This page describes the Perl Script used before 2008 to produce the activity report of INRIA. It is Chapter 4 of Tralics and the Raweb

4. The auxiliary perl script

The behavior of Tralics is not the same in Raweb mode or in normal mode. Raweb mode if entered if the document type (deduced from the options, the configuration file, and the document) is RA (or ra). In the case, the file name should be apics2006.tex, and the document class should be ra2006 (the year can be replaced by 2004, etc, provided that it is the same). If an XML file is created, it will be apics.xml and the year will be an attribute of the document element. If a TeX file is created, it will be named apics.tex, and it will use the raweb documentclass.

The auxiliary script starts like this

# additional header info here
print "(C) 2004 2006 INRIA, Jos\\'e Grimm, Team Apics\n";

All variables used by the program can be redefined by the `require' at the end of the file. If todo_ps is true (non-zero), then you want a preview (conversion from latex to dvi and Postscript). Otherwise, if todo_xml is true, you want conversion from latex to XML; this is done by Tralics. The post-processor allows you to check the XML (if todo_lint is true), convert it to HTML (if todo_html is true), to XMLFO (if todo_fo is true), and to Pdf or Postscript (if todo_tex is true). The variables are initialized like this.

$::todo_fo = 1;
$::todo_html = 1;
$::todo_tex = 1;
$::todo_lint = 1;
$::todo_ps = 0;
$::todo_xml = 1;

If you run Tralics on the file apics2006.tex, the preview will be in the file apics.tex (from the variable tex_file), while the XML file will be apics.xml (from the variable no_year). And the year is 2006. Other variable contain a percent sign. Make sure that Perl does not interpret them as a hash reference, since we will modify them later. (explanations here).

# Predeclare all variables here.
$::tralics_dir= "/user/grimm/home/cvs/tralics";
$::ra_year = "2006";
$::tex_file = "miaou";
$::no_year = "miaou";
$::generate_dvi = q/latex -interaction=nonstopmode %t/;
$::generate_ps = q/dvips %t.dvi -o;
$::makefo = 'xsltproc --catalogs -o %B %C';
$::makehtml ='xsltproc --catalogs  %B %C';
$::makepdf = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode %w';
$::makedvi = 'latex -interaction=nonstopmode %w';
$::dvitops = 'dvips %w.dvi -o';
$::checkxml = 'xmllint --catalogs --valid  --noout %C';

$::dtd_file = "raweb3.dtd"; # New in 2004.

The variables shown above are overwritten by the content of the, an example is given here. In particuler, the user-param file must give the name of the TeX file, and tralics_dir, the location where additional files are located.

4.1 Postscript mode

The objective is easy to understand: we have to call latex three times, then dvips; after the first call, we execute bibtex. Three auxiliary file are needed for bibtex: one is created by the footbib package, and one by the script. The last one is standard.

sub copy_and_exec {
  print "copy-and-exec for $::tex_file\n";
  open OUTFILE, ">$::no_year.refer.aux";
  print OUTFILE "\\bibstyle{rawebnum}\n";
  print OUTFILE "\\citation{*}\n";
  print OUTFILE "\\bibdata{$::no_year" . "_refer" . $::ra_year . "}\n";
  close OUTFILE;
  open LOGFILE, ">$::no_year.rh.log";
  call_bibtex ("","");
  call_bibtex (".refer","_refer");
  call_bibtex (".fb","_foot");
  close LOGFILE;
  print "(Transcript written on $::no_year.rh.log)\n";
  print "done\n";

This is an auxiliary routine that takes 5 arguments. The first one is a string to be evaluated (as explained below), it comes from the configuration file; the second argument is either `junk', or the name of a xslt file, it can be used by the evaluator of the argument. Then comes a boolean, if false nothing is done. Argument number four is a symbolic name of the command, and if the last argument is true, the command is executed twice.

If you do not want to generate PS, just put the empty string in $::generate_ps, because here, nothing is done if $template is empty.

sub interpret_and_launch {
  my ($template,$aux,$tr,$name,$twice) = @_;
  $_ = $template;
  return unless $_;
  launch_cmd($_,$tr,$name) if $twice;

This launches latex.

sub call_latex {

This launches bibtex. We do not use the interpret_str subroutine (if your executable is called BibTex, just edit the Perl script). There are three bibtex files, apics2006.bib, apics_foot2006.bib and apics_refer2006.bib. The procedure gets `apics' from $::no_year, the `2006' from $::ra_year, and what is between as second argument. The bibliography files are optional, so nothing is done in case the files do not exist. On the other hand, the auxiliary files have the same name as in section 3.1, without the year. For instance, it would be apics.fb.aux. The quantity between `apics' and `aux' is the first argument.

sub call_bibtex {
  my ($exta, $extb) = @_;
  my ($bib);
  $bib = "$::no_year$extb$::ra_year.bib";
  return unless -f $bib;
  $_ = $::no_year . $exta;
  print "bibtex -min-crossrefs=1000 $_\n";
  print LOGFILE "result of bibtex $_\n";
  `bibtex -min-crossrefs=1000 $_`;
  print "bibtex exit status $?\n";
  print LOGFILE "bibtex exit status $?\n";

This allows us to merge the transcript files of the different processes.

sub copy_to_log  {
  my($file) = @_;
  while (<INPUT>) {
    print LOGFILE;
  close INPUT;

This executes the first argument if the second is true. Everything printed on the screen is also copied in the transcript file. Note: this means that all messages of LaTeX are stored in a buffer and printed at end of job. Said otherwise, in case of trouble, you will see the error messages only after you abort the job.

sub launch_cmd {
  my ($cmd,$test,$name) = @_;
  if(! $test) {
    print LOGFILE "(not done) $cmd\n";
    print  "(not done) $cmd\n";
  print LOGFILE "$cmd\n";
  print "$cmd\n";
  print LOGFILE "-------------------------\nStart trace of $name\n";
  my $value;
  $value = `$cmd`;
  print LOGFILE $value;
  print $value;
  print LOGFILE "End trace of $name\n-------------------------\n";
  print LOGFILE "exit status of $name is $?\n";
  print "exit status of $name is $?\n";

The raweb directory of Tralics contains a lot of useful files. What we do here is to put a symbolic link for the following files: the three bst files, the class file, and the two logos (in PostScript and Pdf form).

Todo. Some files depend on the year, and other do not. In particular, raweb.cls and raweb.bst depend on the year. The class file contains the current year for headings, name of logo, name of foot bibliography, the bst file output warnings in case of a bad year. The name `raweb.bst' comes from the class file, this is easy to change, but the name of the document class is generated by Tralics.

sub link_some_files {
  link_src ("rawebalpha.bst");
  link_src ("raweb.bst");
  link_src ("rawebnum.bst");
  link_src ("raweb.cls");
  link_src ("Logo-INRIA-couleur.pdf");
  link_src ("");
  link_src ("LogoRA" . $::ra_year . ".eps");
  link_src ("LogoRA" . $::ra_year . ".pdf");

This takes three arguments, A, B and C. The effect is to make a symbolic link from file A in the source directory, in the directory B, to file C. Nothing is done if the target exists, or if the source does not exists.

sub link_file {
   $in = @_[0]; $out = @_[1]; $short_in = @_[2];
   $in = "$::raweb_dir/$in";
   `ln -s $in $out` if (-f $in && !-f "$out/$short_in");

Same as above, but B (the directory in which is put the link) is the current directory.

sub link_src {
   $short_in =@_[0];
    $in = "$::tralics_dir/raweb/$short_in";
   `ln -s $in` if (-f $in && !-f "$short_in");

Some other files come from the xml directory of Tralics, and neeed a different function.

sub link_xml {
   $short_in =@_[0];
   $in = "$::tralics_dir/xml/$short_in";
   `ln -s $in` if (-f $in && !-f "$short_in");

4.2 XML mode

This is done in XML mode. Note that Tralics creates a file named _hyperref.cfg that contains useful information. On the other hand, the hyperref.cfg file is used by the hyperref package. For this reason, we are a bit careful, when copying.

The script constructs also a TeX file, that reads the XML file (value of \xmlfile). This file loads the xmltex.tex package (by Carlisle) explicitly, and the fotex.xmt (by Rahtz) implicitly, according to some obscure rules. There are some scheduling problems; as a consequence, the file wapics.cfg loads the MathML stuff. The fotex.cfg file is loaded much too late (it is needed however, since it explains how to insert the Logo on the front page).

After these files are created, all the shell scripts are run.

sub exec_xml {
  if(!($::todo_html || $::todo_fo || $::todo_tex || $::todo_lint) ) {
    print "Postprocessor did nothing\n";
  print "exec-xml for $::tex_file\n";
  link_xml_files();# links files, for instance fotex.cfg 
  make_icons();# for HTML 
  if(-f "_hyperref.cfg") { # keywords and such 
    `rm hyperref.cfg`  if(-f "hyperref.cfg");
    `mv _hyperref.cfg hyperref.cfg`;
  my $name1 = "w" . $::no_year . ".cfg";
  my $name2 = $::tralics_dir . "raweb-cfg.sty";
  `rm $name1` if -f $name1;
  `ln -s $name2 $name1` if -f $name2;
  open OUTFILE, ">w$::no_year.tex";
  print OUTFILE "\\def\\xmlfile{$}\n";
  print OUTFILE "\\def\\LastDeclaredEncoding{T1}\n";
  print OUTFILE "\\input{xmltex.tex}\n";
  print OUTFILE "\\end{document}\n";
  close OUTFILE;

  open LOGFILE, ">$::no_year.rh.log";
  if($::todo_html) {
    `rm -rf $::no_year$::ra_year`;   # a bit aggressive? ;
    `mkdir $::no_year$::ra_year`;
  interpret_and_launch($::makefo,"raweb3fo", $::todo_fo,"makefo",0);
  interpret_and_launch($::makehtml,"rawebhtml", $::todo_html,"makehtml",0);
  interpret_and_launch($::makepdf,"junk", $::todo_tex,"pdflatex",1);
  interpret_and_launch($::makedvi,"junk", $::todo_tex,"latex",1);
  interpret_and_launch($::dvitops,"junk", $::todo_tex,"dvips",0);
  interpret_and_launch($::checkxml,"junk", $::todo_lint,"lint",0);
  close LOGFILE;
  print "(Transcript written on $::no_year.rh.log)\n";
  print "done\n";

Obtaining the Pdf from the XML requires the same logos. It also needs a hook: this is fotex.cfg. We also make sure that the DTD is visible. Maybe, we should have a raweb2004.dtd ?

sub link_xml_files {
  link_xml ($::dtd_file);
  link_xml ("fotex.cfg");
  link_xml ("fotex.sty");
  link_xml ("fotex.sty");
  link_xml ("raweb-uni.sty");
  link_xml ("fotex-add.sty");
  link_src ("Logo-INRIA-couleur.pdf");
  link_src ("");
  link_src ("LogoRA" . $::ra_year . ".eps");
  link_src ("LogoRA" . $::ra_year . ".pdf");

This routine creates a icons directory and links some files. The names of the icons that are needed can be found in the different styles sheets. Note that the HTML files are put in a directory below the current directory, so that it accesses them via ../icons/xx.png. As a result, if you call the script with different teams, the icons directory will be shared. This is only useful if you generate HTML.

sub make_icons {
  `mkdir icons` unless -d "icons";
  link_file ("icons/contents_motif.png", "icons", "contents_motif.png");
  # more lines omitted

The make_catalog routine copies the file catalog.src (found in the source directory) into the file named catalog. However, it does not overwrite it. The string source_directory is replaced by the source directory (check for $ENV at the end of the script).

sub make_catalog {
  return if -f "catalog";
  my $src_name = $::tralics_dir . "catalog.src";
  while (<INPUT>) {
    push(@file_string, $_ );
  $_ = join('',@file_string);
  return unless $_;
  open OUTFILE, ">catalog";
  print OUTFILE;
  close OUTFILE;

This is a very complicated procedure, whose purpose is to produce a file with the following two lines

PUBLIC "mathml" /user/grimm/home/cvs/tralics/xml/mathml2/mathml2.dtd
PUBLIC "teixlite" "/user/grimm/home/cvs/tralics/xml/teixlite.dtd" 

4.3 Evaluation of parameters

We have seen that the configuration file of Tralics contains lines like: makefo="xsltproc --catalogs -o %B %C";. These lines are copied verbatim in the file (with single quotes instead of double quotes). The lines are evaluated according to the following rules

sub interpret_str {
  my $B = @_[0];
  my ($Y,$S,$P) = ($::no_year,$::raweb_dir_src,$::tex_file);
  # hack here in case replacement contains %

4.4 End of

The file contains all variables and procedures shown above, maybe in a different order. The action of the script is given here. This read the user parameters (created by Tralics, possibly modified by the user). Since the file is read by `require' it should terminate with something that does not evaluate to zero.

require "";

It is important to export the catalog. It is also important to export the TEXMFCNF variable. For security reasons, it is better not to put this in the current directory. On the other hand, you need a huge pdflatex when reading XML.

  $ENV{SGML_CATALOG_FILES}= "./catalog";   
  $ENV{TEXMFCNF} = "$::tralics_dir" . "/xml:"
     . ( defined($ENV{TEXMFCNF}) ? "$ENV{TEXMFCNF}" : "");


if($::todo_ps) { copy_and_exec(); }
elsif ($::todo_xml) { exec_xml(); }

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