Options of the Tralics program
Tralics knows about many options, that start with a single or
double hyphen. Some options take an argument, that is placed just after the
option, the syntax option=argument, without spaces is allowed. You can also
use spaces (option, space, equals, space, argument). Some options are
shown with an underscore, it is optional.
They are the following, in alphabetic order:
- -confdir=prefix
- This is
a prefix for an alternate location of
tcf, ult, plt, and clt
files. More than one prefix can be given, all will be used (latest first).
Since version 2.11.4, the configuration file .tralics_rc
is searched in this list, if not found in the current directory.
- -compatibility
- Keeps compatibility with older versions.
- -config=FILE
- Use FILE instead of default configuration file.
This can be an absolute or relative pathname.
- -config_file=FILE
- Same as -config=FILE.
- -default_class=CLASS
- Assume that you compile a file
that has \documentclass{foo}; in this case, Tralics
tries to read the file foo.clt. No error is signaled if the file
cannot be opened. If you call Tralics with option
then bar.clt is loaded in the case
foo.clt does not exists; the
command \CurrentClass
will hold the name of the document class (here
), so that bar.clt knows how it was called.
- -distinguish_refer_in_rabib=true/false
This indicates whether, for the raweb, the
bibliography database
should be considered a normal file, or a subfile for the year database.
Values other than yes, no, true, false, are ignored. Default is yes.
The configuration may also
specify distinguish_refer_in_rabib=xx. In
case of conflit, the parameter is used. Values other than yes, no,
true and false are ignored.
Details are explained in section 2.8 Bibliography.
- -doctype=A-B
This specifies the DOCTYPE of the resulting XML document. Here A is
the name of the root element, B is the name of the DTD file. The two
quantities A and B are separated by a dash or a space (in this case,
quotes are needed, so that "A B" read as a single argument).
- -dualmath
- The LaTeX source of math formulas is added to the
MathML expression. This is the same as using \@nomathml=-3
in the document (see documentation)
- -entnames=yes/no
This tells Tralics to put α
or α in the XML output. If entity names are
used, the resulting XML file can be used only if the DTD explains how they are
defined. Since version 2.9, this option applies only to math characters, that
are described in the MathMM DTD.
- -etex
- This option enables e-TeX extensions.
Options are enabled by default.
- -find_words
- The list of all
words of the XML tree will be printed on the
file words, after translation
is complete.
- -help
- The list of main options are printed, and the program stops.
- -input_data = VALUE
- In this case Tralics translates the content of the argument
VALUE and prints the translation of all math formulas it sees (and nothing
else). No XML file is generated. No error is printed. The
transcript file is texput.log.
- -input_dir = DIR
- Specifies where source files are to be
found. This is a colon separated list of directories; current directory is
defined by an empty slot, or a single dot. It will be added to the end of
the list, unless present.
- -input_path = DIR
- Same as input-dir=DIR
- -input_file = FILE
- This tells Tralics to compile
file FILE (.tex suffix added if needed)
- -interactivemath, -i
- Special interactive mode,
in which characters are read from the terminal, instead a file,
and math formulas are printed on the screen. Input encoding is UTF-8
(it will be latin1 if option -latin1 comes
after option -i).
- -latin1
- This option means that input files are by default encoded
in iso-8859-1 mode (if the first line of the file contains
-*- coding: utf-8 it is read in UTF-8 mode).
- -leftquote=xxx
- Defines translation of left quote (or backquote);
see below under rightquote.
- -log_file = FILE
- This tells Tralics to put all messages and warnings in
FILE (extension .log added if not
given); the file is locate in the directory specified by
Defaut value is the name of the input file.
- -math_variant
- If you say -math_variant
then $\mathfrak B$ translates into
<mi mathvariant='fraktur' >B</mi>.
If you say -no_math_variant
then $\mathcal A$
translates into <mi>𝒜</mi>
or <mi>𝒜</mi>.
Before version 2.9.4, the result depended on the
font. The default is to use Unicode characters rather than attributes.
- -multi_math_label
This option sets the counter \multi@math@label to 1. By
default the counter is zero, and a math formula has at most one
equation number, so at most one label, anchored to
the <formula> element.
If the counter is 1, then a
math formula , for instance defined by the split environment, has an
equation number per row, and one label is allowed for
each <mrow> element. New in version 2.15.4
- -noconfig
- No configuration file will be used.
- -noentnames
- This is the same as entnames=no.
This tells Tralics to put α
rather than α in the XML output. See option
-entnames above.
- -noetex
- This option disables e-TeX extensions.
Options are enabled by default.
- -no_float_hack
- This option disables the postprocessor for
tables and figures.
- -nomathml
- Math formulas are output à la TeX, rather than using
MathML. This is the same as using \@nomathml=-1
in the document. (see documentation)
- -no_math_variant
This is the converse of -math_variant
described above.
- -no_multi_math_label
This is the converse of -multi_math_label
described above.
- -notrivialmath
- Inhibits trivial math hacks; see option
trivialmath below. Since version 2.8.5 the default
is trivialmath=1.
- -noundefmac
- If you issue this option, all commands will
be magically defined after the first error message saying that the command
is undefined.
- -nostraightquotes
- If you issue this option, the apostrophe
translates into character U+B4, as \textasciiacute. However,
the normal value is used in verbatim mode, when reading a file name, in an
URL, or in a construct like \char`\'.
- -noxmlerror
- This option inhibits creation of
<error/> elements in case of error.
These elements can be useful for
debugging, since they indicate the current position in the tree; on the
other hand, they could generate a second error, of the
form: expected element error.
- -nozerowidthelt
- In order to inhibit ligatures when converting XML
to Pdf some action is required: a special character (zero width space) is
added. This character appears sometimes as a normal-width-space. As a
consequence, the <zws/> is used (and the style
sheet that converts XML to HTML can ignore this element); If this switch is
used, character entity #x200B; is used instead of an
- -nozerowidthspace
- Translation of \verb=--= is
<hi rend='xml_in'>-​-​</hi>.
The ZeroWidthSpace character (or some element, see above)
is added so that, in case the XML file is
interpreted by a software like TeX, no en-dash ligature is created.
This behavior is inhibited by the switch.
- -oe8, -oe1, -oe8a, -oe1a
- This specifies output encoding, one of
UTF8 or latin1. Interpretation of the XML file is independent of the
encoding. If the letter a is given, then all non-7 bits characters are
printed as character references. Thus, the only difference between
option e8a and oe1a is the XML header line. Defaut encoding is UTF8.
- -oldphi
- This is a compatiblity option, which gives a wrong translation for \phi \varphi.
- -output_dir = DIR
- Specifies the directory in which output files are to be stored
(this concerns the main XML file, the transcript file, and other
files). By default, this is the directory containing the input file.
- -output_file = FILE
- This tells Tralics to put the result in
FILE (extension .xml added if not given).
[In the case of the raweb, this option is ignored]
- -param =FOO=BAR
- The effect is the same as if FOO="BAR" were in
the configuration file, after all other values. Syntax is a bit special:
both equal signs can be replaced by a space.
- -raw-bib
- If this option is givem, Tralics considers all
bibtex entry types alike. Otherwise, it may ignore irrelevant fields
(for instance, editor for a phdthesis).
- -rightquote= xxx
- Defines translation of right quote
(or apostrophe). Characters `(left quote) and ' (right quote) must have
category code 12 (other) otherwise some constructions fail. In verbatim mode,
(as well as in Urls) these characters behave normally; if doubled,
translation is U+201C and U+201D (“ and ”). Otherwise
you can change. If you say -leftquote=2018 and
-rightquote=2019 then characters U+2018 and U+2019 are used
(‘ and ’). Only base16 digits are allowed; the value should
be a number between 1 and 2^16 (otherwise default value is used).
- -shell-escape
- If you issue this command,
\write18{pwd} will execute the `pwd' command.
- -silent
- This makes Tralics less verbose (prints the title
of a `div0' instead of `div0' or `div1'; prints less statistics; omits image
- -te8, -te1, -te8a, -te1a
- This specifies encoding used in
transcript files. In the case of te8 or te8a, characters are printed using
UTF-8 format; in the case of te1 ot te1a, characters are printed using latin1
encoding. Characters are printed using the ^^^^abcd notation in case:
the value if greater than 255, and one of -te8a, -te1a is given, or
the character is not in proper range (32-126 plus 160-155) and te1 is given,
the character is smaller then 32. Note: horizontal tabulation, line-feed and
carriage return do not use the ^^ notation. Default: same as output encoding.
- -tpa_status=XX
- This flags controls what is to be translated if
the configuration file specifies a titlepage
(see description). If the value is `all', then
the whole document is translated; if the value is `title', only the titlepage
is translated; if the value is `config', action depends on the configuration
file (details can be found
Otherwise, translation stops in case of an error, continues otherwise.
Only the first character of the value is tested. Capital letters are allowed.
- -trivialmath=N
This sets the counter notrivialmath to N.
If N is 7, Tralics replaces
$12^{th}$ by 12\textsuperscript{th}, and handles
formulas like $x$ as `trivial math' formulas. Translation is
<formula type='inline'>
<simplemath>x</simplemath> </formula> instead of a more
complicated MathML expression. No MathML expression is created in
the case of $\alpha$ or $_{foo}$.
Default value of the counter is 1.
- -type=FOO
- Uses FOO instead of the \documentclass value
for the document type. If you say tralics -type ra hello,
this will read the ra.tcf file, enter
Raweb mode and fail; on the other hand,
if miaou2003.tex is a raweb file,
tralics -type ra2007 miaou2003 may fail
because the configuration file for year 2007 may be incompatible
with that of 2003.
- -usequotes
- This option converts double quotes into a pair of
single quotes,
either left quotes, or right quotes.
- -utf8
- This option means that input files are by default encoded
in UTF-8 mode (if the first line of the file
contains -*- coding: iso-8859-1 it is read in latin1 mode).
- -utf8output
- Same as option -oe8 -te8.
- -verbose, -v
- This makes Tralics more verbose. In particular,
you will see how Tralics determines the DTD. It executes
\tracingall (in the example of miaou, this prints 9233 lines
instead of 142 in the transcript file).
- -verbose-doc, -V
- The effect of this switch is to execute
\tracingall when \begin{document} is seen; this is
like the verbose switch, but you won't see all details of classes and
- -version
- Version number is printed; program stops.
- -year=XXXX
This option sets an internal count register, accessible via the command
The default value is the current year, with an offset: (for this purpose year 2005 starts at
May, 1st, and terminates at the last of April 2006). You cannot use
the option when compiling the Raweb, and the year is extracted from
the file name.
The following options were once used for the Raweb; they have been
removed in version 2.13.
- -all
- Is the same as -xml -xmlfo -xmlhtml -xmltex -xmllint.
- -check
This checks the syntax, but produces nothing (no XML, no LaTeX).
Does nothing outside Raweb mode.
- -dir=RADIR
This explains that RADIR is the directory
containing lots of stuff for the Raweb mode. In particular, it contains
a subdirectory confdir with the configuration file.
If this option is not used, the value of the shell
variable TRALICSDIR will be used instead.
- -external_prog=XXX
In this case XXX will be used instead
of rahandler.pl as interpreter for the raweb
actions defined by the xmlXXX switches.
- -hacknotitle
- If you give this option, Tralics
may replace \section{} by \section{Introduction}.
This is implied in raweb mode until 2006. The option was withdrawn in 2007:
using it has no effect on the translation.
- -interactivebib
- Withdrawn option.
- -nobibyearerror
- Useful in Raweb mode only. No error is
signaled if you cite a paper of year X in year Y when X and Y are not the same.
- -nobibyearmodify
- Useful in Raweb mode only. No modification
done if an entry is in the refer section instead of being in the year section.
Details are explained in section 2.8 Bibliography.
- -ps
This checks the syntax, creates a TeX file instead of
XML, and calls an external program to convert the TeX into PostScript.
Does nothing outside Raweb mode.
- -radebug
This option tells the Raweb checker to continue checking after the first
error instead of stopping immediately; note that the translator is not called
if the Raweb checker sees an error.
- -xml
This option asks Tralics to convert the TeX
source into an XML result. Is incompatible with options -check or -ps.
Is selected, when compiling the Raweb, if neither -ps nor -check is given.
- -xmlall
Is the same as -xml -xmlfo -xmlhtml -xmltex -xmllint.
- -xmlfo
This asks for the creation, via an external program,
of a xsl-fo file. It implies the -xml option. Is meaningful only in Raweb
mode, where an external program is launched.
- -xmlhtml
This asks for the creation, via an external program, of a set of HTML files.
It implies the -xml option. Is meaningful only in Raweb
mode, where an external program is launched.
- -xmllint
This checks, via an external program, the validity of the XML against the DTD.
It implies the -xml option. Is meaningful only in Raweb mode, where
an external program is launched.
- -xmltex
This asks for the conversion, via an external program, of the xsl-fo file to
a Pdf file. Implies -xml and -xmlfo. Is meaningful only in Raweb mode, where
an external program is launched.
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© INRIA 2004, 2006
Last modified $Date: 2015/12/15 09:13:31 $