Library smith_complements

This file is a complement of the file Smith.v of the CoqEAL library. We prove here the unicity of the Smith normal form of a matrix. The algorithm described in the file Smith.v takes a matrix M of type 'M_(m,n) and returns a triple (L,s,R) where s is the sequence such that diag_mx_seq m n s is the Smith normal form of M, and L and R are the transition matrices (i.e diag_mx_seq m n s = L * M * R). In this context we have the following definitions : Smith_seq M == The sequence s of the triple (L,s,R). Smith_form M == diag_mx_seq m n (Smith_seq M).

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Specification.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.
Variable E : euclidRingType.

Definition Smith_seq n m (M: 'M[E]_(n,m)) :=
   let: (L,d,R) := (Smith _ M) in
  if d is a :: d' then (\det L)^-1 * (\det R)^-1 *a :: d' else nil.

Definition Smith_form n m (M: 'M[E]_(n,m)) :=
   diag_mx_seq n m (Smith_seq M).

Lemma equiv_Smith n m (M: 'M[E]_(n,m)) : equivalent M (Smith_form M).

Lemma sorted_Smith n m (M: 'M[E]_(n,m)):
  sorted (@dvdr E) (Smith_seq M).

Lemma det_Smith n (M: 'M[E]_n) : \det (Smith_form M) = \det M.

Lemma size_Smith_seq n (M: 'M[E]_n) :
  \det M != 0 -> size (take n (Smith_seq M)) = n.

End Specification.

Section Preunicity.

Import GRing.Theory.
Import PolyPriField.

Variable E : euclidRingType.
Variables (s : seq E) (m n k : nat) (A : 'M[E]_(m,n)).

Hypothesis (Hk : k <= minn m n) (Hs: sorted %|%R s).
Hypothesis (HAs : equivalent A (diag_mx_seq m n s)).

Let widen_minl i := widen_ord (geq_minl m n) i.
Let widen_minr i := widen_ord (geq_minr m n) i.

Lemma minor_diag_mx_seq :
  let l := minn m n in
  forall (f g : 'I_k -> 'I_l),
  let f' i := widen_minl (f i) in
  let g' i := widen_minr (g i) in
  injective f -> injective g -> {subset codom f <= codom g} ->
  minor k f' g' (diag_mx_seq m n s) %= \prod_i s`_(f i).

Lemma prod_minor_seq :
  \prod_(i < k) s`_i =
   minor k [ffun x : 'I_k => widen_minl (widen_ord Hk x)]
   [ffun x : 'I_k => widen_minr (widen_ord Hk x)] (diag_mx_seq m n s).

Lemma minor_eq0l (R : comRingType) k1 m1 n1 (s1 : seq R) x :
  forall (f : 'I_k1 -> 'I_m1) g, n1 <= f x ->
  minor k1 f g (diag_mx_seq m1 n1 s1) = 0.

Lemma minor_eq0r (R : comRingType) k1 m1 n1 (s1 : seq R) x :
  forall f (g : 'I_k1 -> 'I_n1) , m1 <= g x ->
  minor k1 f g (diag_mx_seq m1 n1 s1) = 0.

Lemma eqd_seq_gcdr :
  \prod_(i < k) s`_i %=
  \big[(@gcdr E)/0]_(f : {ffun 'I_k -> 'I_m})
  (\big[(@gcdr E)/0]_(g : {ffun 'I_k -> 'I_n}) minor k f g (diag_mx_seq m n s)).

Lemma Smith_gcdr_spec :
  \prod_(i < k) s`_i %=
  \big[(@gcdr E)/0]_(f : {ffun 'I_k -> 'I_m})
   (\big[(@gcdr E)/0]_(g : {ffun 'I_k -> 'I_n}) minor k f g A) .

End Preunicity.

Section Unicity.

Import GRing.Theory.
Import PolyPriField.
Variable E : euclidRingType.

Lemma Smith_unicity n (A : 'M[E]_n) (s : seq E) :
  sorted %|%R s -> equivalent A (diag_mx_seq n n s) ->
  forall i, i < n -> s`_i %= (Smith_seq A)`_i.

End Unicity.

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