Class KShortestPath

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KShortestPath
extends Object
implements Runnable

Provides a simple algorithm to find the K shortest distance between all nodes and the paths corresponding to theses nodes. We suppose that the graph contains no negative cycle (with a negative cycle, you can reduce the length of the path with no limits...)

Self-loops are allowed

This algorithm is made of three steps:
1)finding the shortest path between 2 nodes
2)erasing this path
3)finding the new shortest path between theses 2 nodes

There are two different ways of erasing a path (depending of the kind of paths we want to find : disjoint or not)

DISTANCE_MAX is a constant representing the maximum distance beetween two nodes (modelize the infinite value)
WEIGHT is a String allowing the access to the weight of an edge. It requires the edge to use the setValue method with the string KShortestPath.POIDS (equals to "poids"). You can change this value. If you use the GraphEditor software, you must put the value of the edge to poids by default.

WARNING: you may be faced with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError with big graph. You can solve this problem by increasing the amount of memory used by the JVM. By default, 64M are used for the virtual machine. By typing "java -Xmx$$$m", you will launch the JVM with $$$M of memory, allowing to compute bigger graph.

See Also:

Field Summary
static String WEIGHT
Constructor Summary
KShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph g)
          Construct a KShortestPath object that compute only the first shortest path
KShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph g, int k)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
static int getPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath chain)
          a static method to compute the length of an AbstractChain
 Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge e)
          allow the user to get the kshortest path for a demand request by an edge.
 Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src, mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest)
          allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes.
 Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src, mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest, int j)
          allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes.
 int[] getShortestPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src, mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest)
          allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method
 int getShortestPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src, mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest, int j)
          allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method
 void run()
          compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node
 void runNonDisjoint()
          compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but the paths obtained are non-disjoint
 void write(String file)
          WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory
 void writenonDisjoint(String file)
          WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path (non-disjoint) between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String WEIGHT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public KShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph g,
                     int k)
Default constructor. When constructed, execute the run function to compute the distances and path and then, get these results via other access method of the class.

g - the graph used by KShortestPath algorithm
k - the number of path we want to compute


public KShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractGraph g)
Construct a KShortestPath object that compute only the first shortest path

g - the graph used by KShortestPath algorithm
See Also:
KShortestPath(AbstractGraph g, int k)
Method Detail


public void run()
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable


public Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src,
                              mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest)
allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes. you must have launched the run method before calling this method

src - AbstractNode the source node
dest - AbstractNode the destination node
java.util.Vector the k AbstractChain composing the paths


public Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src,
                              mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest,
                              int j)
allow the user to get the kshortest path between 2 nodes. you must have launched the run method before calling this method

src - AbstractNode the source node
dest - AbstractNode the destination node
j - int the rank of the path we want to get
java.util.Vector the edges composing the path (a null AbstractEdge if no path)


public int[] getShortestPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src,
                                   mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest)
allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method

src - AbstractNode the source node
dest - AbstractNode the destination node
int[] the length of the paths (-1 if no path)


public int getShortestPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex src,
                                 mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractVertex dest,
                                 int j)
allow the user to get the length of the kshortest path between 2 nodes you must have launched the run method before calling this method

src - AbstractNode the source node
dest - AbstractNode the destination node
j - int the rank of the path we want to get
int the length of the path (-1 if no path)


public static int getPathLength(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractPath chain)
a static method to compute the length of an AbstractChain

chain - AbstractChain the path on which we want to find the length
int the length of the path (-1 if null path)


public void write(String file)
WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory

file - String the output file


public void writenonDisjoint(String file)
WARNING: this method is not implemented yet
compute the k shortest path (non-disjoint) between each pairs of node but write the results in a file instead of writing them in memory

file - String the output file


public void runNonDisjoint()
compute the k shortest path between each pairs of node but the paths obtained are non-disjoint


public Vector getShortestPath(mascoptLib.abstractGraph.AbstractEdge e)
allow the user to get the kshortest path for a demand request by an edge. you must have launched the run method before calling this method the demand is an edge reaching the start node and the end node

e - the edge considered for the path
java.util.Vector the k AbstractChain composing the paths (an empty Vector if no path)