Vladimir Komendantsky

PhD dissertation title: "Theory of inference in many-valued logics"

Dissertation for a degree of candidate of philosophical sciences with the speciality "Logic"

Language of the dissertation: Russian

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. S. Karpenko

Official opponents: Dr. O. M. Anshakov, S. L. Katrechko

Chief organisation: Department of Logic (Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University)

Defended at the Institute of Philosophy (Russian Academy of Sciences), Moscow, on October 23, 2003.

Short abstract. The aim of the dissertation research is to present a uniform approach to the theory of inference in many-valued logics by means of studying their semantices and calculi. The objects of the research are logical semantices of different kinds, logical calculi for many-valued logics, theories, where the concept of many-valuedness is formalised, and models of such theories.

PhD thesis abstract and contents (pdf)
Original PhD thesis autoreferat in Russian (pdf) (ps.gz)