAR = 1998, INSTITUTION = {INRIA}, TYPE = {Rapport de recherche}, NUMBER = {3569} } |
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@UNPUBLISHED{ , AUTHOR = {A. LEJAY}, TITLE = {Homogenization of divergence-form operators with lower order terms in random media}, YEAR = 1999, NOTE = {Preprint} } |
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@UNPUBLISHED{ , AUTHOR = {A. LEJAY}, TITLE = {BSDE driven by Dirichlet Process and Semi-linear Parabolic PDE. Application to homogenization}, YEAR = 1999, NOTE = {Preprint} } |
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@TECHREPORT{ , AUTHOR = {P. SOUDAIS and A. LEJAY and V. GOBIN and P. LECA}, TITLE = {Calcul direct de matrice {$S$~:} motivations et m{\'e}thode. Formulation CFIE pour les fr{\'e}quences irr{\'e}guli{\`e}res}, INSTITUTION = {ONERA}, TYPE = {Rapport technique}, NUMBER = {RT 1/6196 DEMR/N}, YEAR = 1999, MONTH = march } |
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@TECHREPORT{ , AUTHOR = {A. BARKA and A. LEJAY}, TITLE= {SER modul{\'e}e par la rotation d'un moteur, pr{\'e}diction des modes coupl{\'e}s par les roues moteurs, prise en compte de plusieurs ensembles manches-moteurs, bases spectrales}, INSTITUTION = {ONERA}, TYPE = {Rapport technique}, NUMBER ={RT 41/3721 DEMR/Y}, YEAR = 1999, MONTH = june } |
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@INPROCEEDINGS{ , AUTHOR = {P. SOUDAIS and A. LEJAY and V. GOBIN}, TITLE = {A numerical evaluation of 3D EFIE, MFIE and CFIE formulations and the problem of spurious modes}, BOOKTITLE = {URSI Radio Science Symposium, Orlando july 1999}, ORGANIZATION = {URSI/IEEE}, YEAR = 1999, MONTH = july } |